If you could have one killer removed from the game, who would it be?



  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    @friendlykillermain said:
    i wish to erect a memorial in the lerys memorial institute but the devs refuse dont they care about the sloughter

    We shall remember them. And laugh...

    ...Wait, not laugh. Nope. No laughing. No siree.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Eight said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    However the ones I play often go around checking jigsaw boxes and if they find you they'll go on a map wide chase just to secure a second hook.

    Dude, those boxes aren't cheap. We leave them lying around, exposed to the elements, and those damn crows are all up in there.

    So we make our rounds, to ensure that you have working jigsaw boxes when you need them. What do you do? You jump out on us, forcing a fight or flight reaction!

    exactly so then we install razor wire and interlocking razor safe guards but those misguided survivors think they have have to put their hands in those things! it horrifys me dont they know about the key hanging on the back?

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Eight said:

    @friendlykillermain said:
    i wish to erect a memorial in the lerys memorial institute but the devs refuse dont they care about the sloughter

    We shall remember them. And laugh...

    ...Wait, not laugh. Nope. No laughing. No siree.

    we need to set up tours to schools and shelters and tell them that when a beartrap is put on your head if you try to leave it will snap think of the lives well save

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Eight said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    However the ones I play often go around checking jigsaw boxes and if they find you they'll go on a map wide chase just to secure a second hook.

    Dude, those boxes aren't cheap. We leave them lying around, exposed to the elements, and those damn crows are all up in there.

    So we make our rounds, to ensure that you have working jigsaw boxes when you need them. What do you do? You jump out on us, forcing a fight or flight reaction!

    exactly so then we install razor wire and interlocking razor safe guards but those misguided survivors think they have have to put their hands in those things! it horrifys me dont they know about the key hanging on the back?


  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Peasant said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Eight said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    However the ones I play often go around checking jigsaw boxes and if they find you they'll go on a map wide chase just to secure a second hook.

    Dude, those boxes aren't cheap. We leave them lying around, exposed to the elements, and those damn crows are all up in there.

    So we make our rounds, to ensure that you have working jigsaw boxes when you need them. What do you do? You jump out on us, forcing a fight or flight reaction!

    exactly so then we install razor wire and interlocking razor safe guards but those misguided survivors think they have have to put their hands in those things! it horrifys me dont they know about the key hanging on the back?


    @Peasant said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Eight said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    However the ones I play often go around checking jigsaw boxes and if they find you they'll go on a map wide chase just to secure a second hook.

    Dude, those boxes aren't cheap. We leave them lying around, exposed to the elements, and those damn crows are all up in there.

    So we make our rounds, to ensure that you have working jigsaw boxes when you need them. What do you do? You jump out on us, forcing a fight or flight reaction!

    exactly so then we install razor wire and interlocking razor safe guards but those misguided survivors think they have have to put their hands in those things! it horrifys me dont they know about the key hanging on the back?


    of course didn't they read the pamphlets i mailed?

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Peasant said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Eight said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    However the ones I play often go around checking jigsaw boxes and if they find you they'll go on a map wide chase just to secure a second hook.

    Dude, those boxes aren't cheap. We leave them lying around, exposed to the elements, and those damn crows are all up in there.

    So we make our rounds, to ensure that you have working jigsaw boxes when you need them. What do you do? You jump out on us, forcing a fight or flight reaction!

    exactly so then we install razor wire and interlocking razor safe guards but those misguided survivors think they have have to put their hands in those things! it horrifys me dont they know about the key hanging on the back?


    @Peasant said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Eight said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    However the ones I play often go around checking jigsaw boxes and if they find you they'll go on a map wide chase just to secure a second hook.

    Dude, those boxes aren't cheap. We leave them lying around, exposed to the elements, and those damn crows are all up in there.

    So we make our rounds, to ensure that you have working jigsaw boxes when you need them. What do you do? You jump out on us, forcing a fight or flight reaction!

    exactly so then we install razor wire and interlocking razor safe guards but those misguided survivors think they have have to put their hands in those things! it horrifys me dont they know about the key hanging on the back?


    of course didn't they read the pamphlets i mailed?

    Wait, the pamphlets were inside those envelopes I've been getting? Golly, I've just been burning them!

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Peasant said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Peasant said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Eight said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    However the ones I play often go around checking jigsaw boxes and if they find you they'll go on a map wide chase just to secure a second hook.

    Dude, those boxes aren't cheap. We leave them lying around, exposed to the elements, and those damn crows are all up in there.

    So we make our rounds, to ensure that you have working jigsaw boxes when you need them. What do you do? You jump out on us, forcing a fight or flight reaction!

    exactly so then we install razor wire and interlocking razor safe guards but those misguided survivors think they have have to put their hands in those things! it horrifys me dont they know about the key hanging on the back?


    @Peasant said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Eight said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    However the ones I play often go around checking jigsaw boxes and if they find you they'll go on a map wide chase just to secure a second hook.

    Dude, those boxes aren't cheap. We leave them lying around, exposed to the elements, and those damn crows are all up in there.

    So we make our rounds, to ensure that you have working jigsaw boxes when you need them. What do you do? You jump out on us, forcing a fight or flight reaction!

    exactly so then we install razor wire and interlocking razor safe guards but those misguided survivors think they have have to put their hands in those things! it horrifys me dont they know about the key hanging on the back?


    of course didn't they read the pamphlets i mailed?

    Wait, the pamphlets were inside those envelopes I've been getting? Golly, I've just been burning them!

    well of course along with a spare key in case you couldn't find a box and a handwritten letter assuring you we just want friends. the pamphlet will teach you all of what you need to know like the fact you can just push the exit gates apart theirs no stopping mechanism and if you just ask to go home will provide a all expenses paid trip back to the mortal plane.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @The_Crusader said:
    Mine would have to be The Pig. I really hate playing against her the most.

    Every game is either...

    1) They crouch and camp the hook

    2) They throw the game just to tunnel the hell out of whoever they've put the RBT on.

    Man, I find Pig players more toxic than even the t-bagging P3 claudettes with Decisive and purple flashlight.


  • Parity
    Parity Member Posts: 28
    The doctor 1000%

    Skill checks hard when shocked, his range absurdly wide radius, random screams that cannot be prevented. Then if the killer adds a hex to it all nobody will get generators done.
  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    Billy for his lack of skill to be okay with, you need some to be great but he definitely feels like h makes winning easier.

    Freddy would, be the other because I hate going against him, and his power doesn’t make sense to me. His power should let him entire the real world when his obsession is asleep. Also his power should add a terror/fear effect.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    I am kicking myself saying this, but it would have to be the Doctor, for the same reasons that I love playing him. When he finds you, pretty much the only thing to do is try to loop him. Dealing with skill checks in the middle of nowhere (screen wise) isn't fun, and you literally never know what's going to happen. Don't get me wrong, he's my #1 Killer, followed closely by Huntress, but if I had to remove a killer for gameplay reasons, it would have to be him.

    Appearance wise though, Clown. Hands downs (I have coulrophobia IRL, so he seriously unsettles me, even if I have somewhat gotten used to him.)

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Betterbilly, since he has no role or identity. He actually tilts me, when i see his killer profile picture.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    I dont dislike any of the killers enough to want them too be removed so this is a hard question to answer for me atleast. In the spirit of this question i would have to say Freddy. Not that i have an issue playing against him but to me he seems like a pointless killer for that very reason. His existence is pointless because he has such a heavy disadvantage. He is incredibly weak and not worth spending the money to get. You would only play him because you like who he is within popular culture but as far as projecting any sort of meaningful power over the survivors he has nothing.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    I'm amazed at the blatant lack of 'NURSE' as well as the alarming amount of 'BILLY'... I'm a billy main and when i picked him up, he was the absolute worst killer in the game. Wraith was OP as hell. Trapper was everyones favorite. You could let everyone escape and still two pip. Killers and survivors all said 'gg' and laughed about the game. The same ppl i killed in the last match were inviting me to play SWF in the next match. "Tbagging" wasn't even a term used in the game yet. Man... Those were good days.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Lol Billy can be an annoying sod. He one hits you, zooms to the other end of the map, insta-downs someone else, you get unhooked and hes back on top of you in like 2 seconds.

    Don't even get me started on him with tinkererer on an open level. You're sat all peaceful on a gen then all of a sudden he bursts through the door with "HERE'S BILLY!!"
  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624


    Yeah. Billy can be annoying as hell. Any killer can with the right loadout. But if you have a fair killer that doesn't play like a complete #########, it can be a fun game. I've had great games against billies that didn't feel compelled to camp and tunnel. I've had ######### games against douchebag wraiths and freddys and pigs.

  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355
    Billy. He is a pain in the ass. Lately I'm suffering a spam of Coldwind+Billy games... The one hit is annoying even worst his map control. 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    chococri said:
    Billy. He is a pain in the ass. Lately I'm suffering a spam of Coldwind+Billy games... The one hit is annoying even worst his map control. 
    Since this event started they're everywhere lol. Sometimes every 2/3 games are against a Billy.
  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    @chococri said:
    Billy. He is a pain in the ass. Lately I'm suffering a spam of Coldwind+Billy games... The one hit is annoying even worst his map control. 

    Just use windows or closets to force him to hit you once then he cant insta down you but it got harder after vault nerf . Also considering ping is on killers side ...

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    The killer I like the least is Freddy, so I have to say him, but Billy is also very annoying at high ranks.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @Malakir said:
    RSB said:

    Freddy, I can't stand the look in his eyes, while he is suffering.


  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @The_Crusader said:
    Mine would have to be The Pig. I really hate playing against her the most.

    Every game is either...

    1) They crouch and camp the hook

    2) They throw the game just to tunnel the hell out of whoever they've put the RBT on.

    Man, I find Pig players more toxic than even the t-bagging P3 claudettes with Decisive and purple flashlight.

    I'd remove SWF. Seems most high rank games they kill any fun.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918

    Nurse. I don't care how much skill she takes to learn, she breaks the natural mechanics of the game. She ignores any kind of game mechanics designed to combat the killer, pallets are nearly useless and if you're on the Game Map, say goodbye to your sorry self unless its a day 1 nurse. In my experience Nurses either slug too much, which is totally unfair, you're already a dayum nurse or hook babysit; Blink away from the hook until rescue and the second your feet hit the ground she blinks back. To top that off, she is always making crazy hits that shouldn't even land. Her lunge is ridiculous. Banish that bish. The number one thing that CAN combat her is hiding and breaking line of sight, and then they gave her stridor. Is this a joke? I feel like she was the creation of one of the devs who had a bad day playing as killer. If I had a second choice it would be the clown.

  • lilweenus
    lilweenus Member Posts: 4

    Bing Bong Boi always camps people when they’re on the hook. But I still ly BBB

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    @feechima said:
    Nurse. I don't care how much skill she takes to learn, she breaks the natural mechanics of the game. She ignores any kind of game mechanics designed to combat the killer, pallets are nearly useless and if you're on the Game Map, say goodbye to your sorry self unless its a day 1 nurse. In my experience Nurses either slug too much, which is totally unfair, you're already a dayum nurse or hook babysit; Blink away from the hook until rescue and the second your feet hit the ground she blinks back. To top that off, she is always making crazy hits that shouldn't even land. Her lunge is ridiculous. Banish that bish. The number one thing that CAN combat her is hiding and breaking line of sight, and then they gave her stridor. Is this a joke? I feel like she was the creation of one of the devs who had a bad day playing as killer. If I had a second choice it would be the clown.

    Nurse is not king of slugging

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918

    @Slayer said:

    @feechima said:
    Nurse. I don't care how much skill she takes to learn, she breaks the natural mechanics of the game. She ignores any kind of game mechanics designed to combat the killer, pallets are nearly useless and if you're on the Game Map, say goodbye to your sorry self unless its a day 1 nurse. In my experience Nurses either slug too much, which is totally unfair, you're already a dayum nurse or hook babysit; Blink away from the hook until rescue and the second your feet hit the ground she blinks back. To top that off, she is always making crazy hits that shouldn't even land. Her lunge is ridiculous. Banish that bish. The number one thing that CAN combat her is hiding and breaking line of sight, and then they gave her stridor. Is this a joke? I feel like she was the creation of one of the devs who had a bad day playing as killer. If I had a second choice it would be the clown.

    Nurse is not king of slugging

    @Slayer said:

    @feechima said:
    Nurse. I don't care how much skill she takes to learn, she breaks the natural mechanics of the game. She ignores any kind of game mechanics designed to combat the killer, pallets are nearly useless and if you're on the Game Map, say goodbye to your sorry self unless its a day 1 nurse. In my experience Nurses either slug too much, which is totally unfair, you're already a dayum nurse or hook babysit; Blink away from the hook until rescue and the second your feet hit the ground she blinks back. To top that off, she is always making crazy hits that shouldn't even land. Her lunge is ridiculous. Banish that bish. The number one thing that CAN combat her is hiding and breaking line of sight, and then they gave her stridor. Is this a joke? I feel like she was the creation of one of the devs who had a bad day playing as killer. If I had a second choice it would be the clown.

    Nurse is not king of slugging

    She may not be the King, but she sure as hell is the Princess. I think maybe it's easier for nurses because most rock Nurse's Calling. Once she slugs one you go to heal them and she's on you for another slug, rinse and repeat. Hopefully, with recovery at 95% people will be able to get other survivors up faster.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I'm tempted to change my answer to Trapper you know.

    It's not that I don't like his abilities, its just that trappers tunnel like mad.

    You go for the unhook and you can hear his heartbeat constantly. Or it goes away for 5 seconds then comes back.

    Every single trapper ever just circles the hook at 20-40meters just waiting for the unhook so they can come running back to attack the injured guy.

    It's so boring. So predictable. I groan everytime I see he's the Killer because you know exactly how the match will play out.

    I used to play Trapper a lot and I never had to tunnel. Was too busy learning where to trap and chasing people into loops I had trapped.
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    feechima said:

    Nurse. I don't care how much skill she takes to learn, she breaks the natural mechanics of the game. She ignores any kind of game mechanics designed to combat the killer, pallets are nearly useless and if you're on the Game Map, say goodbye to your sorry self unless its a day 1 nurse. In my experience Nurses either slug too much, which is totally unfair, you're already a dayum nurse or hook babysit; Blink away from the hook until rescue and the second your feet hit the ground she blinks back. To top that off, she is always making crazy hits that shouldn't even land. Her lunge is ridiculous. Banish that bish. The number one thing that CAN combat her is hiding and breaking line of sight, and then they gave her stridor. Is this a joke? I feel like she was the creation of one of the devs who had a bad day playing as killer. If I had a second choice it would be the clown.

    She has the same lunge as the other killers. From mine point of view (when playing as her), her weapon ALWAYS goes through survivors. It's just a visual "glitch".
  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    After a solid weekend of grinding survivor and thinking about this, I would have to say Wraith. I know I just got unlucky but I had 4 rounds with Wraiths rocking no bell add-ons and it was basically just surprise, run, suprise run.

    I don't know what it is but I just don't enjoy playing against the Wraith at all.

  • Salty_Huntress
    Salty_Huntress Member Posts: 151
    Easy doctor 
  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371
    I would get rid of wraith aka bing bong boy. His speed boost after uncloacking is ridiculous and he can block pallets when cloaked so by the time you get to the other side, his speed boost and lunge allows him to still hit you.