"Leatherface is OP"

Whilst I'm a survivor main, when I play killer I'm a Hillbilly main, but I play a lot of Leatherface as well. When I was playing Leatherface last night I received a lot of messages from survivors saying that "Leatherface is OP".

I expect to hear that from a rank 10 or rank 15 survivor, but I was getting these messages were from red rank and rank 5 survivors. I even had one survivor who thought Leatherface was a stronger version of Hillbilly.

Of course I do not think Leatherface is OP, in my opinion Leatherface is the second weakest killer game. Whilst he has an insta down, he lacks in map pressure potential.

I couldn't believe how many survivors actually believe that Leatherface is over powered, if you are someone that thinks Leatherface is overpowered, please explain your reasoning behind it.


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Probably just people who can't lose and always have to blame either the game or someone else for losing.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Every killer is OP against trash survivors. Yesterday my "red rank" teammates lasted 15 seconds in every chase against leatherface. Ranks are absolutely meaningless so you can expect that sort of stuff in all ranks.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    People who think Leatherface is OP are boosted.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Here is the problem,

    ranks do not say much due to the system being flawed in literally everything. Red rank does not mean a player is good, just that he can do stuff the devs do want him to do. That however by no means also means that it is actually a skilled player.

    This is another negative side effect which the devs did not consider at all when showing off their ruin rework. New survivor players will have an easier time advancing in the ranks, meeting killers they should not meet at all, being teammates for people who will be frustrated as a result because these new players will not last long in a chase... honestly i think they just want all those potatoes in the red ranks so they can say nah no problem with gen speeds or map design see how many red rank survivors die.

  • phoenixvfire
    phoenixvfire Member Posts: 2

    Whenever I enter a game as survivor against Leatherface I just assume we'll lose tbh... I always find myself in the wrong place at the wrong time against him, it's terrible. I know I'm newer to the game, and still learning everything but jeez the morale just drops when I see him on the field. And I know the tips against him are like windows, trees, tight corners, etc... but like??? Most Leatherfaces I go up against dont really struggle by any nonsense and then the whole team is insta downed in a few minutes. Also, how he apparently slows down when he revs up but like... i feel like i hardly notice that cuz he's still right behind my butt lol

    Honestly, I'm ready to enter a new game once I see him. 😐️ /shrug

    Maybe someday ill get good but for now, he's one of the few killers I can't stand going against. I personally don't play Killer, and it's not that I don't want to, cuz i genuinely find a lot of the killers to be cool as heck but I just dont like playing alone, it's not as fun :/

  • Liqhtninq
    Liqhtninq Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2021

    He's high tier, definitely not the second weakest killer in the game like you say. He has all survivors exposed with no prerequisites from start to finish unlike every other killer. I can see why people would say that is OP. Especially low ranks.

    If I was to change him I'd make it so he can't use his chainsaw all game and have it run outta fuel or something.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited January 2021

    Mostly survivors who hide in the open with no protection will complain about the one killer who can punish out positioned survivors. not surprised you see them in red ranks, they are boosted sneaky lads

    edit: why the ######### is this thread being responded on, didn't pay attention to the date xd

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    There are only 2 Leatherface strategies available:

    • Tape Keyboard to head + Bash Mouse with forehead = Profit
    • Keyboard + Mouse + Cat + Afk = Profit
  • Liqhtninq
    Liqhtninq Member Posts: 94

    Nah I didn't realize it was gravedug, due to it being the same month and I'm not used to it being 2021 haha.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    Bubba is not op, the problems is the low skill survivor in red ranks. 90% of survivor are trash . I stop play solo q because is imposible play with randoms. To be red rank farm 2 o 3 hooks do 1 health and gen drop 2 o 3 pallets if u scape u pip i u died u don't lose a pip. Bubba with bambozze and ruin undying bbq cam be strong but ez to gen rush if survivor have skill. As a killer have a bad game is make 2k because u got hadonfield or rotten maps. Matching need a fix but the cost y more wait time in q.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Bubba isn't op, but he isn't hard to play either. He is pretty easily countered by going through windows and gaining distance by just holding w. Hugging loops as tight as you can so if he decides to chainsaw there is a chance he might bump, and go into a tantrum. The problem with him, is that he is just really simple to play. Most survivors still do extremely poorly against him. Him and freddy are 2 killers I can easily play at rank 1 and still win 90% of the time without perks and addons.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Obviously Perfect?