Does everybody just hate basement now?

In a lot of posts I've been seeing that people have now started to hate basement for whatever reason. Could just be recency bias, but it seems to be getting a lot more common.
I personally don't have anything against it, typically if you get hooked there it's your own fault.
I guess they had a few matches up against a trapper, hag, or bubba? I honestly have no idea where the hate for it came from.
Didn’t you know? Every month there’s a new thing people want nerfed.
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Apparently so, usually there's at least a reason for it. Like how people hated billy, but really they hated his instasaw addons.
But it seems like there's no basis for these complaints.
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It doesn't seem to be a lot of talk. I've seen posts only in that thread about outdated mechanics or something. And, to be fair, I don't think it's a new thing. I doubt basement has ever had that many fans. Except maybe for Bubba and Lisa.
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People who want the basement removed want the game to be made easier so they don't have to be aware of their surrounding. I make a note of where the basement is at the start of the match and I do my best to get the nearest gen to it completed as fast as possible. Once that is done, it's easy to avoid.
Problem is, most of the people I am grouped with never consider the locations of gens they're working on and just rush the first ones they see. Then they get mad at the killer for the self inflicted 3-gen and I have actually seen people cuss out the killer in end game chat for not going through with chases and rushing back to protect the gens.
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Some people think it's dated because you used to be able to perma sabo hooks and now you can't so therefore it should be removed.
That logic is of course ridiculous; but that's been one common reason used.
It's mostly just because people did not pay attention and got basemented and died first hook because of it; and then came to the forums or such to complain about basement lol.
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People have hated the basement since the beginning of time
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I LOVE the basement. Nothing is more intense than saving someone from there for me other than end game NOED. lol
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If I'm injured, I rather run away as far as possible from the basement, and get hooked somewhere else.
Other ppl go to the basement for the chest and try to loop them at the shack, than gets hooked at the basement. Than cuss out his team for not coming for a 3 man rescue.
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Basement has always been a frightening place. That why it's important to know where the basement is (and there's only 2 places it can spawn on most maps) and not go down near it.
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Basement is awesome. Personally I think killers should be able to drag survivors down the stairs instead of carrying them down like a married couple.
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There's nothing recent about it, it's been hated pretty much since forever. It's just that the second chance meta screws over basement* so it just exists to ######### over teams that aren't running exactly the kind of build that basement camping killers complain about being OP.
And on the killer side, anyone that doesn't camp basement ######### hates it because it takes so damn long to hook a survivor down there but it also takes up hook spawns so half the time you're practically forced to trudge all the way down just to hook someone, while hoping someone isn't at the pallet, then all the way back out before you've re-entered the trial. Seriously, if I could disable basement as killer I totally would, it's so not worth it unless you're hardcore camping as Hag, Twins or Trapper.
*Edit: to clarify, that's the reason people don't really talk about it: it's insanely situational so you don't often go against it.
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The only time I hate basement is when the killer runs agitation and or iron grasp and is hellbent on taking you there even if you go down far away from it. These are typically bubbas, trappers and hags but quite rare.
In these instances I just hope for the match to end quickly because legit basement camping builds are painful to sit through.
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As a survivor... I can tell you there are times I jump into the main bldg as I'm being chased, get downed and see, TA DA! The Basement. I cringe when that happens. Granted, I am also one of those survivors that likes to enter the basement to get the chest. So whatever.
As Killer, on a lot of maps, the basement is not in a convenient place. I like using it, but rarely get the chance. When I do though, I usually get to chase off the first survivor to attempt to rescue and then run back just as the survivor gets rescued by someone else. Hopefully a survivor without BT. Things can snowball really fast there compared to other hooks.
It is what it is. I don't see a reason to hate it. It can be a boon, but only in the right and usually rare situation.
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It's one of the only killer sided structures in the game. That could be a factor.
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I do that with clown all the time. Add some spies in the shadows and you got yourself a party.
Honestly its just really fun to try and keep you all down there. It's also super funny to toss a poison cloud at all of you at once. It doesn't help I'm a huge fan of The People Under The Stairs.
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As survivor I'm definitely not thrilled to get hooked in the basement because I know my odds of being camped or left on first hook just increased but I don't hate it. Once I know where the basement is I do my best to avoid it while being chased. I've escaped a bunch thanks to killers that were being stubborn wanting to hook everyone in basement and refused to hook me on nearby hook not in basement - I've ended out making it to the hatch after breaking free multiple times because of this. I also like that it's free points being down there when killer is afk.
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No once you play long enough and you get hooked in the basement you realize how strong It Is. A trap killer or a instadown or a huntress absolutely wrecks. Huntress and bubba can ignore bt if they hit soon enough. Without BT you either go down or your teammate leading to more situations like that. Especially in a basement like wreckers yard. Although I don't think many explicitly HATE basement. I dont like it and when I play killer I never let free escapes happen unless when I'm in chase or doing more important things because I don't feel the need to rush back to a hook to take advantage of a strong hooking spot. Idk I hope that kinda answers your question
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The basement is a terrible and outdated mechanic that only encourages proxy camping and basically confirms a survivor dies against some killers (Twins, Hag, Trapper, Huntress, Leatherface). Usually if Huntress or Leatherface are camping the basement there is no point whatsoever in going for a save, that survivor might as well be dead. Hag can do it without even being near the basement because lmao cool power design. And if it's a Trapper, 80% of the time that's his only win condition, and once someone's in the basement against Trapper you rush gens and get out or everyone's going in the basement and not getting back out. It's more evidence that Trapper needs some serious buffs.
So yeah the basement is dumb. The best thing they could do is to change it to a row of 4 unsabo-able hooks along the shack wall, opposite the window so it doesn't get in the way of killer powers.
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As Killer i feel like its a waste of time, most of the time. When i hook someone in the basement i have to pressure people elsewhere or commit to this one hook in the basement and i usually go for the pressure if i don't want to lose multipile gens. So going downstairs for a hook is not valuable if you don't want to play around the basement.
As Survivor it's not really fun to get out of the basement against certain killers or if the killer straight up stands at the stairs theres not really something you can do usually unless everybody just brings in a lot of strong perks.
I don't like basement overall but i would not ask for it to be removed either. It can help you win games sometimes as killer but it's a waste of time in most cases and a fun destroyer for survivor.
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What? I love the basement. I get a guaranteed chest in the basement every time.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of the basement to be a deathtrap? Isn't it supposed to be a high risk high reward play to go down there? I agree that in general the basement is way easier to camp (especially if the killer has Insidious). but all the killers you mentioned (except Trapper and Huntress) pretty much guarantee a kill by camping anyways. And just like camping in any other area would do, the killer loses so much map pressure when they face camp or proxy camp a basement hook, which is practically giving survivors gens.
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The only thing that I dislike about the basement is basement Trapper.
Aside from that though it's completely fine.
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It definitely is a deathtrap, but it was also designed to be like that during an era where the game was a lot different and when also the devs had in mind a different game than the direction they took later on in development. So, I can see where certain complaints are coming from.
Consider, for example, that there was an old loading screen tip, now removed, that suggested to trap all the entrances to the shack to make basement rescues more difficult. There were also infinites back then, permanent sabo (except for basement) and all kind of shenanigans that made survivors a lot stronger. So, beside being thematically relevant, the basement was somewhat the killer version of the op structures that sorta mirrored what survivors had at their disposal. Since then, much has changed regarding survivors' defensive and offensive options. However, as far as I can remember, the only significant change basement has received was to remove the ability to bodyblock the stairs, which used to make getting out literally impossible. And, if I'm not mistaken, that was changed to prevent hostage situations more than anything else.
Also, I don't know about the high risk high reward. I find snowballing from the basement to be somewhat easy. Especially, if you can bait the first rescue attempt, which is not really hard unless you go against a literal gens-before-friends depip squad. Gens will basically come to a halt and, depending on what killer you're playing, only a very good team loaded up on meta perks can break that strategy.
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It's high risk but what's the reward? Boldness bloodpoints? There isn't one. And I did mention that camping means to rush gens but just because it makes the killer lose, doesn't make it magically ok or good for the game in any way. I can't think of a single good reason for the basement to still exist other than it being Trapper's way to win a match.
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If I came off as saying camping is ok, that isn't what I meant.
Also, boldness bloodpoints are like the best reward, you might be able to get a full brown medkit after the match and that's just amazing!