Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Devs, give us one good reason not to just quit against SWF.



  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Wait. Talking on comms is cheating? Since when?

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited January 2021

    Oddly enough I find SWF matches way more fun than solo ones. They're usually much more engaging and survivors're willing to go for more risky plays, which lets me also do the same and try fun things. I usually do against 4 solos. Everyone plays ultra-safe and splits up on gens and everyone gets out in 5 minutes. Basically if it's a SWF they're usually more altruisitic and I'm not punished as much in the early game if I screw up, but if I mess up against 4 good solo Q players at the beginning, I've already lost.

    Plus dodging a lobby just because people are playing with their friends is kinda petty lmao. Unless for example you forgot to select a challenge or something (Because we still can't change challenges or look at the store in the pre-game lobby, a feature which would be greatly appreciated. Or just the ability to queue and look around in the menus until a match is found, it's 2021 every single multiplayer game has this feature except DbD)

  • Neutronix
    Neutronix Member Posts: 14

    problem with your Argument is that Bugs or exploints arent intended unlike the discord Server, right? and the Filters are infact not cheating, It's just a filter, the game isnt based on the darkness its about chases, gens and sometimes hiding but these Filter or talking with each other does not stand for being a cheater

  • Neutronix
    Neutronix Member Posts: 14

    its not they're just crying because they cant handle challenges, I mean its totally fine and all but then maybe dead by daylight isnt meant for them

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Oh wait, by your logic, why do people in mobas or shooter, create smurf accounts all the time? They don't want to have a challenge all the time. And not play against cheating voice com swf, that have a huge advantage over solo survs, that can eat dirt.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Because you'll get a dc penalty

  • Neutronix
    Neutronix Member Posts: 14

    most of them create smurfs to be able to Play with their friends, Valorant or Csgo have this System if you want to Play ranked together.

    And my point still stands, Killers want ez games which is why they cry about "cheating" swf I mean I Know the Feeling, I Play enough Killer to understand your frustration and I get mad over some games too but crying because they can Talk is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Then just crate a own swf que.

  • Neutronix
    Neutronix Member Posts: 14

    most of them create smurfs to be able to Play ranked with their friends, ranked Systems like those in Valorant or Csgo only allow you to play with your friend ranked if your ranks are almost simular.

    My point still stands, Killers that cry about "cheating" swfs because they can talk to each other are in my eyes pathetic and should consider playing something else if they're not able to handle the challenge, Its not like I dont get what you guys mean, I mean I Play Killer as well and sometimes it also makes me mad to face some swfs but first most of the matches earlier I won ez pz eventhough it was a swf, secondly I know its quite rare that I will meet again a swf that is as strong as they were

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    I dont mind playing against a SWF, but at this stage of the game SWF has become a synonim for toxcity. Thats why most killers rather dodge.

    Its not a case of gens beeing done fast, cause they are done fast anyway.

    Really, its the bullying and the toxcity.

  • Selliato
    Selliato Member Posts: 27

    Player : Quit when they saw a little bit of difficulty.

    Also player : RANK 1 IS TOO HAAAARD.

    Yep rank 1 is too hard because you avoid team that can beat you so you only pip. You don't belong to you rank that's all.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    The only point I'm really trying to make is that swfs who communicate (and almost all of them do) have a straight up advantage that they shouldn't have and solos just get the short end of the stick because even if they're using perks they can't get the level of info swfs have access to. Yeah I guess the perk I described isn't exactly spot on but still, swfs get info that was not intentionally designed to be a part of the game (which is why basic info perks still exist)

    Even if swfs only got the effects of one perk (but they don't just get one, they get like 10 and they get some stuff that perks can't give you) that's still an unfair advantage which they give up nothing to gain, and an advantage that not everyone has access to or the ability to utilize. And in either case the advantage is something external to the game that the opposing player has no control over and they have no equivalent to since they play alone. Just because they are still beatable doesn't mean everyone should pretend it's not a problem

  • Neutronix
    Neutronix Member Posts: 14

    Ouh trust me swf is a Problem I'm not saying swf is 100% ballanced or anything but a lot of people say stuff about swf that isnt even true at all and I know what you mean about the unfair advantages and I agree but saying swf is cheating is not appropriate

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    Imagine playing a co-op game and expect people to not cooperate and not communicate.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    And still i disagree. I know a lot of people mainly like the chase-aspect of the game, but for others it is a hide and seek game. And thus, taking this component out, it is in fact cheating. Thats why a lot of people say spirit is op, because it is good in that one aspect they focus on, not the game as a whole.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    The problem is not people playing together, the problem is that the whole game concept resolves around a lack of information. As a solo survivor, you dont know for sure if the killer is in a chase or sneaking up to you. You dont know for sure if he is camping (unless you run a perk for that), sometimes you dont even know who the killer is for quite some time. SWF with communication circumvent this.

  • theplaggg
    theplaggg Member Posts: 267

    It literally is cheating though. You can not deny a fact. Being able to know the killer`s position constantly gives a huge advantage and makes sttealth killers much weaker.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 496

    If SWF is that obvious, which they rarely are, why would this person who doesn't like SWFs enter a match with them? Your example doesn't add any value toward answering this person's question. My point gave him 1 good reason not to quit, the reason being that he might not be going against a SWF.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2021

    SWF on voice are "killing" Killers out of playing the game. There is a whole slew of Killer characters that are largely non-viable vs SWF on voice, and just turn that match into a circus for the Survivors, at the expense of the Killer.

    They are thus literally destroying their own enjoyment of this game, because of how they "want" to play it.

    Their "enjoyment" of the game with SWF on voice, trumps that of the enjoyment of Killers of the game vs them.


    Mercilessly leave any lobby you suspect has SWF on voice in it, and leave them waiting there for another 10mins.


    It wont fix the voice comms issue, but if more Survivors swap to playing Killers instead of SWF on voice, that will fix the que problem.

    Inversely, the more Killers get sick of this, and swap to playing Survivor instead, the worse the que problem gets.


    PS: Add to this the irony, that is primarily Killers that buy DLC, so as to get access to new Killers (and their unique playstyle/features) whereas Survivor DLC is only cosmetic, and they are interchangeable. (Learnable Perks can be easily aquired through Shrine) So it SHOULD behoove DbD devs, to ensure that Killer population remains high and satisfied, even if its at the expense of SWF on voice groups.

    If they cant keep even a meager 4:1 ratio of "satisfied" Killers playing, its only downhill from there, as then Survivors also will get bored as they cant get matches, and ESPECIALLY SWF on voice groups, whom will just go play another co-op game, rather than queing.

    Post edited by Rhoska on
  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2021

    Notice, that there is no in-game chat for survivors. If it was intended for them to be able to communicate (on PC) there would be an in-game survivor chat. There isnt. That console doesnt have one either, carries this same point, regardless of the lack of keyboard, that survivor communication is not something that is planned for/included into design considerations.

    And that the entire set of Aura related perks is specifically to the purpose of either providing or denying information, which when using Voice comms, become utterly irrelevant.