Why am I punished for being good?

I just took a spirit on a 4 gen chase on shelter woods and when she finally caught me, she face camped and slapped me on hook.My teammates didn't even bother saving me btw, they just did the last gen and left even though it was clear she only wanted me.


  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176
    edited January 2021

    Yea been there. Those games truly do suck. Any game where you do so much for your team, getting 3 gens, running a killer for 3-4 gens, getting multiple totems/hexes, saving teammates 2-3 times, etc. And then they just leave you the first chance they get. Its a pretty bad feeling, ngl.

    But you know you did good, they aren't going anywhere with their ranks and even if they improve, they will hit another wall later on.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    There's multiple instances of this game not rewarding excellent play. Like you said, killers in theory are always gonna get at least 1 unfortunate person because the person either dies on hook or get hook traded, unless body blocking and protection hits are involved. With killers the most common slap in the face is hooking 1 or 2 people and then getting DS'd by someone else.

    I'm guessing you pipped though? Nobody does that well against Spirit without accumulating lots of points.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    You didn't really get punished. You most likely had full boldness points and chaser emblems. And probably atleast black pipped.

    Escaping is not the win condition of the game unless you make it so. You single handelly made the killer only have 1k. That's a win in my book. Who cares about escaping.

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    So I guess even though I was the MVP of the team I have to be the one sacrificed? That's messed up

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    Yea I guess you're right. But still its just annoying my team didn't come back for me they just left me behind like I was a bad teammate or something.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Did you even try to break the chase and hide, or did you intentionally try to waste as much of the Killer's time as possible?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Yeah I don't get people saying stuff like "how are you red rank?" when you're playing Trapper or Clown or something WITHOUT meta perks. Reverse psychology I guess. But when they ridicule you for playing in a fun way, it makes you want to play in a less fun way just to get the win. They don't even realize the consequences of their actions. My best suggestion is to find the builds that are in-between fun and meta. Take Ruin/Undying and let the other 2 perks be Hangman's and Cruel Limits or something. Or you could go full fun build or full meta build. It's your choice.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    It definitely makes me jaded that's for sure. I used to be a big fan of giving hatch, helping people maximize their points if someone DCs, etc.....but then I get one of those groups....and then people like that again and again....all with DS/Unbreakable down the screen complaining about PoP or something as well.

    Then suddenly it's like, fine, next game I take STBF, Sloppy, Third seal and knock out and an honing stone with serrated jaws and a map offering for a small tight map as trapper; and just leave everyone to die of bleedout. (Only having mercy if everyone is floored and exhausted unbreakables)

    Crawl for me >:O

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    It is messed up, but I accepted that a while back. Then I started getting mad for the opposite reasons. I wanted as many people to get out as possible, but some of them just aren't worth it. They'll get rescued by you and do not much at all for the team, causing your altruistic action to be in vain. Sometimes you have to play selfish to escape, even if it means leaving teammates behind. I would suggest you to care about escaping more when you have a tome challenge or daily that requires it, and that way the rest of the games are just a matter of playing well and having fun regardless of if you died or not.

  • Survivor win conditions are also a bit different from killer.

    A killer generally needs 1 or 2 kills to stay at whatever pip they are at in red ranks for example.

    A survivor can pip even in red ranks or at least safety even if they don't die; because their emblems are less tied to that one major thing.

    So you probably got like a bunch of iri emblems and even if you died you still "Won" in the sense that you carried the whole team to escape; and the game might take that 5k escape bonus but you had all the other points from everything else; probably vastly outweighing the escape points.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Again, I personally don't like doing that. Revenge does not taste as sweet when it's against randoms that were unaffiliated with the last group. I would bring a stronger build so you don't get squashed like in the previous match, but there's no need to be toxic with it. I rarely give hatch, and it depends on my mood, but my recent philosophy towards not giving hatch is "I'm not giving you a 2nd chance, because hatch's existence was your 2nd chance." If you had a sweaty game, nobody can blame you for not giving someone a pity escape.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    It's less revenge and more like I am going to play something I find fun, even if they complain about it. I don't see this as toxic either; just they don't like it usually. (Some find it a lot of fun, for a different type of game). I could go further and just face camp as bubba; but that to me is toxic because you are not even playing anymore; or not hook them at the end and leave to bleed out at that point would be toxic.

    The only time I give hatch these days, is if a survivor makes me laugh somehow. Be it intentional or not, if a survivor makes me laugh they get hatch/door escape.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You know, sometimes, only an image can describe that feeling.

    I think this one fits well

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    They didn't think that, they knew you were being facecamped so they did gens and left, which is the counter to facecamping as everyone on here would tell you. And it's better to not risk giving the Spirit any more kills than she already didn't deserve.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    I understand the counter to it. I think most of us do, like you said. It still doesn't change the fact that you did so much for your team, and they leave you behind w/o a second thought. I've had players with BT leave me behind even though I got 2 gens, 2 hexes, unhooked safely x3. I respect the more riskier plays/players and a lot of survivors, once gates open, feel like thats it. If you don't make it, you don't make it. They don't even bother with trying to help you. And that. That right there, is a really bad feeling when you were the key to success and made it possible for them to leave. I stand with OP on this. The matchmaking really does need an overhaul. I want to play with people who don't waste time, don't play like cowards, don't get insta downed and hooked, etc. Its incredibly unrewarding knowing you did so much but in the end, it didn't even matter (LinkinPark pun :P).

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624
    edited January 2021

    If you have a toxic killer they're like that. If you outsmart them or show them up they will tunnel you and face camp you until you die.

    Happened to me last night against a clown.

    That's the playerbase of DBD. The playerbase is like that though because the game mechanics encourage this kind of toxicity without any kind of safeguards baked into the base mechanics.

    We've all been giving tons of suggestions to BHVR on how to fix camping and tunneling for years, but they don't care.

    When a killer camps you and wants you dead you're dead. Nobody is getting you out of there, even with BT. The smart thing is what your teammates did -- gen rush and leave. That's how the mechanics work.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Meh I suppose my views are different. The killer throwing the entire match to facecamp me after I spent the entire match getting chased and all the gens being done is rewarding enough for me because I find it hilarious and satisfying.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    Oh thats something we can agree on, haha. I think being camped and the killer slashing at me while on hook is satisfying.

    But that wasn't my point or the OP's I don't think. I have no problem with the facecamping, my disappointment comes when not 1 survivor tries to help me and just wants to escape despite everything I've done for the team overall. I play at red ranks and I'm just confused when this happens. The killer won't be rolling NoED, there's no real danger esp with 3 survivors at full HP, but they'll all leave regardless. Seen it numerous times.

    I'll say, when survivors come back for you at end game, and coordinate to take a hit for you or someone else saving you, it does mean a lot and feel really good. Feels like everyone understands the risk=/reward gameplay and I definitely respect it more vs the teammates who just want easy escapes and not to deal with any challenges.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    This is a casual game with a lot of rng. It doesn't reward you for playing well, especially in soloq. If that what you're looking for, then either play in a sweaty 4-man or set for yourself goals that are other than 'winning' (whatever that means in DbD, but that's another story) or escaping. Having a great chase, making lots of bloodpoints, pulling off amazing plays. Stuff like that.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I agree. If I can take the killer for a long scenic tour of the map while the others do all the gens and then I get facecamped and slapped on the hook all the way to the other three survivors escaping. I will be extremely pleased with the game and and consider that a heroic victory.

    Or I could just do 3 gens, open the gate and then wonder who the killer was as I run out. That's the opposite of fun.

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    I can relate to OP. I love this game and haven’t been playing very long. I do my best and try to contribute to my team in any way I can. Most recently I’ve been learning to run the killer and manage to do well sometimes. I do notice that most teammates in soloq are only out for themselves though.

    I wondered for awhile why I was always the one who died so quickly in a trial or the first one spotted or chased, and I realised in soloq the teammates just hide until they know someone is in a chase. That means very often the first time a gen is getting touched is when you can see someone in the bottom left of the screen go into injured state. That is so much time wasted at the start of the trial.

    I tried playing more self-preservation style for a few games and in those games, I ended up escaping every time, either through doors or hatch. But it felt really scummy to me to not take more risks for my team.

    So even though I get spotted and chased very often and often die on hook, I still take bold risks for my team because I find that the most fun. Sadly, I can’t say the same for my teammates in soloq so I empathise with you OP.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    U can play w me, I know how that feels and I will go back for u. U are the hero of that match!

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Those matches suck. I've been through the same thing multiple times. It especially happens with players that use meta, easy killers (Spirit, Freddy) and aren't capable enough to predict what you are going to do or just cut your path. Last time this happened to me, I kept a Billy busy for an eternity and when he finally caught me (never tried to hit me without the chainsaw, of course, as a proper noob), he facecamped me to death on my first hook. Oh, did I also mention that he hit me through a corner that he shouldn't have been able to bypass? Anyway, that is the reason why so many people want camping to be heavily punished, but you are going to find killers who advocate for it, sadly. Truth is, most players don't care at all about being skilled, they just want an easy game.

    Still, if you kept that player busy for long enough, you still did your thing. Just remember this, whenever a survivor is hooked and you have the chance of escaping. Sometimes it just isn't worth it to risk your escape for people who did nothing to help you the whole game.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Honestly, I ######### love it when that happens to me. It's the greatest badge of honour in DbD, there's nothing that comes close to it. You were so elusive, ran the killer so well, that they dedicated the entire trial to just killing YOU. They accepted the loss with the intent of bitter revenge, dragging you down with them, but you know that you won in the end because you made them lose and they ######### know it. They know it and hate you for it, they hate that they're so mad they threw a trial just to kill you...

    You know, I really am a little sadistic.

  • Scoops_Ahoy_Steve
    Scoops_Ahoy_Steve Member Posts: 11

    As a person who usually plays with 2 other friends and a random when I play survivor, I apologize for saying this but I'm not sacrificing myself and my friends for a random, sorry man

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    You won the game, the killer lost. You escaped with 3 out of the 4 survivors... people love telling killers that they do not need to 4k to win and have a good game, so why doesn't that apply to survivors as well? You died, yet your team won and you are part of that team.

    Or are you here now claiming that the killer with the 1k won the game?

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    Play in a full swf please I'd rather not have players like you on my team

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    I lost the battle but won the war. I'd rather it be the other way around because I did so much

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    You played against a bad Killer and lashed onto you, it sucks but it happens, the only counterplay to facecampers is rushing gens, even the Devs say so, its sad but its the only thing Survivors can effectively do, unless in SWF with Borrowed Time when you can organize a conga line to protect the unhooked. The thing about exiting I can underestand because if they rushed the gens Spirit may have NOED and use you as bait for extra downs.

    I wouldnt mind go for a save in that case but I also dont want to gift a bad and childish player more kills. Really, its not about me surviving, its about denying scummy players any extra satisfaction, if I get facecamped I just wait the 2 minutes to give them extra gen time and if the 5º one is fixed I suicide to stop them from risking their lifes and giving away extra hooks/kills.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Goals are relative. If you're in a PUG with total strangers you don't always think in terms of being in a team.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    When the killer facecamp for me is already a win, because he's pissed that I'm better than him

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    I'm a survivor main but if I were playing killer and I finally got a person after chasing them for 4 gens, I'd probably face camp them too. Gotta make sure that little cocky prick dies.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    You did and you got bloodpoints for your efforts. You can decide to be less of a team player and just loop the killer next time to your teammates. It might lose you the war, but you might escape the chase and get the hatch...

    @Shirokinukatsukami goals are relative, yet it is a team game if you play the survivor side regardless of whether you feel like a team or not. How much of a team player you want to be is up to you... but I bet you will get angry people if you urban evade into a hatch. As a survivor you do not need to all escape, just like for a killer it is not required to kill everyone.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Like I said, goals are relative. To some killers anything less than a 4K is a loss.

    People assign different values to different things.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I wouldnt care about situations like this if the end game points system reflected on this. You should be more rewarded for keeping the killers busy imo, i think the 8k cap is too low.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    When someone is being facecamped it is the best strat to leave them as it can reward the act with more downs and kills.

    This is something which has been echoed numerous times throughout the games life and its why a 1 or 2k can easily turn into a 3 or 4k by silly plays.

    If survivors keep rewarding a facecamping player there is no reason for them to stop doing it.

  • offwhiteknight
    offwhiteknight Member Posts: 172

    I'm guessing you tbagged at ever pallet drop? Clicked your flashlight every chance you got? Could be it wasn't you at all and it was the game before, but you caught the punishment. Crappy situation and not fun for either side.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    if you play survivor, you have to realize that you are a team. You ran a spirit for 4 gens and you made the killer lose the game by only getting 1 kill. If you want to escape more often as survivor, you need to be selfish and sacrifice your team and then take the hatch.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    They didn't feed the camper which is the right move they could of rushed the hook and turned a 1k into a 2k or more

    it sucks, but it is what it is

  • nea_the_entity
    nea_the_entity Member Posts: 12

    I Played as on and I went against a swf that ran dead hard, bt, ds, and object and they said their was no way I could find them and that I was hacking and then they were saying I was tunneling even tho I would just hook someone go back and the person would try to take a by hit so I would wait it out and hit them. I'm a survivor main and if I lose i don't really care bc it's just a game that's totally not broken and has your typical salty survs/killers

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Honestly if someone face camps you after a chase like that you shouldn’t even be mad. Laugh it off, you won this situation.