"We don't actively seek to tear down perks just because they are used a lot"

What you meant to say was this only applies to SURVIVOR perks..cause ds unbreakable which was legit unbalanced due to no real counterplay is once again left alone..but you reduced hex undying down to nothing..can't say you arnt biased when making such biased changes..talk about disappointing
"down to nothing". Lol it has more utility than it did originally now. If you're still an actually good killer getting hooks survivors will be wasting time trying to find it and not doing gens. And now Devour can be used in conjuction with it.
God this forum us going to be a steaming pile for the next few weeks. I knew this would happen with Undying. Too many killers using it as training wheels and overrelying on it.
31 -
Ruin Undying was way more oppressive.
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The thing is, if Almo, the lead in the balancing team, don't know how to counter one thing, this will be nerfed. Even Huntres Lullaby got gutted, Undying lived a long life, now it may rest in peace with old ruin and 15s taken from Pop, god fobid killers having any kind of good perks.
57 -
Honestly I just see this as making Undying more consistent. Of course a lot of killer mains aren't gonna get it, but it's the same logic they used for the Ruin change.
It 100% is a nerf overall, because it takes away the chance to get the "cleanse 4 totems, but the 4th one was finally Undying so you still have to get the 5th one". That is a rare occurrence, judging by the hundreds of matches I've played since the chapter Undying was introduced in, but it does suck for killers that now you are 100% guaranteed to have Undying go first and then Ruin (if that is what you're running).
It DOES buff other hex perks, though. Devour+Undying is much, much more powerful now.
Now, I am wondering, is the aura read on dull totems connected to having Undying up, or is it an ongoing facet of the perk simply for bringing it in the match, no matter how quickly it gets cleansed? Aura reading on dull totems can be very powerful in chases and I'd hate to see it go since there is 0% chance that the first hex totem you cleanse WON'T be Undying. It just seems like a pretty pointless part of the perk if it doesn't stay active the entire match as long as the dull totem stands, even after the Undying hex totem is gone. (You simply can cleanse those remaining dull totems to get rid of the aura reveal)
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lol yeah no
28 -
Say that after you lose your first hex 30 seconds in lol
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It'll go after it's cleansed i can promise that..and I do get it..I get they once again ignored the ds unbreakable God combo but instead nerfed the first viable hex perk since ruin into dust
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I think you should look at the other side of that statement. BBQ is also used a lot and the perk is good, but not oppressive plus people like extra BP. Should they change BBQ bc of that? It's the most popular killer perk.
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I'm going to anyway if I'm against smart players. They've just made it more manageable for solo players who can't communicate between themselves.
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Mettle of Man was nerfed in 2 weeks of its release.
Get over yourself.
Meanwhile BBQ is still going strong for like 3 years now.
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What do you mean clearly the animation to stand up from unbreakable is clearly the nerf to ds unbreakable have fun well change it again in 2 years
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This makes Undying + Devour Hope a lot spicier.
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Because it was a legit broken perk getting hit (any hit btw) gave you a token go in a chase do down 2 tokens
Get saved get healed get hit again mom is active what did you do to deserve a extra health state
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In 75% of my games, Undying was the first to go. Undying just adds time onto your Hex.
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I really have no idea why people are complaining about bbq.
As all things considered it is a relatively weak perk that is only run really for the bp.
Trust me you don't want bbq nerfed.
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a lot is a bit of a stretch when totems never last to be fair
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Its been requested more than you thing
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your point? Old MoM was actually busted. Bbq does almost nothing
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Huntress Lullaby got buffed overall, Pop is still very good, Undying Ruin is still very good and Devour as well as your beloved, ‘gutted’ Lullaby now also have synergy
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On the bright side, Killer mains cant spam Ebonis to make every Survivor miserable for 2 weeks like they used to do when they nerfed something and they didnt like.
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Devour Hope now lasts for at least two totems, so I will still call it a lot spicy.
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Survivor mains apparently found it hard to find Totems spawns next to pallets, windows, and generators. Then holding a button for 14 seconds with no gameplay elements (i.e. no skill checks) and no consequences when cleansing totems.
25 -
The consequences was the killer was playing 1v3. The consequence was the killer seeing your aura, and if it was a burning totem rushing immediately over to push you off of it.
Get over yourself.
3 -
Do bones
12 -
... big dumb moment?
It's still a 1v4 during the match. It's just that 4 gens aren't immediately done in the first 5 minutes of the match because there's a secondary objective in play (which is healthy for the game) and if Survivors choose to ignore the secondary objective they will be massively punished for their mistakes in the later stages of the match. Also, the Aura reading part of the perk isn't that big of a deal, it just gives information on where someone is and can't be utilized to it's fullest potential as maps and the killer power in play are a factor.
Like I said in my earlier post. Totems spawn next to pallets, windows, generators, and inside some loops (forgot about this one).
9 -
The consequences are that its reduced pressure on the killer. Not even taking into account that Killers with ruin undying slug massively to try and snowball as quickly as possible.
When they don't ignore the secondary objective they still get punished for it since the killer just immediately goes back over to their totem they see your aura on. I've had games where killers drop everything and immediately rush to the totem despite chasing people on the opposite side of the map. Information on where someone is is such a big deal for killer and is absolutely utilized.
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I'll not even bother.
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As information is for survivors, thus the problem with SWF and OoO+SWF. So, what's the point?
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You shouldn't, I reckon you need all your energy to be sweating out pub matches with ruin undying lol
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Yeah, you assume a lot, should be a cop, or politician.
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MoM was a cash grab, if you were there during the time you would understand. If you have any sense of how marketing works you would also understand.
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They're still good you just can't be oppressive with them is the point
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Mom broke the game..vastly different
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You're forgetting that RNG plays a huge role in how Ruin+Undying will play out during the match. Survivors may only need to cleanse 2 Hex Totems, 3 Hex Totems, etc...
Your take on "reduced pressure on the killer" is dumb. If I even make 1 mistake during a chase that's 2-4 generators done, while a Survivor can make a minimum of 3 mistakes per chase. Also slugging has been around since the start of the game, why do you think perks such as Unbreakable, No Mither, Tenacity, and Soul Guard exist. Not to mention they increased the recovery amount from 85% to 95% to negate the effectiveness of slugging.
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"using it as training wheels and overrelying on it." Sounds like the survivor meta perks that have been untouched for years.
"Too many survivors are using exhaustion perks as chase training wheels and overrelying on them." See I can do it too. The reason people are mad is because they nerfed the killer meta only 4 months after the perks release despite very popular and overused perks on the survivor side being completely untouched.
5 -
Hex were bad before undying and now return to the same state. The only reason undying was good was the fact it forced survivors to waste time hunting them all. Now we are back to dead hexes at match start.
0 -
BBQ Isn't that good though. You want to know where survivors are? Near gens. Do you a killer care about a random survivor hiding in the corner of the map doing nothing while 3 other survivors are doing gens? Also BBQ can be countered super easy. Ready? You see a survivor picked up you either A go into a locker or B hide behind a gen. BBQ is only good for bp. That's why you never see BBQ at rank 1. It's good but also kinda worthless. Good for new players and points but as you become better at killer you dont need it because you already know where survivors are at. In certain situations its good but most of the time it's not really that good. Its only meta for BP.
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I'm more annoyed that only one killer perk is being buffed but 4 survivor perks are being buffed. Like come on dude, what happened to buffing Blood Echo?
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yeah, except all you need is 1 perk or 1 map and now its gone even faster then before, not even talking about the fact they did nothing about rng nature of the perk which basically means that now there is even more chance that it will do nothing then before
and talking about "training wheels", what do you say about DS+unbreakable being in every red rank game on at least 2 survivor, like lmao
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Its the whataboutism alarm! Not sure I stated anywhere in my post that that wasn't something that existed. Nice
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because it had barely any real requirements and saved you from everything, even instadowns
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Maybe they know there is balance in the combo of DS + Unbreakable, because what they counter are built-in mechanics that can be used MANY times during a match.
As a killer you can tunnel as much as you want.
As a killer you can slug as much as you want.
With 0 penalty whatsoever. Not even a perk slot required.
But, sure, let's keep "claiming" there is no counterplay to those perks, even though one has a timer attached to it, and can be further reduced by not actively seeking them as a target... while making the other useless by reducing the recovery timer needed.
2 -
Undying/Ruin in its current form could really mess over a game more then any other combo at times. This is a good change. Now it can be used with Devour Hope, Lullaby? - Very cool.
I want the killers to be strong. I want to their perks to be powerful, but the Ruin/Undying was both overpowerd and SOOOOOOOOOO ######### boring predictable it wasn't worth it.
many popular survivor perks exsist to counter toxic killer behavior - Killer likes to slug (ugh) Unbreakable helps. - killer loves to camp (lame) - borrowed time to the rescue. Oh look, that killer loves to tunnel (Say hello to Decisive Strike)
I would LOVE not to use those perks, but I see more and more camping/tunneling/slugging then ever, so I feel forced to counter those tactics.
I do think we could see some changes to some popular survivor perks (I think Decisive strike shouldn't trigger when pulled from a locker, or after all 5 Gens are done, but I also think the window to trigger it should be bigger). I think it should be useable multiple times as long as 3+ generators still need to be done as well.
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Dude you cant bring up killer mains as a whole and expect someone to not call out your hypocrisy. The "whataboutism" is the most flimsy, crutch counter argument ever.
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"Not actively seeking the target", guy with ds runs right to the killer and has to wait 60 seconds or eat it.
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I feel the need to comment. I had a game as killer. I hooked a survivor, they got unhooked right in front of me. I did not go after the person who was just unhooked. I went after the unhooker. The survivor who got unhooked ran in font of me to body block the unhooker.
Hit her. Borrowed time. Other one ran off. So I had to chase the unhooked. She jumps into a locker. DS to the face. Now I was not trying to tunnel. But that survivor weaponized both the ds and the BT. Im not saying it was not a good play but it definitely shows how overpowered the survivor perks can be and how they can be abused.
The devs cater to the survivors. I get it. There are more survivor players than killers. Survivors buy the cosmetics, they play with and bring in friends. It makes sense to cater to them. Its where they make their money. It just sucks that it comes at the expense of making the game easier for them and harder for killer.
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Too many =/= every single one, even the women and children.
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*Killer then downs the survivor and slugs forcing pressure while also eating their DS/UB timer.... while going for someone else.
You obviously took my words out of context, because in the context I explained... the killer would be looking to chase the same survivor that just got unhooked. Which is the incorrect counterplay.
Just because they run to you with a recently active DS, doesn't mean you have to commit to them. They want to give me a free down? Thanks, but you just wasted your own efforts and your team's. When all along they could have been doing a gen instead.
The timer starts when they are unhooked, not when they are running at you.