They've won.

You clutch your chest, stumbling away from computer as your heart struggles to cope with the loss, $300 gaming chair crashing onto the floor, long forgotten. A hundredth tear-stained napkin tossed into the bin as you desperately wipe your face with another, you fall to your knees before the wall's drapery. A trembling hand pulls them aside--
A window, pictures of totems lovingly decorated with stickers and drawings taped to the glass. Your eyes fall to one in particular, bones burning bright as it fills you with a moment's joy before utter despair overwhelms you and sends you retching onto the floor.
As you struggle to reach out to the photo of your baby boy Undying, you close your teary eyes and clutch at your heart as the realization hits you truly.
The Survivor Empire has won.
The oppression will continue, and your people will never know true equality, nor peace.
The fight for freedom and justice.. was all for naught. Entity save us all.
Undying was bad for the game and needed to be nerfed. If you thought it was fine, then you were bad for the game too.
30 -
And DS, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, 4 man SWF, Keys are perfectly fine.
Insane how delusional and disconnected from this game you are. If your biggest concern was a perk that can be countered 100% not even by a perk by a MAP then your opinion is very literally worthless.
64 -
You really don't see that this post just mocks the killer players that are super upset about the undying nerf?
12 -
Username checks out.
3 -
I will miss undying as a survivor, no longer can I max out bp on gens. It may have been to much for some survivors but I enjoyed the longer matches, waiting 5+min to play a game under 10 is a let down. A win but a let down.
2 -
Try countering a perk with a killer that continuously comes back to totems because they see someone on it. It made the games unbearably long. And players only carry Unbreakable / DS because they get tired of constantly being tunnelled, face camped and slugged. But, forcing a perk to survive an entire round because you won't let us cleanse totems or finish gens with your tinkerer is healthy gameplay. Sure....
5 -
I expected them to nerf it, but I had hoped they wouldn't do their usual overkill nonsense...oh well.
I don't want to repeat what I said in all the other threads for the dozenth time today as there is not much point, bhvr gonna do what bhvr wants- regardless of what makes sense.
10 -
I don't know....sounds like the crazy a-holes that message me to kill my mom and myself post game.
0 -
Ds/Unbreakable is countered by not tunneling, and Ds,ub,sg 4 man swf with a key is EXTREMLY rare stop exaggerating. Ruin+undying was dumb and needed to be tone down. I run small game or detectives hunch but it was still dumb as hell having to go around the entire map looking at every corner just to deal with the combo.
Heck I used ruin+undying and quickly stopped using it cause it was straight up carrying me and it was a braindead combo.
4 -
Try being a killer that can see people on 3 totems at the same time and can't defend all of them cause you can't be in 3 places at the same time?
Seriously I don't even know if you're pretending or you're serious at this point.
This isn't even some weird ass complex tech or anything it's basic use of common sense lmao.
12 -
Yeah I was making out those BPs TOO early on. Literally the last gen or two I'll hit a Great Skill check with Max point, switch to Good...damn, max points. I'd rather gen rush they killer of they're that bad and moving on to another game and max out points that way. I appreciate the Streamers that refuse to run that build because they don't enjoy going after it either.
0 -
Standard Survivor Mindset:
For Themselves: "Why wouldn't I use these Perks and Keys and Flashlights? They are in the game to be used!"
For Killers: "Iri add-ons need to be removed. Also, any Killer that runs any perks at all is a trash killer."
19 -
Ahh surely!! Let's just let them get away! That makes a lot of sense!
If the dude that just got unhooked is repairing let's just let them do their thing! Why hadn't I thought about that?! Genius!
Also, "brain-dead combo" when you have to patrol gens for them to actually regress. l m a o
I bet you think pressing Shift to activate your sprint burst is skill.
11 -
If you have three people on totems, then you have a lot of survivors not on gens....that's good. Take out one of the survivors, probably one on a lit totem, and get your hooks started.
Now that is common sense man. If you can't play the game with out Undying/Ruin, then how did you play this game before? Because it's been put for 4 years, and this is just a recent nuisance.
3 -
Im a devour+undying blight so im fine. As never was.
0 -
Oh don't me mind, I just going to get my popcorn for this.
2 -
Playing killer really isn't that hard unless you only define 4K as winning.
3 -
Just wanted to add 1 more to your notification bell for you.
2 -
lmao who the ######### cares, cry harder.
1 -
0 -
I only came here to tell you the post was beautifully written. I thought I was reading a Star Wars/DbD crossover piece 👏
5 -
Love ya, babe.
5 -
Undying with ruin was bs. And I run hunch. It was just.... bs. The definition of training wheels. At least now its good with devour and lullaby.
0 -
I like your style, Grandpa
Excellent anecdote you’ve created, here
...a nice break from the norm
Thoroughly enjoyed this!
4 -
I hope you're being sarcastic, and so that is what I shall assume. Nice post, very amusing. But don't forget the Devour Hope buff...
Revenge is sweet.
2 -
Huh survivors being tactical never run into killer get hooked ruin ti to killer again stab killer if me get left on floor stand up
1 -
Or you could have just done gens.... ignoring the totem and rushing gens worked perfectly. Ruin has always preyed on dumb survivors abandoning gens to squash the totem when really you can just do the gen.
3 -
4 man swf is actually fine. Just because you can’t play at the level needed to beat them doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to play with their friends lol
0 -
I'm gonna put this here because everyone needs to hear it, survivors are the most toxic part of this game, but that's the killers fault.
I'm gonna say this right now, I have never played survivor besides the tutorial, nor do I plan to, I find killer more immersive. I have NEVER, not a SINGLE TIME, played a game without the survivors waiting at the gate to teabag me.
Gen rush is a fake term, it's how the survivors win, but tunneling is also a fake term, it's how the killers win, why wouldn't we go for the weaker person? Camping is a real term though, but so Is hook rushing.
Now I must ask you was Undying really a problem? Was being reveal within 2 meters of a totem really that bad? You could've just done gens, y'know, your job. Because now Undying has died, it's worthless, it's garbage, it will NEVER be used again except with a few select perks. But don't worry the survivor perks got buffed, so it's fine. And don't worry, dead hard and ds will never be nerfed. Because nurse exists and it doesn't work against her so, I guess it needs to be stronger.
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Pretty sure that guy never said that 4man swf with those perks was fine. You're allowed to call a perk unfair without having to call out every single unfair perk in the game.
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This content has been removed.
Survivors can go back to their gen repair simulator. No need to cleanse totems anymore.
Back to 10 minute queues and 5 minute matches.
I'm not sure they know what kind of Victory they got.
4 -
Your bad for the game, please uninstall the game straight away. I'm sick of crying survivor mains like yourself complaining about a perk that can be countered by using perks such as detectives hunch. You little cry babies wanna just gen rush, tea bag and escape. I've stopped playing killer all together, and people who feel the same way will stop too, have fun with your long queue time.
1 -
Ugh. Please, I do not like this ghost story. It's absolutely bone chilling. Plus, you might attract...
*looks around and leans over to whisper*
1 -
If their goal is for killers to quit, fine. Let survivors deal with abysmal queue times.
I have limited free time. If DBD doesn't want to improve, I'll just go play League, Dota, or Minecraft.
2 -
We should be able to add fine print to all of our posts detailing every opinion we have on every perk, add on, offering, killer, etc.
"Undying needed a nerf."
"Ya but what about.."
"Please read this 20 page document I have prepared."
2 -
Why do you think killers do that? Maybe because every update adds a buff to survivors and lots of nerds to killers or killer perks.
0 -
Idk, its a slight nerf with a big buff because of the tokens transfer. Maybe now people will run full hex builds with ruin, undying, devour hope and haunted grounds. Sounds fun to me lol
0 -
Undying and Ruin is just too strong vs average solo players in its current state. Now, with that said, I do feel like BHVR is always quick to fix things survivors have issues with over killers. The main thing is they nerf gen regression things, but they don't try to fix the issue that is causing people to run gen regression perks the most of out any other killer perks. The gens just get done to fast vs decent survivors. If you play nice and "fair", the 5th gen can pop by the time you get your third hook vs decent survivors quite often. This is why people slug, tunnel, and force second stage and kills via proxy camping. If gens were to go slower, it would benefit survivors as well. Killers wouldn't feel the need to slug and do all the other things survivors don't like.
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Ds can be ignored ruin and undying could unless the killer applies too much pressure then you couldnt win and doing the totems lets the killer get more pressure but also stop you if they see you. If you're good at killer and apply pressure you can win against ds. I think ruin and undying is still gonna be good
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The problem is that the devs then ask, but what if the killer still does these things?
While never addressing the other side, the survivor death squad.
Rules for thee but not for me as usual.
2 -
The Survivor Empire won a long time ago. Where have you been?
4 -
The buff is minuscule.
Since Undying will be the first hex to go.
2 -
And I'm not sure killers know how much they were relying on the RNG ######### show that is ruin+undying to give them a chance.
Corrupt + pop has always been a better and more reliable for killers who are struggling with gen pressure. Ruin and undying was either completely useless or gave you a free win because RNG is fun and cool.
0 -
Undying made using hex perks more attractive for killers. But the nerf means that we have to go back to builds without any hex perks.
Where is the high reward part on hex perks? I only see high risk but no reward.
Meanwhile DS has no risk but high reward.
2 -
I agree on the ruin being useless part. Since survivors could just ignore it.
Pop is a trash perk that isn't worth the time the killer spends going to a progressed gen.
Hell, there is not a single gen slowdown perk that deserves that name.
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Thats an opinion, not an arguement. Nice how everyone that doesnt agree with you is a problem too.
I disagree, and i play solo survivor 100% of my time nowadays. Undying is only a problem because lots of survivors want the game to be played only one way, and want to get rid of anything not in this line of play.
Also look at threads about self care, stealth, and killer that counter running in circles.
But i give an argument. Totem spots are easy to lern, i usually do totems during my games, and i dont have any problem with it. Even so, undying and ruin wasnt even a problem in a lot of games, because either the killer pressures gens and dont commit to chases, given the rest a lot of breathing room, or he did commit and gens get done anyway.
I find the notion do deny others their opinion very arrogant and toxic. And that is bad for the game, or so i belive.
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Killers rate was 66-75% pre undying. What kill rate do you want exactly?
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I love Devour Hope but Undying said bye bye to all my tokens, now I can actually use it without getting banged back to 0 every time
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The one after the Mori nerf.
Because either moris impacted a lot, then killers require a buff or moris didn't impact at all, then why nerf it?