Do Undying Changes Synergize with Haunted Ground?

Per the wording of new Hex: Undying, it sounds like breaking Hex: Haunted Ground while using Undying will not activate Haunted Ground. Is a Dev or Mod familiar with the changes able to confirm or deny the future interaction between these two perks?
I don't see why it wouldn't, it works with current Undying
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I think we'll need to wait for the PTB to test it. I hope they release the PTB tomorrow, but it probably won't be until Tuesday.
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- " Any time a Hex totem is cleansed, it will replace the Hex: Undying totem. Hex: Undying is then deactivated. This ensures that the first totem cleansed is never your other Hex perk."
I assume no, but who knows?
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It doesn't look like it. Undying will just be gone. It doesn't matter if they are cleansing HG or not.. Undying is the first to go.
No real point in running this combo.
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With current Undying, Haunted Ground is ACTIVATED and then RELOCATED.
With future Undying, Haunted Ground is REPLACED and then RELOCATED.
The semantics on this suggest that Haunted Ground can never be broken until AFTER Undying, therefore limiting Haunted Ground to one use every game.
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Probably not, it’s best to use Hex Devour instead