Thoughts on the upcoming ui

onemind Member Posts: 3,089
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

While it is an interesting thought I'm not a fan of it here's why

it's a just a mess you got text on the top the bottomed icons in the bottom left and takes up a lot of your screen yea you can change your ui now (good change btw) but then you will struggle to get the information from the ui

My thoughts on how to adjust this

I keep the hook counter and survivor photos that is great change to give everyone info

2. Compact the ui like how the old ui was survivors icon's in the bottom left again Killer power just above it and to the right of it or to the left of your perks the hook counter

Post edited by Mandy on


  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    I'd much prefer if they blended the styles how you said.

    The new UI lacks a lot of character as well. Missing the gritty theme of the old one in exchange for a cleaner, but less stylized look.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Or if you want to go the extra mile allow players to adjust the position of the ui icon's

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I want a hook counter on each survivor as Killer, I'm kind of annoyed only the survivors are going to get it and the killer just gets some trashy "look how many hooks you have total!" Bruh, if someone is planning on tunneling they already know how many times they hooked that person, sometimes people like to stack the same survivor for memes and I don't like killing one of them early because they all look the same and I can't tell how many times he has been hooked. Or when they do the same thing but I get DSed because I DONT KNOW WHO JUST GOT OFF THE HOOK. This wouldn't annoy me if they weren't adding it for survivors but not the killer.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    I do see that but I just want it to be compact like the old ui

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 872

    I really hope it will be a little customizable. The ability to turn the ui/HUD off completely or only display certain things to myself is always a huge plus in my books with games. I don’t always need to see my perks or the gen icon but it might be nice to keep tabs on the hook counter so I’d only have that displayed.. you know? things like that.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441


  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I think it looks horrible. Can we please keep the current one?

  • Visi
    Visi Member Posts: 48

    It's really, really bad. Having the information spread out all around the screen like that is pretty much the worst way you could've possibly chosen to display it.