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Deathslinger is weak and here's why

Member Posts: 269
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

I just want to say from the start that I really love this killer and I am having a lot of fun with it, one of the best killer they added in a while, and by best I mean fun, but not in effectiveness at winning or applying pressure, i've been playing with him in red ranks (1-3) since it'S release and only played him since, and after 20-30 games with most of them being brutal killer endgame results, I can tell what is wrong with this killer.

  1. He is slowed down at everything he does, everything he does slows him down, aiming, slow down, shooting and miss, slow down, reload slow down and reeling slow down as well, and of course, the stun when the chain breaks, everything in his kit, slows him down and makes him waste so so so much time, unlike huntress, if you ready up your hatchet and miss, you still have 4 left, you don't waste too much time, you can attack again quickly and down them with it, with this killer, you always need to give a direct hit, so if you shot them and get a hit with your gun, you must always reel them to you and hope you are in the open enough that they won't break the chain and keep running, everything in his kit, is against him in many ways.
  2. Everything is too slow, his reload is too slow, his movement speed while reloading is too slow, his recovery after a missed shot and his walking speed is too slow, his STUN make him go like 10% speed, there's barely anything in his kit that makes him save time in chases, you need to land every single shot in order to actually win time, if you miss just one shot after a regular hit, you lsot around 1.5 seconds for the recovery, another 2.75 seconds for the reload, maybe 1 second to aim back or could be 20 depends on where they are in the map, and if you shot them again you have to hope there isn't a wall or something that will break the chain, there is too much against him and he lose so much time because of his power that there is nothing he can do to apply any pressure around the map

In a nutshell, he is too slow at everything, absolutely everything, most of the time I get barely 2 hooks with him and 2-3 gens are already done, it'S not normal, i'd understand on trapper or hag who need to prepare in order to use their powers effectively, but it is not the case with him, yes I have my good times and sometimes i get 4 kills with less than 2 gens done, but most of the time i get 2 kills or less with many hooks, and the games are usually short with him.

So i have many ideas on what to do to make him extremely better and simply make him waste less time.

  1. Make his missing shot recovery and reloading movement speed 110%, if i can keep chasing them even while missing it won't make him feel too useless without his power, if the deathslinger can go regular speed while recovering his missed shot and while reloading, it will keep him closer to survivors it will be easier for him to have a shot on them since they will be closer to him.
  2. Increase reeling speed by 10% by default, without add-ons, it is extremely slow, most of the time if i shot someone who's 10+ meters away, the chain is always around 60%+ broken, without any walls or else, so if i can reel them a little faster by default it will help a little in the durability and also at wasting less time doing so.
  3. Decrease the chain breaking speed of these interactions, collision from 20 to 15, it will give me around 1 second extra time to pull the survivor to me if they are at all time behind walls or trees, change the pulling from 15 to 10, if there's nothing in front of the survivor, the chain should never be close to break, so landing my shot at 17-18 meters away should always still guarante a hit, and not MAYBE break when it'S at 90% or so when they are close to hit range, I think everyone who played this killer agree on the fact the chain breaks way too quickly, these changes will make the chain break way less often and be less annoying when you pull them behind a window and they go on the side of it, also the prison chain add-on should increase the charges of the chain by 22.5 charges, so it will be 122.5, which should add 1 second and a half if they are at all times behind walls.
  4. Make the stun when the chain breaks a whole new animation for the reload, when you get stunned because the chain broke, yes the survivor is now in deep wound but you will never down them with this, and everytime you recover from the stun you need to reload so in total it's a 6.75 seconds stun, that's nearly 10% of a gen done, so it should be increased to 5 seconds instead, but the whole animation is changed so the gun is jammed and the deathslinger is fixing it and also reloads, so instead of a 6.75 seconds stun, it's 5 second, and the addons that decrease the stun duration will save more time maybe 0.5-0.75 second, this will make the chain break stun way less punishing and could be a play style, since there's add-ons for that, and he will be ready to shot once the stun is over.
  5. Increase the harpoon hitbox, make it be like a huntress hatchet hitbox, i often see my projectile go inside survivors and they don't get hit by it, it happens more often than you think and it is really annoying, so making the hitbox a little bigger will solve this issue a little bit, i know latency also affect the hitbox but making it bigger will be better for the killer, and for the survivors, if you feel like when you got shot behind the wall when the harpoon was 2 meters behind you, you are still behind the wall, so you are mostly safe, unlike huntress, it hits you, it hits you, with him, it's not a comfirmed down, so it won't be that bad.
  6. Decrease the reload speed and recovery speed after a missed shot, not much to say about that, they are too long.

That is all I have to say in the subject of my personal experiences from the red rank as a killer with red ranks survivors with the Deathslinger

Thanks for reading and see you in the fog

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