
+25% gen regression on gens you kicked, on top of current effect
You’re kidding right?
PGTW is already really strong (and sometimes still complained about), and can only be used a maximum of 12 times.
There would be absolutely no reason to use PGTW if Overcharge could regress gens 25% with any kick, no conditions necessary, AND a survivor still incurs the 15% penalty for failing Overcharge.
This idea is far too broken I’m sorry.
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not op at all
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If we're being honest, Pop does not have 12 uses
10 maximum considering there will only be 1 survivor left after 11
Once there are 3 survivors left using Pop is often a waste of time + there are many points in a match where you will not have the opportunity to use it on the right generators, especially after the nerf
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Sure, there may not be any need to use it more than 8 to 10 times, but I think you’ve gone past the point I’m emphasising.
The suggested Overcharge buff would be broken. I was using Pop as a comparison, and how totally redundant Pop would be if Overcharge did get such a buff.
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The freddy icon makes me think they are dead serious.
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Do you mean to say that the generator would regress at 0.31 charges a second instead of 0.25?
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133% of current regression rate sounds fair. Or maybe 150% if it's still weak.
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So basically ruin lite, would still be fairly weak against semi-competent survivors
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I have an idea but it might be too strong: if a survivor lets go of a gen while in the killers terror radius, that gen is now affected by overcharge. maybe put a small cooldown (20 secs) just so a killer can't camp a gen and just chase survivors on and off of it? idk.
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I didn't want to check replies because I know how stupid forum posters are, but ignoring things can only get so so far.
It was OBVIOUSLY implied to be a 25% FASTER regression. So focused on "haha first response!11" you forgot you make sure you comment was smart.
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restoration of my faith in humanity, in small increments.
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It seems a solid idea for a buff. Not too strong, but it would go nicely with perks like Trail of Torment and Surveillance, which need a little regression to feel worthwhile but get invalidated by PGTW half the time because it just absolutely slams the gen.