One thing I've noticed from the undying change backlash

It feels like a lot of killers heavily relied on this build which I think is a bad thing, which is funny considering they say it goes away super quick in the match so I don't understand the complaints.
However, I think it's a bad call to rely on this perk and complain about it getting nerfed cause now I'm curious to see what happens to a lot of killers who won't use Ruin+Undying as much.
Like y'all do realize they're other slowdown perks and combos too right? Some that are more consistent like Pop+Opression and even corrupt is good as well.
Yes I understand the whole argument "just do totems REEE" and I actually used small game (or Detective's Hunch) and it helped but having to basically use it all the time kinda hindered my builds since I needed a totem cleanser build to help with the annoying combo. I used this combo myself along with tinkerer for a bit and just stopped cause it felt extremely cheap
I know it sucks for those who relied on it but overall the changes undying got made it more healthy cause if you compare to the other hex perks it did way too much. Aura reading, hex protection, and slowing the game down really well with ruin.
The Brightside is, it's still good but not over bearing, especially for solo players and can be used with other hex perks and will probably allow some of y'all to find other builds with different slowdown perks to help out, heck maybe y'all will find new stuff you may end up liking
NGL I've played a good amount of killer and surv matches and barely any ds unbreakable maybe one or two times
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I barely used it and I still think it was mostly a correct move, but not letting killers at least defend one single totem one single time by removing it's aura detection was silly.
I mean I don't get hit by DS either....because I have to just ignore them. I mean they don't even need to have it, if there is an obsession you have to assume everyone has DS, you don't have a choice.
Notice how like all the strongest perks in the game all have that similarity? Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Decisive strike, etc.... all the strongest meta perks in the game you have to play like they have them even if they don't because they are so strong their EXISTENCE alone is threat to you.
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I still have not worked out if undying itself moves to another totem if it dies before the hex it’s protecting. If it doesn’t it’s terrible, totem placements are too RNG to make use out of 2 totem spawn locations. Hex’s will be back to being largely useless.
Pop I don’t like on most killers, if you run to a gen and pop it you lose a ton of distance on whoever is working on it, and the regression is not significant when compared to 3x survivors working on different gen simultaneously. Oppression is mediocre at best, with a huge cool down,
I feel like the best option is going to be playing a strong killer with infectious fright and sloppy butcher and slugging/camping/tunneling for pressure, the old fashioned way of winning.
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I mean if I tunnel it's because I want then dead for whatever reason so I'll eat the ds and get them. But as fir my games I dont tunnel and if I do it's a slug so what if they have UB they just waste a perk and they still cant do anything . Idk I feel bad for people who get screwed by these perks but I've never been utterly screwed by these perks or a combination of them as far as I can remember so I'll never agree that it's as bad as people say. Hell I've seen more ruin and undying then that combo
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I feel like undying was SUPER strong when first introduced because most survivors didn't cleanse unless they saw ruin.
This forced us to learn totem spawn locations and overtime it was easier and easier to find them.
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People are upset because EVERY TIME there is a strong perk combo its changed or nerfed. They get told to get good and "MaYbE nOw KiLlErS wIlL hAvE To tRy NoW" and it ticks people off because they feel their concerns arent being heard. Which causes more people to get upset and start taking it out any way they can to be heard.