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dead hard is unhealty

reaching a pallet or window you shouldn't have reached, fixing a error you made and make you reach the pallet because you are too greedy, i don't fall for the run into me dead hard, i talk about those who use it to get distance they shouldn't get and reach a loop they don't deserve to run into

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  • Member Posts: 293

    that half the time you are talking about you are using it in the middle of a dead zone so work or not you are still going down.

    the other half makes killers waste way too much time because of your E outplay

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I think a problem with Dead Hard is that there is no middle ground. You use it for distance its supposedly overpowered, you use it to dodge hits it usually never works and make no impact on the game. So of course survivors are going to use the strategy thats most effective.

    On a side note does anyone know the total distance you move with dead hard?

  • Member Posts: 293

    I did read something about it long ago and it was like around 200% +/- for 1 second or so

  • Member Posts: 308

    It is 250% speed for 0.2 seconds and 200% speed for 0.8 seconds the total animation being 1 second. Dead hard has been nerfed a lot. You used to be able to use it without pressing shift, basically you could dead hard to go from completely still to dashing away, now you have to be running to use it. You also used to be able to use it in mid air (leading to survivors using it to reach places they shouldn't be able to (jumping hedges on haddonfield from the tops of buildings, also jumping onto the mini-basement building roof on haddonfield) you could also use it immediately after falling to negate your stagger from the fall as well. Not to mention you used to be able to slowly lose exhaustion when running, it was faster when walking, even faster when crouching/staying still. Now it is just e to die or e to maybe get me to another loop provided I am not in a deadzone. Even then if you dead hard to a window chances are you will get hit through the window 😅

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I'm talking about being exhausted on the ground when you hit the button you don't actually dead hard but the game thinks you did.

    Also it's not my E to out play since I don't use exhaustion perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    More than half the time people aren't using it properly. He is saying using it for distance is broken, because it is.

  • Member Posts: 308

    Enlighten me then, how do you "use it properly" is that the thing where you press e to avoid a hit and end up on the ground because of hit validation? Dead hard worked when it was peer to peer, it broke with servers and broke even more with "hit validation" the exhausted on the ground happens then "hit validation kicks in" and I am no longer exhausted but I am still on the ground. The game knows I shouldn't be exhausted because I got hit mid dead hard so I shouldn't have gone down but the hit validation favours the killers and as such the game says the dead hard didn't happen even though on my screen it did.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    You use it to gain extra distance, you don't use to it "dodge" an attack. If you are smart when you use it for distance it becomes the strongest perk in the game by a mile, it's the difference between going down and getting to that pallet which in turn lets you get to a long wall, etc.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Dead Hard is perfectly fine.

    The one and only thing that’s unhealthy about the perk is when it’s used in a dead end, or actually directly into the killer, but it still makes the survivor invulnerable.

    This is the only time it’s total crap to deal with. The survivor isn’t going anywhere, and is right there. There is visual confirmation that the weapon swing is in contact with the survivor character model. But nope. They’re invulnerable despite right next to the killer.

  • Member Posts: 44

    I think they mean when they say survivors aren’t using it properly is when they use Dh to dodge an attack.

    Anyways my main issue with dead hard is it rewards a survivor for making mistakes. On top of that there is nothing you can do if a survivor deadhards for distance. Even if I predict that they have dh and wait it out they may still be able to get to a pallet and continue the chase for a lot longer, and when you play killer time is everything. Every second a killer wastes in chase is 3 seconds the remaining survivors gain so it gets pretty infuriating when you’ve won the chase but then a survivor presses the almighty e to get them to safety.

    A good comparison to this perk is noed (which btw is pretty weak in comparison to Dh as most times it just grants a single pity kill) because of the fact that it rewards the killer for being in a losing scenario.

    I am trying not to be biased but I really can’t see how some people don’t see the issue in the fundamental design of perks such as these. If you feel otherwise I’d love to hear why.

  • Member Posts: 977

    We literally get bloodlust 3 and you're going to complain about Dead Hard? 80% of the time survivors end up Dead landing hard on the ground. The perk is severely inconsistent and most of the time you can wait it out. If anything it needs to be fixed to work more consistently.

  • Member Posts: 57

    i know it's not optimal, but perks like mindbreaker can discourage an injured survivor from dedicating a gen. also some killers have addons that make you exhausted clown, huntress, and legion i believe.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Dead hard doesn't even work half of the time you guys need to take a chill pill

  • Member Posts: 529

    Half of the time it doesn't work yet people STILL run it, speaks volumes how strong perk it actually is. It's literally a crutch when you can press a button and undo killers mind game

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    They are working on making it even more braindead.

    They don't like that you can become exhausted on the ground if you try to time it when the killer swings, so are probably going to prioritize it somehow to take that away from the killer and make it work 100% of the time without effort.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    That is called "abusing the perk" simply because your using the perk to do something it was not intended for, like when Wake Up affected every single action survivors did.

    The reason why DH for distance is problematic to killers is because it negates counterplay for such a strong perk that requires no skill or thought process.

    If they made the perk more risky for distance users, than the perk wouldn't be problematic but we already know BHVR won't touch survuvirs precious second chance perks

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    The maps have too many deadzones nowadays. The perk is fine. I don't even use the perk. I don't really mind if you nerf it but seriously it's fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,624
    edited January 2021

    What makes you think using Dead Hard to gain distance isn't part of the design of the perk?

    The perk is literally designed to be a "second chance" perk. It's designed to be an extra health state for someone who doesn't have health (No Mither).

  • Member Posts: 1,055

    You mean they are trying to fix it to properly work within it's intended use.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Because the purpose of the dash is to avoid taking a hit. DH for distance isn't even remotely trying to avoid taking a hit.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    I agree it doesn't really fit with the current game considering how strong it is in comparison to the other exhaustion perks, which were designed for old exhaustion. However i would still like it to maintain it's funcionality in being used to dodge swings, I just think the dead hard for distance part needs to be looked at cause it's pretty mindless.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    There is intended use and then there is it will work no matter what so long as you press the button.

    As a killer with 20 ping i can tell you that the perk currently works fine, the problem is when the killer uses a vpn or lives in the middle of nowhere.

    "fixing" this perk will punish killers with good ping even more then the game already does.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    The point of taking a hit is to get distance. It's built into the mechanics of the game. That's why when you're hit you get a speed burst. Avoiding a hit is meaningless if the killer can just hit you again right after.

    If it were just avoiding taking a hit it wouldn't have a dash. The Dash is part of the effect. It needs to be, because when you get hit you gain distance from the killer.

    And in terms of taking creating distance Dead Hard isn't even the best perk for it. Lithe is a much better perk for creating distance. The power of Dead Hard lies in the control you have over activating it. Since it works in dead zones its very easy to use. I am not denying it's a strong perk. It is.

    But let's not pretend that Dead Hard isn't meant to create distance. It is.

    Synergy and stacking an advantage is part of this game and it's what makes builds strong. That's why Undying Ruin is so powerful. It's also why Mettle of Man/Dead Hard/DS was also really, really powerful. To an extent these things need to be nerfed -- and they were. Now is DH/DS still too powerful?

    I don't think so, and clearly the devs don't think so either. They probably have statistics backing that opinion up.

  • Member Posts: 509

    If you honestly think that dead hard is OP then you must be a terrible killer. Most of the time survivors bring it to a game it’s basically a wasted perk as it doesn’t change most chases at all against a decent killer. Every now and then it gets them distance to a window or pallet and can add some time to a chase. But killers have plenty of perks and other things to decrease chase time so what’s the issue

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited January 2021

    I've been saying this since 2018. Dead hard is too powerful when used for distance. It is the definition of a second chance perk. Click 1 button = correct your mistake and reach a pallet/window. And don't say to me "it requires skill". Even my friends with 20 hours in the game know how to do a dead hard into a pallet.

    It should be more difficult to use, be more situational, idk, just like balanced landing or lithe.

  • Member Posts: 293

    I didn't say it was op like i also said i don't fall for the run into me dead hard, i mean it can give way more time to a survivor than they deserve it by reaching a window or pallet they wouldn't have reached otherwise or reaching a pallet and since they have DH are super greedy and run around it again

    And our perks to decrease chase times are? bamboozle? 15% faster? brutal strength? 20% faster? stblf, exposed perks which again must be triggered by you survivors, what else? where are the others "plenty" perks that makes chases end faster for us? a loop is a loop and unless you are a spirit nurse or deathslinger, you can't always deny the loop and so those "plenty"of perks you are talking about aren't that effective and if you manage to mind game them or they make a big mistake nope, E outplay

  • Member Posts: 822

    They could add that DH can only be used in 4 Meters of the Killer

  • Member Posts: 743

    If we are gonna use logic the survivors should be able to jump over traps at any time.

  • Member Posts: 111

    The thing is about DH is that if you are chasing someone for so long that they can benefit from DH and get around a loop a 4th time, the killer already made a mistake dedicating themselves to that chase. If I use DH to get to a window I wouldn't have gotten to because I was greedy and I knew the killer is inherently faster than me to catch up and I use it anyway to get away, the killer already made a mistake being looped to long by that one person. If your talking about killer time is important dont waste time on the guy who is looping you consistently and then able to get away and continue looping you for another few pallets and minutes, that is already a killer mistake overall, I just extended the mistake.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    Used Dead Hard at max, like 5 times in all of my DbD. I love Balanced Landing mainly cause it requires a bit more thinking, it can be used horribly or you can incorporate it into a chase and prolong it. Dead Hard is just for people who suck at looping or need second chances to save them. I'm a red rank survivior (1/2) and I would love a redesign on it b/c I feel too many people rely on it.

  • Member Posts: 16,678

    So making things work as intended which got bugged due to Dedicated Servers is making them "more braindead" now?

    So, whenever a Bug get fixed, this is a Buff for that respective side?

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    When they fixed survivors screens going black in the basement that was just a survivor buff.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    There is intended use and then there is it will work no matter what so long as you press the button.

    As a killer with 20 ping i can tell you that the perk currently works fine, the problem is when the killer uses a vpn or lives in the middle of nowhere.

    "fixing" this perk will punish killers with good ping even more then the game already does.

  • Member Posts: 5,613

    I mean i wonder how powerful nurse would be if all her "bugs" were patched.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    I think they should reduce the distance it grants. It is supposed to be a SHORT dash forward, not a long one.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    Dead Hard has some serious issues. My best piece of advice is to instead of complaining, learn to play against it. You can walk to survivor and hit, you can lunge after the DH, you can use exhaustion addons on different killers.

    Now, if you chose to ignore the guy that Sprint Burst for distance and followed the one that was not exhausted only to miss a lunge and come to the forums and complain about how the perk is OP, then you're not getting any better.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Babmboozle on the right killer is strong as ######### and completely gets rid of loops. Where did you get 15% from? It’s 15% faster vault but blocks it too, I could run a killer in shack for over a minute, use bamboozle and I can’t run it at all and have to waste the pallet or get hit. Bamboozle ends the potential to loop, dead hard gives an extra chance to loop. But the difference? Bamboozle has no cool down whereas dead hard can only be used once in a chase. That’s just one example of a perk which you clearly have no idea about or how to use.

  • Member Posts: 16,678

    Yeah, according to this logic, they would be buffing Nurse.

    But eh, DBD-Forum, what to expect. Bugfixes are Buffs now.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Really? Any shorter and you would still get hit by the end of a lunge that you tried to dead hard through...

  • Member Posts: 5,613
    edited January 2021

    I mean with the 125 listed bugs now i wouldnt shy away from calling it a buff for them to finally fix them. Its a wonder why they havent already. For instance being unable to teleport upstairs of midwich has been a thing for so many patches now im used to just not being able to do it at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,131

    Dead Hard also allows you to dodge AOE attacks such as Shock Therapy. How is it possible to dodge ground attack when it doesnt event damage?

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