I know this tends to the whole what aboutisim

But not even keys were addressed in this update like I like the updates but its not helping the broken things ds has remained unchanged for about 2 years and unbreakable is such a simple perk it seems almost impossible to change
They've already said multiple times they're changing keys. It's just not this update. It might not even be the next update but they are getting changed eventually.
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why does keys needs to be addressed? i think keys are fine how it is.
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It is rather questionable that a lot of broken toys are being ignored, but I assume it's not because the Devs don't know they're broken. I assume it's because they want to rework them properly and that takes a lot of effort when compared to the perk changes that have been released.
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why does it HAVE to be reworked, or nerfed? like... why? i dont get it. i rather devs bring the old mori back in exchange of leaving keys alone.
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No I'm loving it. I'm survivor. Killer got 1 kill. He should be happy.
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But apparently according to the dev's it should be 50 50 (even tho I feel like it should be 75/25)
( sticks to the feel that the killer is the power role and not the same as them)
So if we live in the world the dev's imagine a key shouldn't allow that
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I totally agree that it should be 75/25. However I am a solo survivor and I need the keys.
Since I think it should be 75/25, I really think mori and undying was fine.
Many ppl will just disagree w me and say that mori is OP, but so are the survivors. Survivors are OP w all the OP items they have. They are OP without any items and add ons.
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People need to stop spouting this Whataboutism nonsense.
Two wrongs don't make a right. They're still both wrong. They keep using Whataboutism as a shield to protect arguments they make that are wrong, as if claiming Whataboutism makes their argument immune to criticism. It doesn't.
People who argue another topic shouldn't stop there too, and put down the wrong argument as it deserves to be. And don't let anyone say Whataboutism to shut you up. It's a lazy argument that holds no merit.
Now moving on.
Both DS and Unbreakable were changed, though people weren't happy with the changes obviously. Also I think the change to Unbreakable was actually a buff. This upcoming update is going to be pretty survivor-sided, but I think the survivor side needs it more at this point in time, mostly because Undying really just has to go. It is just bad for the game as it is.
I personally don't think that keys and DS/Unbreakable are terribly gamebreaking the way a lot of other things are. I am assuming that the developers agree based on what they know of the game, which is why DS/Unbreakable is still in the game after two years.
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Repeat after me whataboutism is a statement devoid of reasoning. This game is a time trial game every mechanic and ability that yield or negates pressure is speeding the clock up or slowing it down. If a side is hurt by a change while the other remains untouched the scale will lean to an unfair advantage. Now whats interesting about dbd is that in truth it has 3 sides to balance solo,swf and killer. Swf and solo need to be separated with solo holding more advantages to compensate for its innate advantages.
Again whataboutism is a moronic concept that plays into the concept of evaluating something in a vacuum which any self respecting intellectual will tell you produces illogical and often foolish conclusions.
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Don't have time to do change keys or nerf DS but have all the time in the world to buff 5 survivors perks and nerf undying.