Perk Idea: Enchantment perks
The upcoming changes to Undying got me thinking. I thought about how new undying will still be able to be broken within the first minute of the game and ruin potentially only seconds later.
Killers know how frequently this happens. I'm not arguing that new undying is a bad change, but it just got me thinking.
What if there were hex perks that instead of being hexes were enchantments. They glowed purple instead of burned red, and were unable to be broken until something else occurred in game to break the enchantment.
For example if undying were an enchantment, it wouldn't be able to be broken until a hex took its place. Coordinated swf would still be able to note the location of the enchantment and quickly break it after the hex jump. But it would just give it that much more chance to survive the first minute break situations.
Regardless if that would be a good change to undying or not, and that idea is not what I'm really arguing or pushing with this post. The real point is that I liked the idea of enchantment perks in general and thought I would share.
Sounds like a consistency buff for Undying. Doesn't sound like a bad idea -- but that's pretty much how the change to Undying is going to work anyway.
How else would Enchantment work? What other hex perks would have this kind of mechanic?
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I remember when hex perks were a risk thing. Something that wasn't supposed to be consistent in the first place and if you wanted that, you'd run perks that couldn't be taken away from you.
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It was more of an idea for new perks rather than changes to hex perks.
It would be a new perk type like hex perks, obsession perks, and then there would be enchantment perks.
I do think it wouldn't be a bad idea to add some type of prerequisite to breaking existing hex perks though so its not just like "lel hehe I spawned on your totem outplayed." This could also give more side objectives that survivors say they want (just brainstorming with this)
But say there's an enchantment perk that gives any sort of benefit to the killer and in order to make it be breakable or perhaps it just extinguishes when the spell is broken, the perk might say something like "the enchantment is broken after 5 pallets are destroyed." Just a rough example.
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They'd still be inconsistent because survivors would have ways to get rid of them. How fast that happens would vary in game but it wouldn't just be oh broke the totem in the first 30 sec gg
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Hex perks were always classified as high risk high reward. Yet killers keep getting their reward nerfed while the risk stays the same.
I am a survivor main btw just for reference. Just sharing my brain baby
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Another hex perks that could benefit from a prerequisite is devour hope. Where it is a very strong perk when it works it is often gone before it ever even sees any play.
An enchantment prerequisite might be that it can't be broken until its reached 3 stacks.
Again it still could be negated by a smart survivor who remembered or communicated the location of the enchantment, and could still be broken before it got the chance to be used or very quickly after the survivors realize devour hope is in play.
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Perhaps enchantment perks would be perks that are useless on their own but useful only when paired with a hex perk.
Kinda like undying does nothing on its own,, but only provides support for other hexes.
Enchantment perks might dedicate a perk slot to just make the killers other hex perks stronger.
Enchantment: totemic intervention could be a perk that causes totems to be blocked by the entity for the first minute or minute and a half like corrupt intervention does for gens.