The Hex Undying Changes are Misleading

Mr_K Member Posts: 9,407
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

In the recent Dev Update, we were presented with many changes including to the all so popular perk, Hex Undying. In it, the Devs listed out their issues with Hex Undying and what they felt are needed changes.

Lets start by reading the issues outlined by the Devs:

   1. Transferring the same Hex multiple times can get out of hand: Hexes are meant to be strong perks that can be destroyed, and having to destroy the same Hex four times can be a bit much.

   2. Since tokens aren’t transferred when a Hex changes totems, Undying was unpopular with perks other than Ruin (which does not have any tokens and is immediately at full power).

   3. Having aura reading on all totems also made it a very powerful tracking perk on top of its other effects, and is a little redundant with Hex: Thrill of the Hunt.

Now lets read how they plan on solving these issues. Solutions seem to be in order to address the issues above:

   1. Any time a Hex totem is cleansed, it will replace the Hex: Undying totem. Hex: Undying is then deactivated. This ensures that the first totem cleansed is never your other Hex perk.

   2. Any tokens you’ve already accumulated are now kept when the Hex perk transfers totems. This way you’re not starting from scratch part way through a match.

   3. Aura reading only applies to dull totems.

So solutions 1 and 2 are presented in a way to say, yes we are making the perk weaker but we are also making it stronger in another way. You know, compromise. Both sides being equally happy or upset.


Did you catch it?


Solution 2 never happens.


Yes, if the first Hex perk cleansed will always be Hex Undying, then how do tokens transfer for Hex Devour Hope when its cleansed?

You could say the survivor really cleansed the Hex Devour Hope first and it transferred. But isn't that the same thing as saying they really cleansed Hex Undying? Smoke and Mirrors. Not like you could tell the difference in game.

So, in the end of the day Hex Undying is weakened with no upsides when compared to its previous state. The real loss is the aura reading, imo. It was just easier to changes a controversial perk than find a better power for an unpopular one.

Agree or agree to disagree, these are the changes coming for the perk. I just don't like the intentional or unintentional way it was presented.




  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    I'm hoping it means that you can still accumulate tokens, that definitely seems to be what they're implying.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,407

    Of course you can. Just like the survivor never cleansed it.

    In the end, it was Hex Undying that got cleansed. 😉

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    Dude what are you on about not making sense

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    Undying got nerfed into the ground, nobody is denying that

  • Woot1234
    Woot1234 Member Posts: 139

    Given how Haunted Ground works, it is more likely that hex perks are assigned a location at match launch instead of randomly determined when one is cleansed. Which means that devs would insert a simple IF statements to swap the undying hex totem with the one that was cleansed before triggering deactivation of the hex location that was cleansed.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288


    In fact, I suppose Undying + Haunted will still work this way:

    1- if you cleanse Undying first... well, nothing happens

    2- if you cleanse Haunted Ground first, survivors get exposed, the other Haunted Ground totem stays lit, and Undying becomes the first Haunted Ground totem

    in other words, yes, Undying works as a buffer, but it's not a placeholder until a hex is cleansed.

    If this is not the case, meaning that whatever happens the first totem cleansed is always Undying, this would actually be a shadow nerf (exactly because of the Haunted Ground combo) on top of the real nerf.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    Easiest way I can describe this:

    You bring Devour Hope, and Undying; Devour Hope is Totem A and Undying is Totem B, this is the way the CODE SAYS SO TO MAKE IT WORK.

    With these changes;

    If Totem A is cleansed FIRST, Devour Hope becomes transferred to Totem B and keeps its stacks. Devour Hope now takes the place of Totem B inside the code to make it work as a hex perk.

    But if Totem B is cleansed first, it will deactivate Undying, as the code now says that the "transfer" is complete, and the perk retains its stacks.

    Probably not the exact way it is wrote into the code, but the easiest way I could describe the process in words.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I guess the undying nerf gives a reason to runHaunted Ground with whatever other hex you want like ruin or Devour.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    It's not described the best but, basically:

    • You have Devours. You have Undying.
    • You have 3 stacks of devours right now.
    • They cleanse your devours, undying takes the fall instead. Your devours is now moved to where undying USED to be.
    • You keep your stacks when it transfers to that other totem.

    So all wording is technically correct but yeah, not the clearest. "Solution 2" as you call it does still happen.

    Also because it doesn't jump to a random dull totem, odds are survivors will already know where it is. No aura reading, so quite often I can see you losing both perks within seconds of each other.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    I don’t think Undying has its own Totem, I think the way it will function is if you’re running Hex Devour, there will be one Hex Totem lit in the game, when cleansed Undying will take the fall and transfer the Hex Totem to a dull totem

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2021

    If you have more than 1 totem will the first one destroyed just swap to Undying and that's it?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Why not keep the aura reading on lit totems at least though? I mean breaking 2 totems to remove 2 perks entirely is not that bad.

    Giving the killer some ability to at least defend ONE totem ONE time before they are gone seems fair- I mean after first totem is cleansed that ability is gone entirely anyways. It's not like it will be around long enough to be game breaking; and the overwhelming part of undying was removed- so why remove any and all defense of it as well?

    Also, could the aura read be swapped with thrills notification? I mean; this would be better for suited for that one totem defense chance undying could give; while legit buffing thrill of the hunt a perk that could honestly use it.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I think the more important thing is: how will this interact with haunted grounds? HG requires totems to work, undying only saves ONE.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021
    • It's still technically cleansed. So it would activate.
    • It would then move to where the undying totem was at.
    • Undying would deactivate.
    • The one haunted grounds would remain active, but the effect took place so the other would become dull.

    It will work just as you assume, yes.

    Edit, I fixed this sorry.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    edited January 2021

    I think you didnt understand the point of the devs.

    New Undying makes It so that if you have 3 stacks Devour of Hope + Undying, whenever they cleanse any of the totems you'll keep Devour with 3 tokens.

    It makes It so that you will always have to cleanse the "strong" hex twice while keeping the stacks.

  • Almo
    Almo Member Posts: 1,123

    We kept aura reading so that it does SOMETHING when you use it alone.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Except as soon as one totem is cleansed that is gone; and it still would have done something when used alone; albeit there isn't really a ton of reasons to do that either way it's meant to be a synergy totem- it seems odd to hurt it's primary purpose for the less than ideal one.

    Also, given again that as soon as one totem is cleansed that effect is gone entirely, even having it as it is wouldn't really be that bad. Especially in the situation of that thrill of the hunt bit I mentioned. That would honestly make both perks functionally and thematically more fitting.

    Edit: I get that it's meant to be nerfed and I am 110% on board with that; however given that cleansing 2 totems is all that is required to remove half of the killer's perks in that game, so having one chance to defend their totems before all of that and half their perks are just gone- seems like a fairly reasonable request while still greatly nerfing it's actual problem area.

    If taken further with what I said about thrill; it would keep it even more manageable and less overbearing while giving thrill of the hunt better synergy and use when used alone which it could use more than undying needs.

    I just want this to at least be considered is all.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    The aura reading on dull totems is pointless. It should be only on the hex totems that way the killer can opt to protect them. Why would he care about dull totems? Survivors could use this as a distraction so others could fix gens.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    So if I have Haunted and Undying. If survivor clean Haunted, is Expose effect activated then Undying get in place to die for Haunted.

    Or Undying just die for Haunted without Expose effect?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    To be fair; it can be pretty nice especially when a totem is near a gen or something else. Currently with undying; it's not uncommon to just randomly get useful aura reads by people passing by totems haphazardly.

    However given a survivor can now just cleanse one of 2 lit totems on the map and delete it, and the perk from the game basically entirely in 14 seconds without any threat really of the killer- I agree it seems a bit unnecessary to nerf it's only defense as well. Keeping ruin up for like 30 extra seconds or such, and aura reading dull totems for a tiny bit at the start of the game is not really worth an entire perk slot.

    It might be okay on devours; but outside of that I don't see it being used much. It won't even work with noed really since it will be lit all game so odds are it will never make it to end game at which point it's just a perk slot wasted as noed would have done what it did just the same anyways.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,106

    @Almo ik its a bit rude to ping a dev, but all of us are interested in how itll work with haunted grounds? Will it restart haunted grounds and dim the other totem but then light one? Will undying be a solo HG? Or will haunted grounds override the perk?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    I think it would work as I mentioned above, at least given what they told us so far. I could be wrong though so an official word on it sure wouldn't hurt.

    That is how it should technically go if just going by the phrasing of everything; but maybe they planned on some exception for the perk or something.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,407
    edited January 2021

    You could say the survivor really cleansed the Hex Devour Hope first and it transferred. But isn't that the same thing as saying they really cleansed Hex Undying? Smoke and Mirrors. Not like you could tell the difference in game.

    Like I said, Smoke and mirrors.

    The only chance of it not being smoke and mirrors is if the first Hex happens to be Haunted Grounds and Haunted Grounds activates. Which in my opinion, will not happen.

    Why? Because Haunted Grounds is two totems. If Hex Undying takes the hit from breaking Haunted Grounds. Then Haunted Grounds can activate twice in one match. I don't believe that would be the direction the Devs would want to take.

    edit: another note, When Haunted Grounds is broken the other Hex totem is deactivated. If Undying takes its place then one of three things would happen.

    1. Haunted Grounds activates, second Hex totem disappears, Undying and Haunted switch spots. Either a new second totem appears or Haunted remains a solo Hex totem.
    2. Haunted Grounds activates, second Hex does not disappear, Undying and Haunted switch spots.
    3. Haunted Grounds does not activate, Undying switches spots with Haunted.

    My money is on option 3.

  • Woot1234
    Woot1234 Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2021

    Thrill of the Hunt already gives a way to protect hex totems (albeit a notification, not an aura).

    Aura readings for dull totems is not useless. If I run across a dull totem, I cleanse it for BP + incase of NOED. And as a killer main constantly bothered by totems in high-traffic areas, I can appreciate the aura help.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,407

    In code you may very well be correct. (Which may cause unintended behavior with future or existing Hex perks ) The point I'm trying to get across is that it doesn't matter if all Hex totems are Undying or Undying swaps places with another when cleansed. The outcome is the same.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,114

    If you use an hex perk and undying, then it's essentially two hex totems for your hex perk.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,407

    Yes that is clear. The issue is how the changes were portrayed as if there was a tradeoff from losing multiple Hex reappearance.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    What're you on about? Are you holding up the times that Undying is cleansed first in the current meta and pretending that that's what happens every time someone cleanses a totem right now? Because that's not true or Ruin/Undying wouldn't be so oppressive.

    New Undying duplicates a totem. Run Undying/Devour Hope and you basically have 2 perk slots dedicated to Devour Hope, and 2 Devour Hope totems that the survivors have to cleanse, but also you have random aura reading on dull totems. That is the purpose of new Undying: Duplicating a single totem.

    And if you only run Undying then that's 4 potential loops that have wallhacks. Or, you know, none, but I feel like most of us have felt the power trip of Undying totems in loops.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,407

    I find the whole Ruin/Undying to be silly at best and no I don't play with either of them. Ruin is shell of it's former self and current Undying can stand on it's own as an aura reading perk. The fact that survivors are even bothering cleansing Ruin shocks me.

    I digress, the post isn't about how the perk is now to the way it will be or whether or not it should be changed. Its about the way it was portrayed as a compromised change.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    First off, Ruin is now objectively stronger than before the nerf - the only reason it was a nerf is because it didn't last long enough to effective, which is what Undying fixes by making it, often literally, uncleansable. Second, if you see no value in the new Undying then you are squinting so hard it's distorting your vision. IT KEEPS TOKENS. That is something I'm willing to bet is going to get reverted.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,407


    Ruin is nothing.

    Gen time without Ruin: 80s

    Gen time with Ruin: 80s

    I find it hard to believe that survivors run around like headless chickens while the killer is in a chase with another survivor. But you know what solo queue be like that sometimes.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Well idk if these changes are even implemented yet or not, but I just played 4 Red Rank games a Killer:

    I ran Undying, Ruin, & Haunted Ground.

    EVERY SINGLE MATCH They Totems were cleansed in the following order:

    1st Undying

    2nd Ruin

    3rd (if they still kept cleansing at all) Haunted Ground.

    This may have been purely a coincidence, but if it wasn't, I have serious concerns about Haunted Ground and how it works with this 3 Perk Combo, because Haunted Ground being cleansed LAST/FINAL consistently no matter what after Ruin/Undying would really actually end up being quite problematic.. basically Survivors would just know to never cleanse anything after Ruin (honestly they still should know that) but that's kind of the point that I'm trying to make is that it shouldn't always be the case..

    Haunted Ground SHOULD have a chance to be the first totem cleansed. Undying SHOULD NOT proc for Haunted Ground. This is a very important distinction that I believe should absolutely be made in the Code.

    That being said, if you take away Aura of Hex Totems with Undying (which is kind of lame) then I do think you should at least ADD Aura Reading to Hex: Thrill of the Hunt - which is otherwise a fairly useless perk, I've tried using Thrill of the Hunt on multiple occasions and the noise notification it is "supposed" to deliver is not very consistent .. I can tell you with absolute certainty from having done tests that you DO NOT get a noise notification "Every" time a Survivor begins to cleanse a totem. It does happen, but it is not 100% consistently, which can really throw you off if you are relying on the perk to actually work for your game plan.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    I just wrote a comment and then noticed a small spelling typo so I went to "Edit" and fixed it, when I hit save my comment disappeared, is that normal?

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Im fine with this change but you also got ride of the aura reading on hexs which makes it so the aura reading aspect of the perk is nearly useless since it won't help you defend your hexs and it will only activate in 3 spots in the whole map. Because of this the aura reading doesn't belong on this hex anymore, if anything you guys should switch TOTH totem counter/slowdown and undying's aura reading but have it apply to hexs as well but with a lower duration.

    That would buff both TOTH and the upcoming undying but not in a way that makes them as strong as they were before. those effects also just fits the one another well and with the aura length adjusted it wont be impossible to cleanse totems when TOTH is used to defend them.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    So that means we should get rid of the second change since it apparently never happens, yes?

  • Monch
    Monch Member Posts: 1

    Will this happen to other perks that also do nothing alone? like Hex: Retribution that does nothing unless a survivor interact with a toten and they have no reason to cleanse any of them

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    The undying change is really good, nothing to say, my greetings👏👏👏 (seriously)

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    As survivor just going around the entire map just to see whether ruin respawned 4 freaking times is so depressing, geez

  • AceOfSpades1773
    AceOfSpades1773 Member Posts: 74

    Can you not read?

  • ACigar
    ACigar Member Posts: 13

    Solution two means your other hex's totem if it got replaced instead of destroyed keeps it's tokens

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    I like how I was skeptical back then it would ruin the perk, but honestly it's made it a fair and still useful perk. I was wrong.

    I mean, it skirts the line somewhat with reliability, but it's still decent.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Honestly, does anyone still use Undying?