How many killers and survivors will Dead by Daylight have until it ends.

This can be said and some concern that this beautiful game (so to speak) will come to an end at any moment, it is a fear that worries many of us since I currently play a killer and I feel that I am running out of few killers and the same as always, I feel like I want to see something new from the developers, I have all the DLCs, the same happens when I play survivor, it's the same as always, but what the title is about is how many chapters are left for it to come to an end? I know that it is tedious to ask this but and maybe it is even more to see a long list of dlcs in the Steam store unlike that In Game you can buy all the original killers and survivors at only 9000 fragments, maybe in my point of view you will I see in the future that there will be about 38 survivors and 40 killers until it stops updating, what do you think about it?
As long as people are playing DBD, there will continually be new characters added.
If they release 4 killers every year, in 5 years there will be over 40 killers.
The only way DBD could end is if everyone stops playing it, and that isn’t happening in the foreseeable future, and certainly not within the next 5 years.
So, fear not, and play on🥳
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I made a similar post awhile ago, and the simple (and more than likely true) answer is until it stops making money. They may slow down after a bit, but as long as people buy things they'll make new content.
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Yes, you are right, there is still a lot to see from the Developers and iconic license characters in the future :)
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If they still refuse to fix the grind in the near future, we're not gonna see many more chapters. The main reason being the grind will become so exponentially atrocious that people will be fed up with it and quit the game.
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As I estimate, with currently 18 DLC, a new player requires 250.000.000BP to unlock everything (with massive money on DLC to instantly unlock all characters already)
If new players want to unlock characters with shards, the number is much more.
And for that, only players who started to play since 2016-2019 can continue to play. New players have to reason to buy this game.
I think, the easiest way to reduce the grind is the bloodpoint gain must be in ratio with the number of DLC. At least x1.8 BP gain & 1.800.000BP cap now. And x3 BP gain & 3.000.000BP cap at 30th DLC
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As much as I hate to say it the only way for DBD to die is if a game comes out that's the same, but does everything better, but I dont see that happening anytime soon.
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They way you reduce the grind is simply by either removing perk tiers, or making all the default perks and unlocked teachables universal. It's literally that easy and they have to do it soon because it is seriously getting out of hand now. Idk how they expect players to stick around and keep playing, or even get into the game when everything about the progression is actively trying to make you stop playing because it's so tedious and grindy.