Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why can't your MMR rank be shown through the ranking system?

chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

If they prevented emblems from affecting rank, and instead just used them to show how you did in a match. Then they could use the ( hidden ) MMR to determine ranks instead.

Of course the individual killer MMR would have to be factored in too. Meaning that your killers would be different ranks, but that isn't totally fair given that killer fundamentals carry across all killers. So instead of having totally separate MMR ranks, your progress on your main would also give a slight amount of rank progress on your other killers.

That way you don't go against baby survivors who don't have their fundamentals down, and they won't have to go against a rank one learning a new killer. This means that the rank one learning ( x killer ) will still have a decent challenge while learning said killer.

I have no idea what the values would be for the tithed rank progress, but what would y'all think of this as a ranking system?

Edit: it feels a little silly to me how the devs are essentially throwing away their old ranking system, when it could still be used for a new, and hopefully better system.


  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited January 2021

    Id rather not know anyone else MMR and they not know mine, seeing other comunities were MMR is open for all to see creates a huge elitism around the players "how DARES that 10000 MMR deadbeat being paired with me, a 10100 GOD? Ah great, a 12000 joined the team, nice nice". Not knowing yours no idea, maybe they dont want people gathering data on how it works and slow them on learning how to trick the system, which will happen, its only a matter of when.

    While knowing everyones MMR has some advantages it has some drawbacks too and in this case the drawbacks are too high and toxic (as other games have shown us).

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    That's an issue with the players, not the system itself. DBD already has a toxic community, and they'll be toxic no matter what is added to the game.

    Why should a ( hopefully ) good system be held back just because a select few players will be [BAD WORD] about it?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Because the current ranking system isn´t really good? It tries to force certain playstyles, to create a "fun" experience for everyone. But in the end it punishes for playing efficient or using the corresponding power.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Showing MMR and hiding MMR have both drawbacks. In a game with no real rank mode i see more problems with hiding.

    They could only show your own rank and it would be a good compromise.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited January 2021

    Problem is its not going to be a few select players, its going to be a huge chunk of them as other games have shown.

    When the issue is the players you have to either get rid of what causes the issue or at least dont give them tools to behave like that, I remember SF4 online where people would turn off the router to avoid playing against players with higher MMRs or WoW elitism in M+, there are plenty of examples where tools and information were abused by a lot of people to be extremely toxic to each other.

    Its sad but sometimes people need to be protected from their worse instincts.

    @TicTac They could only show your own rank and it would be a good compromise.

    I agree, that would be harmless comunity wise but my guess is they dont want people devising how it works and how to trick it so hidding it may slow them in getting how it works (I doubt it will slow them much anyway).

    Myself I would make your own MMR viewable but it will only upgrade after X time, like you play for a week and every Monday you see your MMR change to avoid tampering (internally it will change after every game but you would only see the numbers change on Monday).

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    That's the issue with the emblem system, I'm saying that the emblem system should not affect rank, and instead should only be in the post match as a "hey, look at how you did in a match"

    Besides, the other issue is how certain killers aren't awarded enough for using their power, plague being a massive offender in that. While a blight will most likely max out his deviousness in most matches. So it's down to fixing how bloodpoints are awarded.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    As i said, those people will be toxic no matter what is added to the game. And what games are you referring to?

    You can't just mention other games and not say what they are. While pretending just saying that is evidence enough.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited January 2021

    Read the post I did mention 2 games, Street Fighter 4 where people would yank the router to avoid playing against people with higher MMRs and WoW Mytic+ dungeons where you can check a webpage that colects data and assigns points to your performance without taking account stuff like who you were paired with in the dungeons so having a lower score impairs significantly your odds of being invited to a party, people are already complaining about this on some WoW forums (in the new expansion, they complained about it in the other xpacs that have the system). Ill add one more to the mix Dragon Ball Fighter Z people not accepting games of higher MMR ranked players. I played those 3 games and faced those 3 problems and believe me it was AWFUL.

    And yes, that huge chunk of toxic players will be toxic no matter what but why give them more tools and more info? you can reach a point where your MMR will make the rest of the Survivors quit your lobby just because your number is not palatable to them and get your lobby filled with lesser MMRs then you will be the one quitting because "I dont wanna play with noobs".

    Heck it already happened when Rank was visible, people quitted lobbies if they didnt like the others ranks...

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    That's why rank should only be seen in the post game as it has always been.

    Just because some people are toxic doesn't mean the rest should be punished because of it. Having a visible rank also gives a way of affirming a ranking system works.

    There is no way to know if that is how my suggested system would be exploited without implementation. I keep saying, toxic people will always be toxic. But they are not guaranteed to do exactly as you say they will just because people in an unrelated game did it.

    Ranks are already visible, and there is no elitism right now. Having a high rank should be something to be proud of. With a hidden MMR system, there is nothing to be proud of because the devs refuse to tell you how you compare to others. Which could lead to some sort of dissatisfaction in the community.

    Just how I believe people could become dissatisfied without a measurement. You believe people will exploit the system for their own gain. But for both of those opinions there is no guarantee of that behavior occurring. The only way to know would be implementing it, and observing community responses.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Still a bit unclear as to how killers and survivors skill level (?) is measured and gathered, and also how a killer and a survivor are equally paired with one another having 2 separate roles with 2 entirely different functions and necessary skill sets.

    Any insight?

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    They want you to continue to play how you play naturally. Being a knower would change your behavior.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    The devs got sick of people calling them rank 20s so now they're going to make everyone rank 20.

  • Windfell
    Windfell Member Posts: 45

    Introduce MMR matchmaking, get rid of public Ranks. Easy fix. Nobody complains because nobody knows what ranks they are going against, it's what went wrong the last test.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Just for simplicity, let's pretend dropping pallets nets the most MMR in the shortest amount of time.

    The result would be ppl running through the map dropping pallets like $$$ at a strip club on payday.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Unfortunately the devs have given us zero insight into how MMR scores players.

    So all i can do is hope that we can have an actual ranking system instead of a 'play x amount of time to get to rank 1' system.