Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Rank Rewards

I saw that we’re finally getting an incentive for ranking up and was somewhat dissatisfied. During the dev log they showed that we would receive 250k blood points for reaching Rank 1. Which is nice but isn’t a whole lot in the grand scheme of things and doesn’t really provide an incentive to win after you reach rank 1 for the first time. I think the rewards should be a passive buff where we get more bloodpoints for playing in the rank we are. Like for example we get a 100% bonus to bloodpoints when we’re playing in red ranks. I think a system like this would give us players incentive to keep our spots in red rank.


  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    I had an idea... But probably people will bash me for it.... F it, here it is:

    We saw an image with the rewards per color of rank reached and as you said, we'll get 250k if we reach rank 1.

    Well how about, we get those rewards individually. So 10k for rank 20,then 30k for rank 16, 100k for rank 12, 150k for rank 8, etc etc.

    Meaning, if you reach rank 8 for example you'll get 310k points. It's still not immense but it'd be way more helpful

  • Waldbeere
    Waldbeere Member Posts: 168

    I like the idea of a different amount of bp for each rank.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    they should double the amount of bp we get after all we are being reset back to rank 20 each reset.

    If you get to rank 1 on both sides from 20 i feel like you should get a sweet 1 million BP.

  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    Nothing will be done to reduce the grind, this is a feeble incentive just to make some people happy that they're getting some crumbs, but devs don't want to end or reduce the monstrous grinding that players must go through

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I don't get out of bed for 250K. And since Rank will be literally meaningless beyond telling people how often I play in a month, why would I care? I can earn that many points in a few matches. Do you see my point? The reward would have to be a whole lot higher to make me bother grinding for that.

    I'm always straightforward and very literal. If Rank is only to measure a paltry BP reward and announce "this guys plays all the time" I'm not bothering with it. I'll still play the game, but probably a lot less. The only reason I fought for Rank-1 was personal accomplishment, to see if I could do it. I wanted to make sure I was fighting the best other players. The upcoming Rank system has nothing to do with that. Do you see my point?

    If they REALLY have another matchmaking system that bases correctly on skill, I can get that simply by logging in and playing a handful of games here and there. I'm being honest, that I'm going to play less. If they are matching me with the right people, then I don't have to grind to get what I want. Previously, I had to maintain my Rank-1 status to make sure I was always fighting Reds or Purples at least. In theory, if the inferred system exists, I will be fighting said people already without the necessity of a grind.

    What I'm pointing out is an unintended consequence of the upcoming change. It won't increase play. For a certain percentage of players (like me) it will decrease our play. We will still be having fun with the game, but the reasons for our play will change. To me, shallow as it may sound, it was important that at the end of the game people saw a Red Rank. My favorite sin has always been pride; I know I'm not alone in that. Now when we see that Red Rank at the end we just know this person fought the grind against their level of peers. So that might just be a Red Rank potato; in fact, it probably is a Red Rank potato because there are far more of them than otherwise.

    I've made a suggestion that they consider a High Score or Leaderboard to at least put something up there for shallow people like myself to aspire toward, something that will keep me playing more often to fight for a difficult goal, but I've no idea if they will understand it is important to people with my mindset. After the change happens, if there is no way to measure myself against my peers, I will play from time to time for the fun of the game, but I honestly won't play near as often. I won't need to do so. So as I stated at the start to this little digression, I don't get out of bed for 250K. If they do it as a flat reward it would have to be a LOT hirer. Or, as many people here have made good suggestions, have Rank be an amplifier of BP earned in matches. That is progressive.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    "It's not worth my time to reach those ranks!"

    Half the people crying this refrain are in those ranks already anyway. You are getting paid for doing the same thing you were already doing. Jesus Christ.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I doubt many people would be complaining if the grind for this game was so long. Many have waited a long time for this, only to see we're basically going to be getting nothing on top of it now going to be harder to get to rank one.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I'd be happy getting shards or auric cells, not even a big amount just a few would be nice.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I deeply question what someone that has been playing this game for four years has left to grind.

  • mdoa212
    mdoa212 Member Posts: 29

    I think I would be ok with the incentive staying where it is if they didn’t send us all the way back to rank 20 every month, that’s the only thing I really take issue with. Or honestly no or fewer incentive, but don’t make us lose all rank every month

  • mdoa212
    mdoa212 Member Posts: 29

    I agree with you completely. This change will punish those already in red ranks who worked hard to get there, erasing all of that progress. I’ve been playing for a few years and only achieved red ranks in the last several months. I hate this change

  • Windfell
    Windfell Member Posts: 45

    The bloodpoints are probably not enough to warrant me want to reach Rank 1. I don't want to reach Rank 1 BTW. But at least its something, because you get nothing else for it except a month long of sweaty games.

  • TheButcher6641
    TheButcher6641 Member Posts: 252
    edited January 2021

    What about getting different rewards other than bloodpoints such as cells and shards:

    . Rank 20 - Rank 17 : 25,000 bloodpoints

    . Rank 16 - Rank 13 : 50,000 bloodpoints and 50 iridescent shards

    . Rank 12 - Rank 9 : 75,000 bloodpoints and 100 iridescent shards

    . Rank 8 - Rank 5 : 100,000 bloodpoints, 150 iridescent shards and 15 auric cells

    . Rank 4 - Rank 3 : 150,000 bloodpoints, 250 iridescent shards and 25 auric cells

    . Rank 1 : 300,000 bloodpoints, 500 iridescent shards, 50 auric cells and The Monthly Skin

    The Monthly Skin would be a specially made skin every month for that month only. One for killer and one for survivor. This just adds a little something special for people who reach rank 1. I don't think that these rewards are too much, considering that we only get them once a month and then have to grind up from rank 20 all over again.