Personally one of my favorite updates in this release. I've been playing with the updated Fixated in playtests for a while, and I really like it.
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Fixated with Sprint Burst was always such a good it's even better.
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Because bad players won't get punished for their mistakes, technician is a perk for beginners.
It takes away the explosion at the cost of extra regression, that's a fair trade imo
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I don't mean to pry but wasn't Lucky break mentioned some time ago to be getting changes as well ? I really hope you guys have plans for it too.
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Now let's see if they can fix the game
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I always loved using this with sprint burst so I may use it more now instead of DH.
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By the time you have enough BP to get Technician you arent a beginner anymore.
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maybe not change undying
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I mean yeah but it shouldn't be a crutch for worse players, it's effect isn't the strongest but it removes valuable information from the game
I also think unrelenting has that problem but a speed debuff would probably be too extreme
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Dead hard, Blood Echo and Lucky break were the perks that they mentioned but did not receive a change. I really wish they improve one universal killer perk for every perk they gut. : (. I want to see them buff Furtive chase such that each token reduces a killer TR globally by 4 instead only in a chase and the perk stays like STBFL even after Obsession dies. Fixated is super fun perk to use. I like using it to troll Spirit players.
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Honestly red rank players might not always be missing skill checks but it does happen, especially against Doc. Removing the explosion should come with a bigger downside otherwise you're removing the killer's information at the cost of basically nothing.
Also I think unrelenting is good the way it is rn, a lot of green and under ranks whiff lunges and the reduced cool down already nullifies dead hard, 360's, and in some cases could probably remove extra loops at a failed read
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I'm not saying it would be a meta perk though
What I'm saying is it should be a trade-off perk; no explosion isn't going to win you a match but it's a decent cover for your mistakes. It straight up removes a form of tracking so it makes sense the penalty would be slightly worse.
And if they removed the penalty it wouldn't be a meta perk but it would still be very strong. Literally having 0 repercussion for that sort of mistake could win games honestly. Perks shouldn't just be "get out of jail free" cards
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What are you talking about?
It means never giving yourself away to the killer ever for flubbing a gen skill check. A core part of the core game experience
Of course there needs to be a drawback.
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Could actually mean lucky break might see some use. Take a hit, sprint burst around a corner, then fixated + iron will + lucky break away to a hiding spot before they catch up
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One might call the new and improved perk...
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I think you're really underestimating how strong the effect could potentially be. There are a lot situations where no gen explosion would be useful and reduced repair noises would be too.
Gen explosions are much more useful information than you'd think, especially with high mobility killers. If you have no where to go while patrolling gens you'll know exactly what gen is being worked on, if you're in a chase you're looking to leave you'll know where to go next, and even if you decide not to leave the chase you'll know where to go immediately after even without bbq. No explosion would mean the killer would lose all this potential information at the cost of it just taking slightly longer to complete.
While most high rank players don't miss many skill checks it does happen, and for many reasons like lag spikes, unexpected overcharge/oppression, harder skill checks, or generally just being boosted, maybe even all of the above. All this just being ignored is obviously not going to be the meta but it's still pretty strong.
Plus, reduced repairs could mean even if the killer is trying to defend the gen by chasing near it, or patrolling the area you could get away with doing the gen without them hearing you or any potential missed skill checks.
It's a perk that does so much to cover your mistakes so it makes sense the penalty would be slightly stronger than usual.
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Guy, don't forget this comment in June/July. You'll have fun reading it again when you get better at the game
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See,i'm glad that they buffed this perk,but on the other hand...
Why did it take them almost 1 and half year to realize that making fixated work in the injured status wouldn't make it OP?
Especially when we had the same exact issue with urban evasion?
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As a Killer Main who lately has been primarily playing T1 Myers with Oppression at Rank 4... I would rather see DS and Unbreakable than that buffed version of Technician. I hate Adrenaline with a passion so that one is worse and Dead Hard is crazy dependent on how well the Survivor uses it. Oppression being half regression and half tracking is crucial for what I've been doing and losing the tracking aspect would be horrible.
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So you can reply on survivor posts but ignore all the DS changes post - what the hell is going on over there at all
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What do you want? Another pointless and empty "we're looking into it"? Because that's all we've gotten for the past years, and that's all we're gonna get until an announcement actually happens.
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I want them to fix DS - simple changes , make it so it deactivates when you heal/do a gen/ go in a locker that’s literally all it needs
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I can't wait to use the new fixated. I loved the perk, but never used it because I remain injured in most matches. This new change is pretty awesome!
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If you have a friend name Theodore you can tell him...
"They fixed Fixated, Ted!"
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They can't fix tunneling, nor does any other perk deactivate for doing the objective, which would be bad game design (punishment for doing the objective)
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I think you’ll find more people run Technician than you think.
BWF? (Boozing With Friends) You can bet that some of them are chucking on Technician.
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I'm literally in red ranks
Red herring really isn't that useful. It probably works once or twice but the survivor wastes more time trying to activate it than the killer wastes checking it.
Missing skill checks is pretty rare in red ranks but honestly it's fairly common in mid purple and below. You're really underestimating how often they happen and overestimating how much the 4 second penalty is, especially if there's multiple people on the gen.
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I cannot comment on anything that has yet to be announced. We decide as a team what's to be made public, and there has been no public announcement regarding DS.
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Can you not drop any kind of hint even a little one if you're even looking at it as you must understand the brokeness of that perk
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This needed to happen when it was first released. Like they fixed urban evasion...then made this perk after without learning lessons from it? But glad it finally got changed either way.
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Hell yeah finally <3
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I love Fixated. Finally it's getting a buff. I also hope Lucky Break gets buffed soon.
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Fixated was a top priority on the "to do" list, I'm so glad that you addressed the community's concerns. Idk if it's just me but I feel like in an alternate dimension out there, where there was a perk that released with the Michael Myers back in 2016 and has been an issue that plagued that game since and the Devs chose to ignore the feedback given to them from community members with more than 3k hours in the game and easy solutions. I'm so glad you guys aren't them :D
You get a Gold Star
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Yeah... Back when the PTB for the Stranger Things chapter was first released, I made a big thread about this on the feedback part of the forums. It got a lot of support then and even a couple dev replies, but I guess they thought it was fine in its release state? I was super disappointed, but I'm glad we're finally getting that fixed.
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How would you feel if they removed the regression penalty from technician and gave it a cooldown instead like if you fail a skillcheck the Gen won’t explode. Then the perk will go on cooldown for 30/25/20 seconds
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That’s the unfriendly to newbies.
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what are they changing to fixated? i read the patch notes and it says
Fixated: Now works while healthy
is it still only works while healthy or does it now work while injured?
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Works while injured.