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We should be talking killer quality changes

So obviously getting perks that are effective arnt going to be allowed to stay very I think we should be asking for a trade..because I honestly grow weary of killer concerns not being properly addressed..I think we should push for the following

A higher killer base fov/fov slider: the only thing I hate more in DBD than the tanking frames is the makes killer feel slow, clunky, unable to see whats going on half the time, especially in maps with certain...vegitation..this would be something that wouldn't affect balance but make the killers feel more enjoyable and doesn't belong on perks

Aim dressing to be formally addressed and figured out: Many of you know this issue and call it auto aim, but in reality according to the devs its an issue where the server makes you miss when you would have hit by trying to clean up the animation for the survivors so it looks more proper..I was hoping hot validation would address this but it I feel this needs its own inquiry..this has balance implications on top of feeling terrible as I've lost games to an aim dressing camera pull

And finally: survivor perks being held to the same standards: You all know what I'm going to say..ds+ unbreakable , object of obsession +swf, etc..its very clear the devs are looking at some very very flawed data even if they're loathe to admit it..any killer worth their salt knows how broken these are..but guess who's perks get changed instantly while these others are allowed to linger..? Again..they must not quite grasp the magnitude of these perks because if they do they surely would do something about it least I hope they would..but recent events make me uncertain..their decision making is seeming to be getting worse rather than better..and I feel its about time we sat down and had a chat about it



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  • Member Posts: 3,398

    I wonder if any of the devs have ever mentioned the FOV before, and what he thinks about it being increased/have the option to increase it. I think I can guess the response, and I completely disagree with it and think it's not that big of a deal and wouldn't affect the gameplay as much as you think, but hey what do I know I guess... Stretched res is still a thing so I might just switch to doing that if i start feeling any more motion sick looking at this FOV.

    In case you're wondering, the response I'm almost certain this would get is something very roughly along the lines of " killers would be able to see too much of the environment, and it would have a pretty big impact on the stealth aspect of DbD and harm the players who enjoy that playstyle."

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    I don't like the idea of increasing FOV for killer -- stealth in the game has been penalized enough and it doesn't need to be beaten, dragged out and slaughtered any more than it already has.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Stealth is unhealthy and if it requires the killer experience to be sour then I say to hell with it

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    A lot of things don't belong in perks. But the devs did it so much when DBD just came out, that it would take a long time to rework all the perks. While adding base game equivalents to their effects would take even longer.

    I wish they would consider doing it for the health of the game. Even if it took a couple chapters/mid-chapters.

  • Member Posts: 951
    edited January 2021

    The problem is how the devs tend to tweak stuff when they balance. Players get better over time, so if you buff one side and nerf the other, they may look equal on paper.

    However as this trend continues, one side being lowered again and again, and the other side being improved again and again. You start to notice that one side does better and better, even with worse tools.

    I think thats whats happening with survivors and killers. NOT SAYING BOTH SIDES HAVENT BEEN NERFED. I am saying though is that survivors tend to get more impactful buffs and killers more impactful nerfs.

    Survivor nerfs generally involve something absolutley broken or overpowered such as instaheals, infinites (though they were reintroduced with breakable walls like i figured they would be), toolboxes (kinda) pallet vacuum etc...

    Killer nerfs apply to a killers kit or perk combination that is declared "unfun" to play against. The changes to the Spirit, the changes to Legion, poor Pyramid Head, Old ruin, Old undying.

    AGAIN THERE ARE OUTLIERS Moris were definitely overpowered and had to be changed, did i agree? Not entirely but i get why they had to be fixed. There are several survivor perks that get changed that just..... Noone cares abiut? They try and buff it but its never used so.... I mean survivors get a lot of kinda pointless perk changes.

    But the main design philosophy, behind Major changes in the game boils down to kill rates, if they are too high you nerf the killer, nerf perks, or buff survivor items. But because of their 2 kill 2 escape philosophy, it is very easy to inflate these numbers, and that means that lots of stuff gets over adjusted.

    I wonder what escape rates or dc rates look like.

    Good heaven above im sorry for the wall of text

  • Member Posts: 4,652
  • Member Posts: 4,759
    edited January 2021

    you do know they just shoved hillbillys camera forward more to make his fov smaller right?

    They are NEVER going to improve killer fov. They like killers being blind and seem to like the fact they have a dead zone literally under their nose so survivors can try 360 montages for youtube and twitch.

  • Member Posts: 2,961

    Demogorgon is getting his addons reworked and getting some qol buffs after the next chapter

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    *looks at Billy and Nurse addon reworks*

    Uhh thx but no, thx.

  • Member Posts: 194

    I've never seen dc rate data but it might have been out there at one point.

    Survival rate last time mentioned was around 50% for swf and 40% for solo q if I remember correctly. When I have time I'll see if I can find it but I'm sure it was over a year ago.

    The first time I remember survival rate being released was back in 2018? I think and it was around 70% for swf then. So as you can see the devs have actually been working to balance the survival rate.

    There's a reason Freddy is getting looked at, because his kill rate was at 70% in red ranks and 60%? in lower ranks a few months ago. Devs have said they want survival and kill rates as close to 50% as possible and they don't include games with dc's in those data sets.

  • Member Posts: 868

    They don’t want 2k on average, and killers don’t want it too

  • Member Posts: 194

    The devs have said live on stream they want a 2k average. Just because it's not what killers or survivors want doesn't mean it's not the most balanced outcome. If the average was 4k or 4 escape the game would be massively unbalanced.

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