What niche perk do you wish got buffed?

It can be any perk, either a survivor perk or a killer one. Also if you wanna provide how exactly you would buff it, please do! Reworks are OK too. No nerfs though; this is about perks that are weak, or that only work in very specific builds, that you would like to see buffed/reworked.



  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 732

    Bro I'm trying to do a somewhat positive thread here, since there are a bunch of other threads already complaining (many times, rightfully so) about the Undying nerf. Can you please not make this post about Undying, too? :(

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Man, when I first read it I though it would a neat anti tunnel perk. But in practice, it barely does anything. Most of the time, they were downed anyway. Just use ds unfortunatley imo.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    They’re working on fixing the item rarity issue. The range extension is just a kind of “for now” thing.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Buff every healing perk / item but make it so you can't stack them or put a diminishing returns cap on them. I'm getting real tired of survivors in red rank using self care improperly.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I also think Left Behind should still have its boosted repair speed buffs as well as the Hatch aura reading.

    Some killers will still occasionally camp the hatch. Being able to still repair gens really fast would at least be something until they close it, or if only 1 gen is left to repair anyway.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Stake Out reverts the nerf to Great Skill Checks, does it not?

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Correct. Stake Out gives 2% bonus progression per token used.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Bond: Range increase+reveals your aura to other Survivors. Would make it actually great for solo while still not being as good as comms.

    Surge: Either remove CD or buff regression to 12%

    Third Seal: Blindness is applied from the start

    Buckle up: Bonus recovery transferred onto this perk from Unbreakable

    Windows of Oppurtunity+Zanshin Tactics: Remove cooldown

    Aftercare: Buff altruistic action speed between Survivors that unhooked or healed each other

    Dying Light: Obsession is now affected, too, remove obsession buff, obsession hooks don´t grant stacks still

    Mettle of Man: Works now vs instadowns from the healthy state

    I´m all Ears: Reduce CD to 20s

    Beast of Prey: Removes red stain altogether

    Monstrous shrine: Map now spawns 2 basements, 20% faster entity progression and Survivors in the basement are revealed or exposed

    Hoarder:Either bring back massive rarity debuff to items or expose survivors after searching a chest on top of notification

    Trail of Torment: Remove gen aura reveal

    Dragons Grip: Buff exposed to 60 seconds

    Oppression: Reduce CD to 60 seconds or let every gen thats worked on explode and remove the skillcheck

    Coup de grace: Either buff range or rework: Lunges are 20% longer, no stacks

    Thrilling Tremors: Increase gen block to 20 seconds

    Distortion: Increase tokens to 6

    Blood Echo: Remove cooldown

    Gearhead: Shrink condition to 1 attack or buff duration to at least 60 seconds

    Fire Up: Buff % per token to 8 or 9 at least

    Furtive Chase: Reduced TR inside and outside of chase

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I'm surprised anyone remembers that perk exist.

    The 3 perks j feel could use a buff is Lucky Break, Premonition, and sole survivor.

    Lucky Break is a perk i feel needs to be buffed either with the time or whatever because it seem like 3 min is not enough.

    Premonition is another one. The cooldown is way too long to ever be used effect. What make it worse is that it is susceptible to false positives. All of these make it obsolete to Spine Chill.

    Sole survivor is another one. Its good in my opinion but the bad thing about it is that to ever come into effect someone has to be dead or leave making it most useless throughout the whole game if no one dies.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558


    I wish it broke down hooks when you saved people as well.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Blood Pact

    For a perk that SOUNDS cool, it's a terrible aura reading perk for ONE person, that stops working if you are both healthy. It gives a speed boost that only works if you are tied at the hip, and shuts down completely if you become the Obsession.

    The whole thing needs a total rework.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I'd like the basic attack req of surge removed. I think its actually a decent perk but that basic attack req makes it pointless on 1 shot or ranged killers.

    The survivor perk change I wanted actually made it into the game with the upcoming Fixated change.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Decisive Strike!

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I agree about Sole Survivor. It needs to have some sort of minor base effect before tokens are gained.

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    I main Cheryl now and it feels like all of her perks need something in addition. I found blocking gens amazing before running it, now I see how it can be useful only 1/10 games. Soul guard is like a walmart version of bt, unless the killer has a hex on you. Although, the speed of healing is so slow that most likely you won't manage to use it. Blood pack is completely useless in my opinion. I won't even suggest anything, I don't have anything in mind. Just shared my thoughts.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    Camaraderie. It's kind of an anti-camp perk, I guess, but it still is a bit impractical. I think this should be available for both hook states, or it should perhaps be able to hinder the Killer in some way if they're staying within very close range to the hook for a certain time. Maybe lowers the Killer's movement speed by 10% if they stay within 8 meters of the hook for 10 seconds.

    Alternatively, just make it let you give it to other people too when you get within the range.

    I don't know if this is a healthy change, but it'd at least make it a bit unique and give it a more clear use.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Furtive Chase, having a reduced terror radius while in chase could be really interesting. But even if you get 4 stacks, which you only get stacks if you hook the obsession and if the obsession dies you lose all your stacks, it only gives you a reduced terror radius of 16 meters. I would like to see them make it so that the obsession dying no longer removes stacks and each stack gives an 8 meter terror radius reduction.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Small Game and Inner Strength should be combined into one.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    Deja Vu

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd personally like Aftercare to work with all saves. So if I get a flashlight or pallet save then i should also get the auras.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Alliance can still be useful if Ruin is active. Telling the whole map you've blocked your gen and pausing Ruin for 30 seconds is decent.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I use it when doing challenge to hit great skill checks :P.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596
  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Zenshin Tactics. I use it on PH, but the cooldown is such a hindrance.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Monstrous Shrine!

    For a perk with so much potential for strong basement killers, they completely botched it

    All of the bonuses are absolutely useless!!

    There was a thread where a massive list of killer perks had suggested changes and/or reworks

    The change there to Monstrous Shrine absolutely got me buzzed at the idea!

    Basically outside of a certain distance to the basement/shack, hooked people ( and maybe visitors I cant remember) get penalties, and you get a speed boost! Smart

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    The intention was to keep the meme factor while making the perk less punitive to use. The only way to make No mither usable is to have the perk not display the broken status to the killer.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I personally think this is the most effective thing anyway. It's still more memey than unbreakable, but is unlimited while still providing a handicap (always injured), giving it a higher skill ceiling! (Also unbreakable is invisible why can't no mither?)

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709


    They changed Ruin because of the RNG of skill checks but left this perk alone for so long. It's such an unique perk but it's been terrible for years now.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Solidarity. I love the concept but it rarely ever comes into play because of survivors fighting over who gets to heal the other. At the very least make it so it gives a notification to survivors around you

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    My wife and I were chilling in bed yesterday and we were talking abouy which killer is best and which survivor has the best/worst perks. We were both in agreement that Steve has the worst survivor perks. They're not good at all.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I like Zanshin on Clown, and I agree, the cooldown is unnecessary (same as WoO).

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,959

    I wish Blood echo and gearhead got buffed those 2 are very inconsistent and are very bad I wish they were buffed

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    It's a damn shame, it's rather apparent Steve was the goto survivor for a ST chapter, but they saw the opportunity to get Nancy as well so they went all-in on visuals for Steve and then went all-in on perks for Nancy. Their respective skins are clear proof of this.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    I'd say just make no mither reduce sounds by 100% at all times so you don't have to always run it with iron will

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Monstrous Shrine:

    Two basements spawn on the map

    In the back of the basement there is an Entity portal you (only the killer) can use to teleport between them

    Survivors who are hooked in the basement take 30/40/50% longer to rescue, and get 1/2/3 fewer self escape attempts

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    Lucky Break

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    Left Behind - Allows the Survivor to open a closed hatch without a key after successfully hitting 5/4/3 difficult skill checks

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited January 2021

    Knockout has been the object of my obsession for years. Unfortunately, I keep getting tiny maps and heroic teammates, so it’s useless. I’d like to see the detection range decreased significantly, maybe to the single digits. Of course, if I’m playing survivor, that would be absolutely awful, so I can understand why nobody wants that.

    For the survivor side, head on has been the love of my life for many years. I think the stun time should be increased, among other things; it is an exhaustion perk, after all.

    Beyond both of those combined, I would literally marry autodidact. I just wish that skillchecks were more consistent.

    Distortion definitely needs a rework; giving it some way to regenerate tokens would do wonders.

    Flip flop would also be nice at punishing killers who refuse to pick me up with a 12 foot pole. Perhaps bump up the conversion rate.

    Furtive chase definitely needs a rework too. I love the idea; it rewards killers for not tunneling a single survivor with its obsession switching, but the incentive is so useless that nobody would run it. It gets rid of the terror radius at the only part when I don’t care about my terror radius.

    I love soul guard, but I won’t really use it unless it gets self-pickup priority over unbreakable. Repressed alliance is cool too, but it’s so situational that I really don’t use it.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Beast of prey - add the effect of making bloodlust accumulate 10%/15%/20% faster

    Deathbound - both survivors are affected with oblivious

    Overcharge - receive a 5% regression for successful overcharge skillcheck, and failed ones also reveal their aura for 2/3/4 seconds

    PWYF - token loss from successful basic and special attacks only

    Predator and spies from the shadows -color coordinates the scratch marks and crow cues to the survivors making them. Red, blue, green, and yellow scratch marks or colored visual cues when birds are disturbed. It does say they talk to you

    Surge - just increase the radius by 8-16 meters and it would be more fun

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Lightweight - In addition to your scratch marks disappearing a few seconds sooner, Lightweight would also reduce the sound of your footsteps (Making them silent while running).

    Premonition - Reveals the killers aura to you when they look directly at you. I feel like revealing their aura to you would be a good enough trade off for literally all of Spine Chill's other effects since Premonition has a cooldown.

    Hope - You gain the Haste status effect once the last generator is finished being repaired.