Where are the "friendly" killers at?

NeonAlien Member Posts: 328
edited October 2018 in General Discussions

Since the event started, I've read tons of posts about how killers are playing nicer / letting the survivors farm a bit or going a little easier on them. But besides one (1) killer who wanted to farm (which is weird enough, I remember the BBQ event for example, was full of farming rounds), I've hat zero encounters with those types... Instead, many killers I met seemed to be a lil toxic - signalizing the nonverbal "no" to let you know that you will die, nodding their head frantically, or the classic; repeadetly hitting the hooked survivor or just slugging / toying with the survivors as they please. And not one killer let me harvest some nectar in peace.
I'm not asking for easy games and I'm absolutely okay with killers wanting to play the game as intended despite the nectar, even if that means tunneling me to death. I'm just wondering why a considerable ammount of killers (way more than usual) I encounter during the event go out of their way to make the experience as unfun as possible. And also, I'm reading so many good experiences or how nice killers are being this event, but I don't get any of that love :c

I'm pretty sure it's not what's happening for everyone but for me, this event just feels so different and "colder" than the BBQ event.


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    For the most part, I've been playing the game like normal. I've had one survivor walk up to an event hook and point at it to let me know he was willing to be hooked. I let him live. If I get down to one or two survivors and they are harvesting a plant, I'll usually let them finish before killing them.

    But I hear what you are saying. I had one game as a survivor against a trapper and the trapper put two traps by the last plant. He caught the only other survivor and was camping that survivor so I squeezed between his traps and tried to fill up my vial. He caught me working on the plant with literally 1% left to harvest. He hit me once and I stayed put to try to finish it off, but he hit me again, hooked me and then did the "no" head shake. That triggered me a little bit.

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328

    @Dreamnomad said:
    For the most part, I've been playing the game like normal. I've had one survivor walk up to an event hook and point at it to let me know he was willing to be hooked. I let him live. If I get down to one or two survivors and they are harvesting a plant, I'll usually let them finish before killing them.

    But I hear what you are saying. I had one game as a survivor against a trapper and the trapper put two traps by the last plant. He caught the only other survivor and was camping that survivor so I squeezed between his traps and tried to fill up my vial. He caught me working on the plant with literally 1% left to harvest. He hit me once and I stayed put to try to finish it off, but he hit me again, hooked me and then did the "no" head shake. That triggered me a little bit.

    I think that's fair. No one is really asking to get out untouched (at least I'm not, I'm happy to offer myself for the event hooks), but god it's really triggering when you just need that one last drop of nectar and the killer just does not care. I get it though, killers just want to play the game and I don't want to ask anyone to play differently (just less toxic, ya feel me?). Nevertheless, wondering where killers like you are at in my games :'D

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    The friendly killers are with the Survivors not running DS, instaheals, and 1 less hook offerings.

    I'm waiting...

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328

    @BigBubs said:
    What's the point playing nice when some survivors are stupid af and don't let me hook them after I let them farm their flowers?

    Understandable. Some only want to take and I get that you get fed up with that.

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    Honestly, they should have a completely different mode for events like these. Because they especially screw over the intended gameplay, which also screws over the intended balanced, which will affect ranking to be incorrectly reflected - like killers having a higher rank than what they're normally capable of, or survivors deranking because they lose more trials now because of the event.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    Lol for me its the opposite no nice survivors. I let them farm nectar and leave them alone then later in the game when I'm farming nectar they try hard like their life depends on it. So I resort to just play billy try hard style and hook everyone at least once with bbq then when I get my nectar I just run alonge the walls of the map. 
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited October 2018
    Sometimes I think Survivors mistake a Killer ignoring them for the Killer not seeing them. I’ve ran past Survivors who are harvesting their nectar only to see/hear them leave. I’m guessing they think “Oh #########, the Killer’s here. I better hide.” instead of “Oh nice, the Killer is letting me get my nectar”. Now, I won’t go out of my way to let a Survivor finish harvesting nectar (if I need to hook or Mori you for whatever reason, then I will), but if I happen to see you harvesting and I don’t need you dead, then I’ll gladly pretend that I didn’t see you. 
  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    You have to know that at this point, a lot of players already met their quota so they either want to play normally, or they're not offering anything. Why would a killer want to let you farm if there's only 3 offerings up? Might as well play a regular game at that point. That's how I feel, at least.

    I think your best bet is to put in your offering and if there's 4 or 5 of them, play normally, but if you get found first, do the "come" and "point" gesture and see how it plays out.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455

    Most of the "nice" survivors disappeared after the first couple of days and don't want to farm. Why bother trying to farm as a killer when half of the Survivor team doesn't care for it? Might as well just play normal and achieve the same results, and not be bored to death while doing it.

  • serabeth90
    serabeth90 Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2018

    I mostly have been playing normally. Respecting the plants (in addition to my subpar skills) has screwed me over, though. A bunch of survivors were happy to keep harvesting their plants while I monitored generators, but as soon as they were done, turned into the toxic little s**ts they were before the event, looping, teabagging, body blocking me, etc. and doing their best to make sure that I don't get any hooks.

    After having that happen to me several times, I mostly just play normally. I main hag and I do not trap the plants and I only patrol generators, but if I'm on the path from one gen to the next and you're at a plant, you'd better run. Honestly though, Hag's kit basically has built in event respect with benefits to both parties -- I get to lay all 10 traps carefully instead of hastily placing down 5 or 6 and hearing the first 1-2 gens go off, and they get their nectar. Everyone wins.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    Hi, friendly killer here. And a friendly survivor. At least during events, but generally non toxic, IMO.

    I'm in your shoes. There are lots of killers with absolutely no chill. It is irritating!
    Mostly doctors, though I oddly haven't ran into many.
    Leather face is likely to be dead serious in my experience.
    Hags don't have much chill, nor Spirits.

    Billy's are hit and miss, but mostly going to be dead serious. I did run into one that went and killed everyone else first, and let me hatch.

    Huntress is sort of rare, but they're a bit nicer.

    Wraiths are usually nice sorts. Usually. I guess pay attention to their bells, and hooks.

    I have ran into other friendly killers all in all. It usually takes some attempts at communication. Largely if they catch you harvesting. It's at that point that you get the tone of the trial.

    Also I'd keep an eye out on what hooks they use. If they do not use an event hook, or especially a basement hook, I'd say they're not interested in being friendly this trial, and play accordingly.

    if you pop into a lobby, and you see the other 3 survivors with gear, I'd leave, personally.
    If they are farming, good for them. If not, I'd hate to be the reason they get sacrificed and lose the gear.
    Survivors can do a lot to set the tone, too.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000
    Not at rank 5 and above I will tell you that .
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,905

    I've had quite a few friendly killers. Had a Myers, Wraith and Hag want to farm today.

  • nssBoB
    nssBoB Member Posts: 15

    @steezo_de said:
    You have to know that at this point, a lot of players already met their quota so they either want to play normally, or they're not offering anything. Why would a killer want to let you farm if there's only 3 offerings up? Might as well play a regular game at that point. That's how I feel, at least.

    I think your best bet is to put in your offering and if there's 4 or 5 of them, play normally, but if you get found first, do the "come" and "point" gesture and see how it plays out.

    thats what i do, 24 easy nectar vials since i started yesterday.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Some survivors are simply to dumb to farm.
    I find them at a flower, they start running, I don't follow and they keep running like Forest Gump.
    Others understand that I let them do the flowers and then proceed to gen rush and escape. 
    Or they got their flowers and disconnected when I downed them (do you keep the progress if you DC?)
    I only had a few survivors that actually tried to farm and let me get my hooks.
  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    I tried playing nice. Got looped around the whole map and the 360-jukes robbed me of several successful hits. I finally downed that survivor and decided that everyone can escape except for them. Their team did everything they could to save him/her, and pulled it off because of Stolen-- Borrowed Time. For that, I slugged them one at a time (Knockout) until they were all crawling in the dirt. Then hooked them one at a time and watched them enter struggle before hooking the next.

    Stopped playing nice after that.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    edited October 2018
    Simple, survivors are douches.
    I tried to be nice since I just power harmed the survivor vials and had to take tr killer side.

    Got the same exact treatment as always as killer. Flashlights team, sandbag and every fun stuff hate mail included even when they beat me calling me names

    This event made me even more merciless. Started my lovely morning list since even when I play survivor some funny guy work with the killer to kill me cuz they are friends. I will Mori camp and if the last guy even body block for ages since there is no ban system on console and people abuse it so I will too

    Survivors, the entitled ones, make it worse for every survivor myself included and now no more saves, free the moris and enjoy your 1000bp
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Indeed, where are you at @friendlykillermain ? :p

  • Skemooo
    Skemooo Member Posts: 194

    Killer ques are 20+ mins for me so if i do get a lobby i dont want to be a dick and make ppl DC.. if they are on the plant i just switch targets.. most survivors are done collecting nectars now.. so most games i face are normal .. i still have 15 more vials to collect as killer.. if i get all 8 hooks with 3+ gens left i just go to basement face a wall and watch youtube and let them live.. i only get sacrifices if im matched with players at my level..

    I just dont want ppl to DC if i down them early.. they really need to punish ppl who DC hard.. or comeup with a way to minimize DCs.. and to OP.. isnt having non friendly killers a good thing?

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    @nssBoB said:

    @steezo_de said:
    You have to know that at this point, a lot of players already met their quota so they either want to play normally, or they're not offering anything. Why would a killer want to let you farm if there's only 3 offerings up? Might as well play a regular game at that point. That's how I feel, at least.

    I think your best bet is to put in your offering and if there's 4 or 5 of them, play normally, but if you get found first, do the "come" and "point" gesture and see how it plays out.

    thats what i do, 24 easy nectar vials since i started yesterday.

    I don't know if you're doing killer, but good luck with that side of farming. It takes a lot longer because of the queue times and because there aren't as many offerings as there were over the weekend... but the whole time I've been farming, there hasn't been one game where at least 2 people didn't want to farm. The vast majority of my games have been 3 or 4 cooperating survivors.. then sprinkle in some knuckleheads that just didn't get it or didn't want to farm.

    There's a way of approaching survivors and it doesn't start with hitting them first. It starts with you letting them get distance and showing some body language that tells them it's safe, then you move on to the next survivor and let them know too. This doesn't mean that you won't get fuckheads that will farm their nectar and leave, but those are just games you have to forget about because ######### will be #########. I still finished my 30 in about 40 games.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    Honeymoon phase is over. Most of the hardcore players that know to farm have what they need so we are back to normal for the most part.

    I'm not maxed and if I see someone farming I try to help,but otherwise, after the first weekend allthe"hardcores " have what they need and all The babies crying about it being too slow of a grind have realised they still have a week and a half left and they are already capped too. 
  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    Very few nice people on either side at the minute. Few enough, in fact, that I've been able to clip all the times it's happened.

    Survivors - happy to harvest with you there, don't nod or bow, then f*ck off. If caught, will DS you on the way to the event hook.

    Killers - pretend to let you harvest but then down you anyway. Then come on here, and moan that people d/c.

    If someone is harvesting, I'll leave them be. I got a bit carried away the other night and downed someone, then immediately felt bad and juggled them until they were back on their feet. And if a killer lets me finish the plant, I'll run my own arse over to the hook (or, at the very least, not wiggle when picked up).

    But it's becoming so tiring to try and be this accommodating/fair just to get ######### on all the time.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The ones that play a lot are done with the event so went back to playing normal.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited October 2018

    I stopped playing nice once it became clear that Survivors weren't going to give me the same courtesy.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    The friendly killers are with the Survivors not running DS, instaheals, and 1 less hook offerings.

    Sorry where are these survivors?

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883
    edited October 2018

    I finished my vials already. I was that killer. Yesterday was the last drop. After you let them get their nectar they stand and tbag you at the exit gate.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @NeonAlien said:
    Since the event started, I've read tons of posts about how killers are playing nicer / letting the survivors farm a bit or going a little easier on them. But besides one (1) killer who wanted to farm (which is weird enough, I remember the BBQ event for example, was full of farming rounds), I've hat zero encounters with those types... Instead, many killers I met seemed to be a lil toxic - signalizing the nonverbal "no" to let you know that you will die, nodding their head frantically, or the classic; repeadetly hitting the hooked survivor or just slugging / toying with the survivors as they please. And not one killer let me harvest some nectar in peace.
    I'm not asking for easy games and I'm absolutely okay with killers wanting to play the game as intended despite the nectar, even if that means tunneling me to death. I'm just wondering why a considerable ammount of killers (way more than usual) I encounter during the event go out of their way to make the experience as unfun as possible. And also, I'm reading so many good experiences or how nice killers are being this event, but I don't get any of that love :c

    I'm pretty sure it's not what's happening for everyone but for me, this event just feels so different and "colder" than the BBQ event.

    im right here

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited October 2018

    @NeonAlien said:
    I'm just wondering why a considerable ammount of killers (way more than usual) I encounter during the event go out of their way to make the experience as unfun as possible.

    Maybe you should ask them how many times they waited 20 minutes to play a match where everyone uses every mean possible to deny them special hooks, from multiple DS and flashlights to suicides, not counting eventual toxicity/bm, making them loose any interest to be friendly just to risk being treated like ######### again.

  • CrimsonMauler
    CrimsonMauler Member Posts: 18

    I literally just sit in a lobby for 30 minutes to finally get a game, I only needed 1 hook for a full vial so I used party streamers. The survivors brought 2 offerings to thicken the mist & a key, I want to know where are the "friendly" survivors at?

  • Draggonoth
    Draggonoth Member Posts: 10

    I play nice every game. I ran into plenty of nice killers starting and allowed myself to be hooked, occasionally a killer would come around that would abuse that and proceed to wreck the team and hang everyone even though i kited them to a blight hook and stood there. Those people were abusing the event mechanics to batter friendly survivors, so people become suspicious of killers.

    Me, i purposely stand like 10 ft away and stare at them (Not micheal) so they realize my goal isnt to beat them bloody but to do the event. But ive been friendly in every game, though the second i face toxic survivors i murder them, and if its a full team, i go about trying to kill as many as possible, going as far as invis face camping just out of line of sight just to bring in more victims.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    I was one for 3 days.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    If being friendly is what it takes then at the start of every match I'm gonna friend everyone and just tell it to them straight. I just want the event hooks for the serum. I'll promise to not kill anyone as long as they all stay decent and we'll get serums and sunshine and rainbows.

  • Vecors
    Vecors Member Posts: 67

    Thing is, it always results in the same annoying situation, one of the kids wants more hookbombs than the others, one of the kids wants you to idle in pallets. Just keep business as usual.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    edited October 2018

    @Vecors said:
    Thing is, it always results in the same annoying situation, one of the kids wants more hookbombs than the others, one of the kids wants you to idle in pallets. Just keep business as usual.

    You play nice with everyone and if one of the children gets greedy . . .
    "Destroy the child."


    Post edited by Peasant on
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @NeonAlien said:
    Since the event started, I've read tons of posts about how killers are playing nicer / letting the survivors farm a bit or going a little easier on them. But besides one (1) killer who wanted to farm (which is weird enough, I remember the BBQ event for example, was full of farming rounds), I've hat zero encounters with those types... Instead, many killers I met seemed to be a lil toxic - signalizing the nonverbal "no" to let you know that you will die, nodding their head frantically, or the classic; repeadetly hitting the hooked survivor or just slugging / toying with the survivors as they please. And not one killer let me harvest some nectar in peace.
    I'm not asking for easy games and I'm absolutely okay with killers wanting to play the game as intended despite the nectar, even if that means tunneling me to death. I'm just wondering why a considerable ammount of killers (way more than usual) I encounter during the event go out of their way to make the experience as unfun as possible. And also, I'm reading so many good experiences or how nice killers are being this event, but I don't get any of that love :c

    I'm pretty sure it's not what's happening for everyone but for me, this event just feels so different and "colder" than the BBQ event.

    I farmed almost every game as killer. Only exception would be survivors that ditn want to farm with me.

    I am done now with event on both sides and wont play anymore, but IF i played killer, I would play normally because farming is really boring.

    You want the killer to farm with you, but you dont want easy games? Ehm.....

  • Troylus
    Troylus Member Posts: 40

    Hmmm. My experience on both sides of the event has been quite different. Most games have felt pretty friendly to me.

    When I play killer, I telegraph hard that I'm willing to play nice at the beginning of the match by not attacking any survivors I find harvesting nectar and just nodding at them instead. Most survivors (but not all!) seem to get it.

    I've noticed that if even one survivor in the group of 4 gets it, it is likely that the others will figure it out too when they see that I'm not guarding any hooks I do, but instead just standing off to the side at a distance.

    Sometimes later in the game a friendly survivor will even wave me over and point at where an unfriendly "try hard" survivor might be hiding - offering them up to me - which is always a fun time.

    When I've played survivor, the instant I see the killer I walk towards them and do the come over gesture. About half of the killers will nod their heads and come down and hook me - nodding their head again when I'm on the hook. I know that we've got an understanding at that point and I'll be able to harvest in peace for the rest of the game.

    The other half of killers will just mow me down mercilessly as a free hook, but then I'll know that this particular killer isn't interested in "playing nice" and I can change tactics for the remainder of that game.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    @Vecors said:
    Thing is, it always results in the same annoying situation, one of the kids wants more hookbombs than the others, one of the kids wants you to idle in pallets. Just keep business as usual.

    No one who i farmed Serums with acted like that for 3 days.

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328
    edited October 2018

    @Master said:

    @NeonAlien said:
    Since the event started, I've read tons of posts about how killers are playing nicer / letting the survivors farm a bit or going a little easier on them. But besides one (1) killer who wanted to farm (which is weird enough, I remember the BBQ event for example, was full of farming rounds), I've hat zero encounters with those types... Instead, many killers I met seemed to be a lil toxic - signalizing the nonverbal "no" to let you know that you will die, nodding their head frantically, or the classic; repeadetly hitting the hooked survivor or just slugging / toying with the survivors as they please. And not one killer let me harvest some nectar in peace.
    I'm not asking for easy games and I'm absolutely okay with killers wanting to play the game as intended despite the nectar, even if that means tunneling me to death. I'm just wondering why a considerable ammount of killers (way more than usual) I encounter during the event go out of their way to make the experience as unfun as possible. And also, I'm reading so many good experiences or how nice killers are being this event, but I don't get any of that love :c

    I'm pretty sure it's not what's happening for everyone but for me, this event just feels so different and "colder" than the BBQ event.

    I farmed almost every game as killer. Only exception would be survivors that ditn want to farm with me.

    I am done now with event on both sides and wont play anymore, but IF i played killer, I would play normally because farming is really boring.

    You want the killer to farm with you, but you dont want easy games? Ehm.....

    No no, I don't need to farm, I'm just wondering why I haven't come across more than one killer who wanted to farm or be friendly to each other during the event so far, since I remember differently from the BBQ event.
    I'm just curious, that's all.
    This experience is also from the early days of the event and that's what surprised me. I'm aware that by now, many killers & survivors have their vials full and there's no need to play differently for them anymore.

    Edit: Although I still try and give the killers event hooks when they burned a special offering (by not wiggling or presenting myself at the hook in endgame).

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328

    @Master said:

    @NeonAlien said:
    Since the event started, I've read tons of posts about how killers are playing nicer / letting the survivors farm a bit or going a little easier on them. But besides one (1) killer who wanted to farm (which is weird enough, I remember the BBQ event for example, was full of farming rounds), I've hat zero encounters with those types... Instead, many killers I met seemed to be a lil toxic - signalizing the nonverbal "no" to let you know that you will die, nodding their head frantically, or the classic; repeadetly hitting the hooked survivor or just slugging / toying with the survivors as they please. And not one killer let me harvest some nectar in peace.
    I'm not asking for easy games and I'm absolutely okay with killers wanting to play the game as intended despite the nectar, even if that means tunneling me to death. I'm just wondering why a considerable ammount of killers (way more than usual) I encounter during the event go out of their way to make the experience as unfun as possible. And also, I'm reading so many good experiences or how nice killers are being this event, but I don't get any of that love :c

    I'm pretty sure it's not what's happening for everyone but for me, this event just feels so different and "colder" than the BBQ event.

    I farmed almost every game as killer. Only exception would be survivors that ditn want to farm with me.

    I am done now with event on both sides and wont play anymore, but IF i played killer, I would play normally because farming is really boring.

    You want the killer to farm with you, but you dont want easy games? Ehm.....

    My response disappeared, so again...
    I don't need to farm, I'm only wondering why I've came across only one killer who wanted to farm or be friendly with each other during the event so far, since I remember differently from the BBQ event.
    I'm really just curious, that's all.
    This experience is also from the early days of the event.
    I'm aware that by now, many killers & survivors have their vials full and don't need to play the game differently.

    Although I still try and give the killer an event hook when he burned a special offering (by not wiggling or presenting myself at the hook in endgame) because I know it's a pain to get all vials full as killer.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2018

    I really wanted to play this nicely as a killer, I even named my profile "EventFarming" but guess what happened.

    Still tryhard looping window jumping pallet smashing flashlight blinding survivors.

    Instant wiggling right away although it was clear my event hooks were on the other side of the map. Even following a survivor for half a minute NOT HITTING was no clue whatsoever that I wanted to farm the event vials as a killer.

    I have gone back to tunneling and camping the guys now, this way I get at least a couple of hooks. Oh and don't forget, now it's rare to have more than my own offering in the game so its 30 mins wait to get maybe 3 event hooks, maybe not.

    A job so excellently done, BHVR, I am lacking words for it.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    If I'm killer and they talk English then I try to communicate in doing the event and basically you can get vials if I can get hooks and then we just try to trophy hunt heck just by messing about I got a pip they got double pip and we all got a vial I'm currently trying to see if I can get the 100 24m distance downs with the huntress though if all my games ive had dicks and I mean dicks one guy agrees to help me and a friend with plants 5 secs into the much he leads a tunneling doctor to me I didn't even make a single safety pip today as survivor all ive had is tunneling asses to the point I was f it and moried the first game I could for 3 Mori and did hooks after though one game some jerk dc after vials