My 3 least favorite challenges from this last Tome and why I don't like them

Yords Member Posts: 5,781
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

"Down 2 survivors with your chainsaw in the first 30 seconds with the hillbilly" Who designed this challenge and thought it was okay? I still don't have this one done and I don't think I ever will get it done. This is obviously very situational and pretty much relies on the survivors being where you need them to be.

"Finish repairing 3 generators... complete this challenge in a single trial"

"Cleanse 20 totems" A very grindy and boring challenge to complete. Pretty sure every archive so far has had one of these and I am not a fan. I will still do it though, reluctantly.

The problem with the challenges in the archives is that they are very grindy, difficult, counterproductive, or all of them.

The grindy ones such as the totem cleansing challenges or the finish 3 generators in a match. The difficult ones such as the first one listed above are difficult to the extreme. Considering how many challenges we have in this game, I expect a few of them to be more difficult than the rest, but not THAT hard to complete. The challenge where you complete 3 generators in a single trial is just ridiculous. You practically have to throw the game for your challenge, this affects not only you but everyone playing in the same match as you and isn't exactly helpful towards the emblem system.

The challenges should just be something like a daily mission. With an average challenge being something as easy as doing one generator in a game or killing 2 or more survivors. A more difficult one would look like this: complete a generator, save a hooked survivor, and get chased for 30 seconds by the killer in one game. That sounds more plausible than "COMPLETE 6 GENERATORS IN ONE GAME". The challenges right now are just "ugghhh".

With all due respect, why are some of these challenges so bad?

Note: I misread the first hillbilly one.

Post edited by Yords on


  • Flabitron
    Flabitron Member Posts: 2

    I have some of the same grumbles. I've done all the challenges this tome. Doing the three gens one was terrible. You did misunderstand the Hillbilly one, which is only chainsawing two people within 30 seconds of each other (not at the beginning 30 seconds of the game).

    I kind of like how hard some of these can be. It really does give me more of an objective in the game other than just surviving. And as killer, sometimes I don't just want to win and take the game so serious; The challenge from Tome 1 or something, "Kill your obsession 8 times", was a great motivator to try a crazy build with Furtive Chase, Nemesis, and Rancor. Unfortunately, the three you brought up are just difficult and you will get screwed at the last second a lot.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Good to hear, I must have glossed over the hillbilly one. I don't really care if the challenges are hard, just if they are too hard or crazy. Remember the escape through the hatch one? It may have just been me, but around the time people were doing that challenge there were noticeably more keys than normal.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Country Livin' can be done easily if you go friendly in a match. Survivors tend to be cooperative for challenges.

    3 Gens is kinda interesting. You don't need to do the gens, just finish them. I used bond + prove thyself + leader to stick to 1 person in the beginning of the match and finish fast. After that I tracked other survivors working on gens and just finished with them.

    Cleanse 20 totems took 5-6 matches using detective's hunch I think. Lots of people looking for totems due to Ruin+Undying.

    Worst for me were hook the obsession x times/sacrifice x survivors as I am not a killer main.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Cleansing Totems isn't too bad of a challenge for me since I play solo and always hunt them out for my Inner Strength so I'm usually knocking at least 3-4 per match. The Billy challenge is one I'll never complete mainly because I'm that moron that revs too soon or smacks into a wall trying to chainsaw. I only managed an earlier challenge of hit X survivors in a single match (I think it was in a previous tome?) thanks to the Speed Limiter to show I had no intention of winning and they happily let me keep using the chainsaw. 3 Gens in a single trial solo is a nightmare. I've still got the 4 gens in a trial with Dark Sense from Tome 1 incomplete because of this exact reason. Solo. There is no way to know if Kate 50 meters away is about to pop a gen or if I have time to finish one as the killer is about to go stabby hands at me. It feels like a lot of the challenges, at least survivor ones, are based around knowing what teammates are doing, and since Solo are extremely limited to basic perk info, you're at a loss most of the time unless you follow them around. I don't mind the single trial challenges, but when the numbers are that high, it feels like a losing battle constantly becaue you're either screwing over teammates trying to get it done, or you're not getting it done at all.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    I get that one without bringing keys. I haven't brought a key into a game for ages. Except the time I accidentally did when I forgot to unequip the key I escaped with from the previous game.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Agreed got 2 chainsaws first try just walked up smacked couple of gens with my hammer till I got some pets earn there trust and waited for them to point to hook and chainsawed them both. Quick and easy. My beef is the stun 4 times with pallet. You got to be one trashcan killer to get stunned 4 times by one survivor in one match. It's much better when it's just stun killer X amount of times because then you have DS, Head on, and pallets at your disposal. The obsession one sucks too only because of the time it takes but I recently killed 2 people with rancor in one game and I did not not know that could be done so next time maybe I can do it quicker.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    LMAO I still got that Dark sense one too. I thought for sure it just meant equip the perk and have 4 gens completed in the trial ya know before you die. Once I figured out they want you physically on all four of the gens I was like **** that. Never tried again.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    The ones that gave me the most headache were:

    * Stun killer 4 times in one match

    * The PGTW 8x challenge

    * Repair 3 gens in 1 trial.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Tome 1 was the bane of my existence. I either had 4 gens with Dark Sense in 1 trial, which wasn't happening playing solo, or grab 2 survivors as killer, which as we all know, tends not to work at the best of times. It took me 5 months after Tome 1 ended just to even try do the grab one to unlock the charm in the end.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I didn't start playing until tome 2 part 4 was released. So I had alot of challenges for survivor that I could go back to and earn extra BP. Just did the DK No mither challenge yesterday from tome 2, and the 2 claudette escapes from tome 1 which I was really happy with not only was it 85k but my claudette was P1 level 5 and I did it in 2 games solo with yellow Botany and yellow empathy.

  • Satori
    Satori Member Posts: 75

    Oh god old memories, "kill all survivors in the basement"

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    A guy deliberately tried to not let me get this one on old ormond when I was playing basement trapper. He got greedy and tried to escape so I was able to catch him, all he had to say was "Yeah, I an ***hole"

  • Satori
    Satori Member Posts: 75

    Well happens, i remember i was almost done it, but one survivor says "nope" and dc XD