Lack of Killers at Night



  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    I agree with most of your points here. I'm not really trying to argue whether things like the BIlly nerf was necessary, whether Nurse needs some fixes, etc., just that there have also been survivor nerfs and killer buffs to go along with with the killer nerfs and survivor buffs that folks often complain about on the forum. It hasn't been a long line of anti-killer changes, which is what the narrative usually is; the game's long-term balance trend has been from survivor-sided back towards killer-sided, although I feel it's more balanced now than it ever has been. That's why I like to look back at version 1.X, so it's plain to see how broken survivor was back then and how much better things are now. This is all reflected in the kill rate over time as well, as @Shirokinukatsukami calls out. We only have a few data points, but it's enough to see the kill rate rise going into late 2019 and hold at that level into late 2020.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    edited January 2021

    Considering queue times for 4 man SWF are atrocious at evening times, especially weekends. I find it somewhat entertaining getting into a lobby with already readied up survivors with questionable items equipped (key+map).

    I will gladly wait the 60 seconds and burn a specific offering that sadly crashes my game to the desktop just after lobby starts and before the game begins loading.

    Other than that.

    It is the fault of SWF taking up the queue time for solo survivors. When you think about it, SWF is like a tumor causing wide array of issues.


    On the side note. It almost always been that way.

    At night one side had instant queues while the other one was disgustingly long. At morning/day time things switched around.

    Usually the side with most power/broken stuff was the overrun one at the night time of your local zone. (yes, even killers had long queue times at evening hours back in the day)

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    So the namesake of the game does not apply to survivors but the killers themselves due to bullying. Gotcha.

  • Aldath
    Aldath Member Posts: 30

    Because at least in my region, night time is when the red rank SWF sweat squads prowl. I'm a low purple-green rank killer that more often than not gets paired with 1-2 rank coordinated squads with ttv on their names...

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Last night was playing with my bros.

    In the span of around 2 hours we played 3 games. These were fairly quick games.

    Had a green Spirit who 2K'd us. Would've been 1K but the random claudette gave them a pity kill. One of my brothers got tunneled out in a couple minutes while the rest of us burned through the gens to get out.

    2nd match had a purple doctor who quickly 4Kd us with our random suiciding.

    3rd match we had a poor rank 19 one perk noob hag. She 0Kd and got stomped pretty hard.

    Most of that two hours was filled with us waiting in the lobby sharing vids or talking about whatever.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited January 2021

    At night is the best time to play this game as a killer because that's when all the bad survivors start to play, around 9pm or so. Surprised there's a lack of killers during it, but with the state of killer currently it isn't exactly surprising when it's not fun to beat up bad survivors any more than it is to deal with seal team six gen jockies.

    I don't run Ruin/Undying, but I come back now and then to play, having 3k+ hours in the game, and when I play killer I get kind of depressed how fast and close I come to losing, someone with my skill and knowledge, just because generators go so fast and you need to deal with so much garbage, second chance perks. I'd just rather play a fun game, it's just not fun lol. At least years ago I had fun as a newer killer because a lot of my doing poorly was me doing things badly and learning, but now it's just the state of the game. But I've more or less just accepted that and only play survivor with friends now.

    Years ago at least when I lost it was the state of the game too, and the fact the playerbase was smaller, and much more skilled. I lost because of good survivors, who knew how to loop. These days I lose because you can have 4 bad survivors but because they sit on generators and have the second chance perks they do, you lose to even bad players, or almost lose. It's really...weird.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Exactly my experience. When I play Survivor (rank 14), the large majority of my games are well matched - I get Survivors around my rank, and face a Killer around our average rank. Yet for whatever reason when I swap to Killer, I get mostly bad matches - rank 6's and lower against my rank 12 Killer. I don't understand why this so consistently happens to me though, I guess it's just RNG at work but I will admit, it does make my Killer experience less enjoyable.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Probably because I'm asleep.

  • Noobe
    Noobe Member Posts: 152

    queues vary a lot depending on timezones and regions on both roles.. besides people like sleeping so its not weird that its slower at night

  • Survivors at that hour tend to be SWFs that give no ****s about the killer even existing haha.

    Late at night survivors are just like:

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    I'm gonna be honest. I came back to this game recently, about four months ago. I come back off and on. I try my absolute hardest to remain positive, and night games have broken me.

    Since those hours are usually the time I can play, I've started doing little more than trolling.

    I have a build called Casper the passive aggressive ghost. Essentially it's built around maximizing my points while depriving the survivors from as many as possible. I don't need to kill anyone to get around 15k+, more if I had BBQ and chili unlocked on the character, and generally the night survivors who play against me lose more bp than they bring in. Oh and that chat is very funny now as I have learned hownto drive those people nuts if they say anything.

    Its honestly the only victory to be had a lot of nights. It's also way less stressful to commit to being an ######### than to being a literal clown for random pricks who will spit in your face anyways.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    In mid Europe at night hundred of campers killers from a big Eastern country are sleeping waiting for another day of camping and tunneling

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    Lots of killers lobby dodge a lot, I've seen small time streamers lobby dodge like 15 times in a row, because they didn't like the fact that the survivors had flashlights, or they had a key, or they suspected them of being a SWF team. Not only there's a shortage of killer players but the fact a lot of them lobby dodge a bunch of times makes queue times longer. Maybe they should not allow killers to know what items the survivors are carrying.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    You.... Made killer A like... 4 different types of killers lol. Kind of weird to put tryhard esport wannabe as if trying hard in a game versus 4 others who have many benefits on their side... as a negative thing? What people say is tunneling is often not or is forced by the team, slugging is a completely fair tactic, and camping (face camping hooks) is absolutely not someone who fits all of those categories.

    And if it's end game, btw... ALL is fair. Even camping a hook.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    lmao , while I have all dlc except for the twins (bought the survivor through shards not buying killers any longer which will save me a little money anyways) on my steam account on my psn I only had afew until i bought a bunch on the recent psn sale since I have a ps5 and might wanna start playing this again when it's in a better state. I am glad I had the sense to not buy the undying dlc, since I figured it was gonna receive a hefty nerf. Now you'll basically only have two copies of a hex, which means you may as well save yourself both perk slots, only take one up with corrupt and use anything else in thats econd perk slot and hardcore tunnel or camp the first guy you catch on a hook near a non corrupted gen until it wears off to open a game. Which was why I bought plague for my ps5 account rather than blight, good forsight there and I am proud of myself lol.

    I don't plan to play killer any more anyways, especially seeing mmr is coming back which once yous ettle in your elo means no more potato in a match and close matches in this game are not fun as killer at least for me since it's too sweaty. So witht hat said i am glad to see I will have an easier time picking survivors back up again the next time I touch this game down the road as I build up some bp on my ps5 account, probably only when they're giving double bp again I reckon until that's done again. I figure neough will endure the torment of playing as the killers during double bp that the survivor queue length should become bearable again. Until then, the game will provide more entertainment here and in steam discussions until they fix it or double bpr olls around again.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Each Killer not playing / taking a break / switching sides means 4 Survivors need to wait longer.

    The other way around, 1 Survivor not playing isn't that bad, as the free slot will be filled much quicker (as we have way more Survivors playing).

    It's all about action - reaction. But yeah, keep SWFs untouched and keep the balancing catering for R10 Survivors.

    But it's also the way many Survivors are playing / acting in the endgame-chat. Killers should only reply with "Enjoy your que times" these days.

  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2021

    It's indicative of the state of how fun killer is to play, but I'm pretty sure the only response it'll get is another MMR tweak to widen the killer pool.

    In my case, I keep queueing as killer, but I just watch netflix on the other monitor while I play. No sense in sweating on something you're intended to lose.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    I wouldn't mind them locking the lobby so you couldn't leave if they just let me see who is and who isn't in swf together. I'd be more inclined to play it out if I could make preparations of what I was getting into before hand.

  • blacknemesy
    blacknemesy Member Posts: 25
    edited January 2021

    Here is my that from someone who literally just now decided to hang the game :

    I am tired of being bullied around by survivors while using a fair build of Pop, Thrilling, BBQ and I am all Ears. The jump in survivor skill from rank 8 to 7 was enormous and I almost quit but some tips from Otz kept me playing and actually improved but I hit another wall at rank 6. There are simply too many good survivors mixed with with the bad that a new killer has no chance but to commit hours upon hours to be able to try and match them but even when you match them your build offers little gen control when you do not consistently down survivors.

    I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to climb even higher just to start losing games because you are always outclassed so I figure most killers either play seldomly or at times where swf and tryhards are not as frequent or they play both sides.

    Either way it means you need to wait. Thats what happen when 1 side gets to play around running and jumping and memeing with friends and the other is relegated to match clown so the survivors can play.

    Also many killer main dropped killer althogether like Zubat or go back and forward between.

    Or in other words : new killers get punished while new survivors can have their friends as a "net" for their less than ideal play so they still get to have fun and learn, such luxury is not afforded to killers. This leads to a survivor infested game. if MMR fails expect killers that use Undying/Ruin(which is most from what I see in streams) to start playing killer less since it will make the game more frustrating for them(eventhough the change is more than fair).

  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54

    I don't think they'll do that because queues will get even LONGER when killers just start taking the leave penalty.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2021

    Nobody wants to play against SWF. Imagine getting forced into games against people you don´t want to play with.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,598
  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    don't worry after the undying nerf there will be more killers ...

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    I.E. Nurse release, her initial power aside, normal, killers for some reason received double/triple lunge range on all m1 attacks. Guess how long queues were back then?

    So do with existence of Machine Gun builds (STBFL+Unrelenting), same thing, ages to find a game as a killer.

    Basically once one side has some broken stuff that makes playing them trivial, general evening population flocks to that side clogging clues.

    For most of recent time it was survivor side.

    It was always considered stressless and hands off experience in dbd besides few times when stuff became broken for killers. (didn't last long, almost always hotfixed within a week...)

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah man survivors are way to obnoxious to play with after about 7-8pm where I am, I'll hit up a couple of survivor games before queues get crap then round out a few killer games and then go do something else.

    I don't need a team of giant sore loser/bad winner cry babies yelling vitriolic crap at me because they lack the emotional maturity to play the game and they come by the boatload late at night.

  • blacknemesy
    blacknemesy Member Posts: 25

    How so since the vast majority of killers who see Undying/Ruin as unfair don't run it already? I don't see a scenario where a killer will come back because U+R was nerfed since it is a choice to run it or not. Only scenario killers will come back will be when MMR testing starts but it does not mean they will stay. Game is too grindy and too casual on survivor side and killer is not cruise control unless you are very good

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    haha brother, this was sarcasm, I play both roles and I'm devotion 15. how survivor at least undying gave you a side task. but as the survivors say it is very powerful to spend 10 seconds cleaning 1 totem... I don't understand 4 players, 5 totems on the map, everyone who makes one and that's it is 50 seconds to clean...

    But we need more survivors and less killers haha ​​gg. I think we just enjoy the game, this game is not competitive

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It's not a lack of killers. As others pointed out, people are getting off work and playing with their friends. If you play in the morning you get fast survivor ques and slow killer ones.

  • Farya
    Farya Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2021

    Yet for whatever reason when I swap to Killer, I get mostly bad matches - rank 6's and lower against my rank 12 Killer.

    I guess that's because if a group of 2 or more Survivor friends come together, it messes up the ranks. Since there is no Problem for three red rank friends to bring their rank 16 friends, it's all messed up. I don't know what the game does, guess it's looking for an "average" rank killer?

    Like.. the average of 2, 2, 5, 18 ist.. 12? And there you go, level 12 Killer against "swat".

    About five minutes ago I had another of these wonderful games with me as a Killer. Clicky clicky, teabag.. defending the lowest player with bodyblocking and so on. And after the game I read in chat "lol noob billy" or whatsoever. It's just not fun. I want to play against people wo are just the same nooblevel as me. I know they are out there!

    Gave up for today. Maybe toxic Survivors are a reason for lack of killers as well, dunno?

    And yes I know I am a crybaby.😥

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Killer is way harder to play, its too frustrating and its not rewarding.

    I most likely never play as killer again

    And since ques are like 20minutes wait and load to get into a 7 minute game... its the death of playing