Survivor Escape Streak

It’s something that’s bothered me for a while now, when playing survivor you get so much less blood points in comparison to killer due to perks like BBQ and Chilli. Due to this I find myself playing killer just to level up survivor.
So, I thought it would be a cool idea that the survivors could have an escape streak multiplier where after escaping through the door (not hatch) they would receive a multiplier for their next game which would increase the more times you escape in a row. I think it would allow survivors to receive more BPs and could be fun to see and keep track of how many escapes you can get in succession.
A great idea that unfortunately would lead to abuse.
Survivors would abandon teammates even more
Killers will camp and tunnel more
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I love that I can play in 4 man SWF, use keys with Hatch specific spawn offerings and "hAtCh TeChS" to raise my "Escape Streak".
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I specified that it wouldn’t work with the hatch and I’m not talking about necessarily it being a massive multiplier like 2 or 5 percent each game.
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As someone who plays a lot of killer it can be frustrating when survivors 99% the door then come barging in with borrowed time, DS and other perks so perhaps mor incentive to be selfish isn’t a bad thing
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Makes sense. Have a good day
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Would be nice. Maybe it would encourage bird-watching Claudettes to do something
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Yeah deffo
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Not sure how experienced you are so I'll mention this: There's a perk called We're Gonna Live Forever (David's teachable) which gives you BP in the same way BBQAC does. It can be awkward to get the tokens, but yeah.
I don't agree with your idea for the same reasons others have stated - it'd encourage survivors to simply leave with less incentive to go back and save another survivor. Also if this was implemented for survivors, it should be implemented for killers too for 4king. But that would also have its own affects such as much more slugging for the 4k to avoid hatch escapes.
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Honestly, the main problem I have is, “we’re gonna live forever”. Yes it will have the same affect of BBQ if you can get the tokens but it’s not balanced in comparison to ease and work load. To get BBQ the killer just has to do their one and only primary aim, hook survivors. However when playing survivor your team has to balance, gens, saves, chasing. Depending on how the games going you might not get the chance to get a save in the whole game if your responsibility is doing gens because everyone else is getting chased. Unhooking safely, this is something the killer has control over if they decide to camp or tunnel in which case you may have to run borrowed time just to get the opportunity for you to get one stack. Perhaps it’s a case of changing we’re gonna live forever to something that’s as easy to do as hooking people. Again though for weaker killers or someone playing against a 4 SWF the killer might struggle with hooking but I do feel we’re gonna live forever is more up to chance and luck. Deffo not as reliable. Maybe change WGLF to if you participate in completing 4 gens up to a certain amount, or the length of a chase maybe a combination of all of these things who knows...
Excluding the multiplier aspect it still could be interesting to count up your escapes in a row just as a little side thing.
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While I agree it's a lot easier to get BP if you're playing killer it can still be easy to get BP as survivor if you bring a build around it.
Prove Thyself and do a gen with someone else and there's about half your objective done.
Detective's Hunch to find totems to easier max out boldness.
We'll Make It/Borrowed for easier altruism.
We're Going to Live Forever for obvious bp multiplier.
Bring a good medkit to heal yourself for some extra survival and so you can take protection hits while the killer carries someone. You can also switch out Detective's Hunch and another perk for say DS, Selfcare, or Deliverence to try and max survival even if you die. Even the perk that restores item uses could work as well.
Assuming you don't get tunneled out first and your teammates don't kill themselves you can normally get around 20k every game. Close to 30k or even max points with good games.
As for the actual topic at hand I disagree as it would only increase the sweat level of both sides. Survivors would want to escape more and Killers would want to kill more to stop the multiplier. Instead, they should just make WGLF easier to get tokens such as adding the second wind condition of healing an entire health state of someone.
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I agree with making WGLF easier. At the moment the work that killer has to do for BBQ in comparison to WGLF isn’t balanced and I do generally get between 25k to 30k every game but that’s half of what I always I get when I play killer. Make WGLF more viable as a compromise.
as someone who does play both sides I do still think the escape streaks could be cool. Just don’t make the multiplier ridiculously high and then it’s something that could be used for players who’s main efforts are being aimed at grinding blood points for everyone else the games the same.
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Killers camp and tunnel a lot anyway, and what's wrong with being selfish?
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If Killers camp or tunnel to grief survivors it only shows how crappy they are