Secret change to Nurse, New base model.

There's been a change to Nurses base model in the PTB. This is probably a leak or a bug BUT this tells us they are looking into changing
older killer models
I think it looks really good! You can see the changes here
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Yeah with the graphics update, character models are also being updated, including licensed characters if the license holders agree!
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We can dream
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Oh and they changed the clowns tie (dull Red to dull Purple) but I dont care about it at all so whateva. Youve all probably seen it
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I was just thinking today, "I wonder if any of the older or licensed characters will get reworked?"!
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You can see the changes for yourself
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I don't know how to get into PTB, or if I even can. But I'm psyched for the update(s)!
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Wonder if the "classic" outfit will be given to older players as an option (because I like the classic more personally), and how this effects the Legacy/Prestige outfit of Nurse
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These are some really good questions
I think legacy and prestige are likely to stay the same!
It would be a god awful amount of work because they'd have to do this for every killer and survivor they remade (legacy dependent ofc) that I don't think any area of the dev team is equipped to handle rn
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Its in the patch notes.
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Too bad its only base models yes?
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They might make some skins more high quality but there is unlikely any more big changes because it's taken 4 years to get the skins we have now, its take another two to overhaul them all
I had a look and recolours also follow the brand new base model!
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Well I use the blight nurse so..the remodel does very little for me sadly
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Itd be cool if they did update blight models to match base models because of them being mutated versions but its BHVR so probably not
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It's not really secret when it's in the notes... lol
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Ah well
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The legacy prestige & regular prestige were both updated alongside the base model!!
(Credit @hexytime on Twitter)
(Credit @SupaAlf on Twitter)
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So legacy, prestige, and the base skin were changed. What's the last one?
To rub salt in the wound that they refuse to acknowledge or fix any of her numerous game breaking bugs, of course :^)
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I put the changed skins (including legacy) in an imgur album if you want to check it out:
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I prefer the old nurse model.
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Me as well. IMO this looks like a yellow rarity outfit. But it is what it is, ill just keep using her Lady Lunatic set if we arent allowed to keep the old model.
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Not really a secret change though if it was in the patch notes itself.