Question for survivor players

Im rank 6 rn starting to play the game again for the first time in a while but run into the same teammates who have the same habit of crouch walking every where, doing little to no gens, and not attempting to save or even heal anyone. If you are someone who does this please tell me why you are only penalizing me and yourself. I’ve never met someone who plays like so but find so many randoms that play like this.
Run Bond and lead the killer towards them :)
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Omg yes. Every time I see an immersed gamer, I go out of my way to point them out, even if I go down for it.
The biggest reason I think is due to matchmaking being a little unreliable. You'll get a mixture of players and you'll never know who you'll get. Immersed gamers make the game extremely hard for you and potentially the rest of your team.
Some people just really like that play style. It's your game, your play style, but these people should also realize this puts a lot of strain on your team and makes things much more difficult than it needs to be. It's also SUPER boring for the killer.
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Once you get to Red ranks its ALOT less common. I recommend you focus on getting there, whilst some red ranks have they're own issues and the games more sweaty you won't need to put up with P3 Clauds self caring In the corner.
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its not less common in red ranks. mostly because i don't get matched with red ranks, but also because the red ranks I do get matched with are still fairly new to the game.
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Hey guys don't worry MMR system is coming soon. Very reliable system don't worry.
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I got to start doing this when I play solo.
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I report everyone who does this for working with the killer. Its a scummy move, just because someone plays in a way you dont appove. I agree that people that don´t do gens and help their team should not be matched with people who do (and i hope that changes with mmr), yet only because someone hides from the killer instead of running him in circles doesn´t legitimate such behaviour if they still do their part.
I am a stealth player, and this past week i had time and again games where people where allergic to gens and did not touch them. I had games where i did all gens myself, while the rest runs behind the killer with flashlights and hooktrades till they die. they are not any better for not hidding.
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How would you know exactly? Forgive me if that sounded Snarky, not my intention but how can you know that its not less common if you don't even play with red ranks? I play at rank 1 survivor and literally never see Urban Evasion P3 players that don't benefit the team. I do agree withsome (not all) red ranks being new to the game. Like I said it's "alot less common" the problem dosent completely vanish as stealth is a tactic similarly to camping. The problem with afew(not all) red rank players are that they just gen rush and hope it works.
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It's really not less common.
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I mean, it's much of a personal choice.
People who are immersed gamers generally wear the same boring outfits and run boring perks!
Whilst we chad sacrifices get to wear cool colourful outfits and cool perk variations and get way too many chases
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Does it happen just as much as the lower ranks or even as much as in purple ranks? I'll admit "Alot" might have been a strech. But I just can't agree with it being common in Red ranks, the only survivors I see in Red ranks run the meta perks, again I'm not saying these survivors are non existent. But they're not common either, as most people at that point no stealth isn't as good as looping
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I know, because I am a Rank 1 Survivor and a Rank 1 Killer, and I have been for over a 1.4k hours.
I am witness to the fact that reaching Rank 1 does not improve one's gameplay experience, with regards to teammates.
The only thing being Rank 1 does is increase my likelyhood of playing against a competent killer who will either ######### on my teammates, and myself by proxy, or not make me feel like an ass for bullying a killer.
Red Ranks is far from an indication of skill, and the matchmaking system achknowledges that by repeatedly throwing me alongside Green and Purple ranks who occassionally are better than the gen-averse robots wielding a red rank in post-game lobby.
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Oh I agree red ranks means nothing in terms of skill, I'm also a red rank player with the same hours as you. However I can only argue from my perspective(like you're doing) and I never see a red rank player run urban evasion and just crawl around the map for the entire game. The only red rank survivors I do see run Bt, Unbreakable, DS, DH iron will and other meta perks. Sometimes a meme build but never a stealth build. Do these perks often carry survivors? Of course. However stealth won't carry you to red ranks, you need to best the Killer head on in order to pip. At the very least to stay in red ranks