Apparently in the PTB you can turn while using dead hard

I've seen clips of it being passed around, unfortunately the ones I've been able to find don't have the proper formatting to be shown here.
But I sincerely hope this is not intentional. One of the few limitations of dead hard was not being able to do it around corners, this would remove that entirely.
Please, for the love of god let this be a bug.
PTB visual confirmation:
Exhausted on the ground tho.
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If anyone is wondering what it looks like:
Hopefully it's just a bug with the new locomotion for survivors, as it was not specifically mentioned in the patch notes.
I honestly don't think that it would be intentional to change dh to let survivors move freely like that.
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Shadow buff?
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That doesn't even seem to be that useful. It wouldn't even make a difference.
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What are you talking about? That is extremely useful. Imagine being able to deadhead around tight corners to guarantee the pallet. That would make it even more busted then it already is.
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That's a massive buff to dead hard dear god....
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If I was doing that I'd have dead harded to guaranteed the pallet regardless of turning or not. There's almost no circumstances where that would actually deny a killer a down compared to just dead harding normally.
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That's not true at all. If anything, people who mess up with deadhard with mis aiming it now can just get it for free. Making it easier and stronger. Also there is new juke potential with the whole 180 dead hard. Not useless at all and hopefully a bug
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Well they did mention they were working on dead hard right?
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Dead hard is the only survivor perk I really can't stand. I don't tunnel or camp so DS and unbreakable are rarely issues, but feeling cheated out of a hit just feels awful.
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Do you need to use Q & E or does moving the mouse work?
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I've only seen clips of it, but it seems to work with mouse based on how smooth the turning looks.
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Yikes. This PTB has so many bugs.
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It's mouse exclusive from my (not very extensive) testing.
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The sad part is that, even is it is a bug, it's probably not gonna be fixed for awhile. I mean, the "no sound" bug is still in the game after like, a year.
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LOL that's a ridiculous "buff" to Dead Hard.
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Yeah, i bet that feels almost as bad as getting hit through pallets
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I'd like to see it in action with a good survivor. Looks interesting.
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dude you have no idea how much of a difference it actuall is
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Watching dev on twitch said it's not intended
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Oh thank god
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Well, yes? The difference is that you miss as many hits due to latency as you score.
Also one's a perk and the other is due to actual physics. The false equivalency does nobody any favors.
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This would be great if you could control Dead Hard. Right now if a killer hits you and the game turns you to compensate for lag when you Dead Hard you fly off in odd directions. With the wonky hit boxes I will dead hard and the killer will swing and hit the air where I just was the game will turn me and Dead Hard will run me right into a wall or some other odd direction.
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Let's buff dead hard, why not /s
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Well, even if it doesn't get fixed asap, the "exhausted on the ground" part of it won't change so there's that.
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This would not be great... this would just encourage this awful meta even more. I don't trash someone for using meta perks, it gets boring after a while to just know "Oh yep I'm not gonna hit them here and end the chase 20 seconds quicker, fun fun"
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I had just assumed it was another bug when I did it, I hope it stays
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Dead Harder
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Yea it was a big part of the chat, asked like 10 times. And he assured it is NOT meant to be that way and will be fixed. Now, will they fix it in time for release? I sure hope so. Because the amount of bugs that I saw in his stream was... really... sad
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It isn't terribly surprising though.
It's honestly kind of sad that we have come to expect the devs to break the game somehow with every update.
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lmao if that is intentional I'll come back for a while with troll no mither/second chance builds and abuse the hell out of it until the queues get over 20 minutes
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Yeah, the question of getting it fixed before this patch goes out is the main point. If they leave such a huge buff to an already-meta perk ...
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Well it is an exhaustion perk, so it isn't like it is a "get away free" perk. It just gives survivors a chance to outrun the already faster killer, who basically from the get go is running die hard the whole game (if you base if off of player movement speed.)
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They did. But for not get exhausted on ground, not this.
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Airstrafe but on the ground
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Oh yes it would make a difference
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Doesn't matter which direction if you still end up exhausted on the ground :D I see what you did there BHVR