Scott puts things into perspective

Scott Jund is a really good content created and he made comparisons to show how truly little behaviour does in 3 months compared to smaller teams with the same content release schedule.
I completely agree with the video. Everything I say is because I love this game and want to see it do better. I used to purchase every DLC and many outfits because I wanted to support the game. Ever since the most recent Halloween "event" though, I have stopped giving Behavior my money because of their obvious greed. With the half-baked Binding of Kin chapter, I have added developer laziness to the reasons I choose to no longer support the game with my money. need to start releasing patches that don't break the game and squash bugs much faster. You have so many fans with tons of experience that you could use to QA test potential game ideas and changes...use them. You need to make more significant changes to perks, killers, add-ons, items, etc. more often. It can't be that hard to give Trapper a brown bag and Wraith a yellow windstorm by default (the entire community's been saying this is a needed change for ages). How long have iridescent head hatchets and keys been an issue with no changes? Why did it take so long to make such a simple change to moris when they were such a big issue? Didn't you guys tease adding more items to spice up gameplay a long time ago?
The early game ramp-up phase that you're working on needs to be something game-changing and interesting like finding missing gen parts to be able to start repairing them and reducing gen repair time to compensate (not just a lazy copy-paste of the end game collapse but in reverse). You need to add a second game mode that's on a weekly rotation (like one week everyone has +50% speed, the next week everyone can bring 6 perks, etc.). You need to add more UI placement options, make the portraits reflect character cosmetics, and add colorblind options. Your events need to have earnable cosmetics through gameplay (log-in rewards don't count) and the Halloween event especially needs 2 earnable outfits with event currency that can be used on current and past Halloween outfits. You just need to do better for your fans so we can feel justified in supporting you financially. What we're getting from you now just isn't cutting it. I'm begging you, please do better.
P.S. You'd probably sell more cosmetics and increase variety in the game by making them not cost more than the characters themselves.
Post edited by Thund3rstruck57 on69 -
Lol I was just watching that. I've got nothing to add really. I agree with every single point he made and I've disagreed on many things he said in the past.
In the end, we always knew that DbD is a monopoly and that's the bane of its existence.
53 -
I mean, this isn't just 'streamer said it so it must be true' that's really how it is. I talked to my friends exactly that. Imagine if they had competition like Dota/LoL, BF/Cod etc.. Do you think they would dare to realease the Twins chapter like they did? Do you think they would let so many unbalanced things wait for so long? They know they can get away with it, that's why they do it.
52 -
People that played for a longer time know, that this game has so much potential. They could do so much more for their game but prefer to do the bare minimum. Which is just sad.
55 -
They are stuck in a cycle - same thing every few months (SSDD). There is little to no innovation besides the new killer they release (and even that is bugged as hell and usually shares mechanics borrowed from other killers).
The lack of competition breeds complacency. Why put more effort in when there is no real alternative for your customers to go to.
27 -
Still amazing how this game lasted and actually grew to have a strong player base despite the game having horrendous game balance and bugs since day 1. Game needs competition.
34 -
It's not that he's wrong; it's just nothing is going to change on that front so I am not sure what he or anyone is really expecting.
BHVR isn't going to change, it never will, so it's always been more of a take it as it is or find a better game kind of situation. There is nothing in the niche of DBD and they know it; so I mean it's up to everyone to decide if it's worth it or not.
9 -
It is frustrating. I love the game, but the lack of action on the dev's part is disheartening. Bugs that have been in the game for so long and not been fixed. Poorly balanced perks and killers that don't get updated. Sticking infinites and breakable walls in map reworks and thinking that's good. Promised optimisation that never came. But hey, buy our DLC packs and new costumes guys!
I would love to see another developer that gives more of a ######### actually come up with proper competition, but as we are, BHVR won't change.
6 -
Mor people need to read this thread to make the Devs notice. Send it to everyone you know.
20 -
They could do a lot with the pool of useless perks. Even just apply numbers changes to a lot of them but they just let them sit there, occasionally grabbing one to buff after like a year or two. They could even adjust the BP values on some actions for survivors and killers as some of them don't reward as much as they should but they take the same approach, maybe look at one and adjust things after a year or two. They could squash bugs much more expediently yet we still have bugs from a year ago like Nurse's. There is a lot they could still do outside of the normal routine if they cared.
It's sad because you can tell they are content with doing the bare minimum and yet their game flourishes.
6 -
I totally get that rant coming from frustration, because you love this game so much. Even though I am not gaining anything monetarily, I still want the best for the game. It deeply saddens me to see how much the community cares about the game, and how little they got in return. I mean, I look at the contents, art works, cosmetic designs, chapter ideas, balance ideas created by this amazing community, and I am amazed. They care this much about the game, creating things, putting energy and afford to it, not want anything but some recognition in return. Something to indicate they have been heard.
I am looking this new HUD design by devs for example, and see so many better alternatives more meaningful ones here in forums. It really upsets me to think none of them will be considered and we will have to see this unthoughtful design in live version. That is just one example from current patch. There are thousands of them from the previous patches, growing exponentially.
17 -
Other companies don’t put most of their resources into their art team.
16 -
They don't even plan to make a addon exchange. Everyone that plays the game long enough, has his inventory full of killer addons, that will never be used, because there are just better options. Heck, you can only have one red addon in the bloodweb per level and it's so often ebony mori, that is completely useless now, that my head nearly explodes when i see this #########.
16 -
What makes it so insane is I don't understand why a monopoly is causing Behavior to work so little...
Like, I'm an econ major :'3, I get why monopolies ultimately are lazy but in the gaming industry they could gain so many boons by just ######### caring a little about the community it's actually insane. They apparently don't realize they could/Would gain so much more money if they actually appealed to keeping older players in the game while also providing the new content and generally promoting the Health of the game...don't forget just putting in the effort to change a number on a perk can be done multiple times for many perks by the time they even release a patch -_-.
They need to simply Trust us, they don't I feel. They don't trust we would mind semi-broken patches more often? I definitely would prefer them to put out mini-patches every 2-3 weeks with perk number changes and smaller things as well. Can still do big releases being on the three-month swivel but just we need more interaction with the game besides that so badly. This lack of trust on their behalf is why we, I at least, just can Not trust them to get their ######### together. They've put themselves in this situation and don't give a ######### to get out which sucks.
All in all...idk, I love the game man...but there's so little to give props for anymore when they barely do anything. Second win buff from 32 secs to 20 secs, hahaha man that was really hard to do... (no point arguing "well they have to debate it around the good ol round table until they found a reasonable number, why I say do smaller patches more often and idk actually take advantage of the Communities input on things >_>)
11 -
Because true monopolies are lazy. Most 'monopolies' throughout history, weren't, they were highly successful enterprises that scratched and clawed to the top through ingenuity and innovation. Dead by Daylight's only innovation is it's formula and due to it's uniqueness, has a captive audience, giving it no direct competition.
Monopolies aren't about making the most money possible, they're about making the most per unit while making as few units as possible. So long as they can maintain that state of affairs, they will. Which is exactly what Behavior is doing.
10 -
True, very true... Just wish Behavior could realize the true potential and cared to reach it :/. Cause man, it could be so much more and there's such a huge community here wanting that...just a huge shame is all.
But yeah, I know monopolies aren't just for the most money it's just annoying when Behavior here totally Could be doing so much better in many regards but doesn't bother. *sigh*
3 -
The fact is a true competitor is not gonna rise, let alone survive long enough because we've got diehard fans crap bombing reviews on everywhere, Last Year for instance was gonna be a decent threat to DbD, had a somewhat similar idea, patches with new features and bug fixes were coming really fast, the quality was there, and yet the fans decided to call it trash everywhere and keep new players from even giving it a chance.
I don't think dbd is ever gonna stop feeling like a half-assed project when it comes to these things, simply because they have no pressure and as soon as they do, that part of the playerbase starts crapping on that competition far too much.
13 -
You guy's just going to have to wait ,once Behaviour finishes we'll have us a great game,things are shakey right now overall, the dev's listen to our feedback and try to balance accordingly.
0 -
Dude most of us have been waiting for over 4 and a half years now, and a lot of feedback isn't being listened to. I'm not saying all of it isn't, because that would be a stupid statement to make of course they listen to feedback, but a lot of decisions they make are very 'final'. Like a "yeah welp, we think THIS is better for the game so you're just gonna have to get used to it". And they're still taking things so slowly and so safe, never taking any risks because they know they don't have to.
21 -
Hey I've been here too you think I like getting beat by people who take advantage of system.
0 -
CD Projekt Red (Cyperpunk 2077, Witcher) focused too much on getting new players with their Gwent game, had to completely remake it and lost a huge portion of their playerbase. First they lost their core players because they catered to the newer/casual players, which made the game too easy - it's a strategy card game. Then, because they took this design strategy so much to heart, they made the choice to completely rebuild the game from the ground up. Most of the core players came back, but they lost a big portion of players.
To me it seems like BHVR is going down that path, making the game easier for survivors, especially newer ones; while also making the game more challenging for killers to do well. I've seen a lot people posting that they're ready to abandon the game - they're long time players, too. Sometimes I even sit there staring at my perks trying to find a new fun build, but I know if I don't run a bunch of anti-gen perks I'm gonna get stomped for the most part unless I play Nurse/Spirit/Billy.
Sometimes I think it's not that they are getting lazy, or don't want to make their game the best it can be... but it's that they're hitting a ceiling with their skill levels. There have been Dev streams where Devs have literally said that 'the math is too hard to implement this.' Granted, it was one guy, and I'm sure they told him not to say that ever again. But it makes sense to me considering that they are focusing on cosmetic things lately, and other technical issues seem to remain unresolved.
2 -
Yep, I joined right around the winter solstice of 2017. I have seen how much missed potential BHVR has. They could do so much with this game, but they just don't. Plus the people who simp for BHVR are only fueling this situation.
This game is in dire need of competition. Without it, this game will just keep going downhill with broken updates, and minimal changes in EVERY major update.
11 -
They are lazy though.
So many things could be fixed and SO MANY perks could be made so much better with slight number tweaks would take them like 5 seconds per perk to adjust the numbers.
Most killers need simple buffs like addon trapper bag base or windstorm base on wraith but they're so lazy they can't even do that.
not to mention their "EVENTS" which are the biggest joke going
I wish someone else would buy out DBD or the team would step up for 600 employees it's an embarrassment
11 -
I do miss the good event's where we earned cosmetics, and had the themes winter solstice was very much wanted this year.
7 -
What killed last year was the discord exclusivity deal.
6 -
I think you're totally right.
Thing is though, I don't think that they are balancing the game with math. Like, to a degree they are, but the way they describe how they fix problems, it sounds like they are adjusting things a little bit here and a little bit there until it works the way they want it to. Theres a big problem with working this way, and it's that you scare yourself into not wanting to make any big changes, which is kind of where I think they're getting to.
1 -
It's true. They have Shiny New Object syndrome in the worst way. Their licenses will carry them for a while, but at least half the playerbase would jump to another game if it was even remotely as good. I'm confident in saying that.
13 -
That is true to some extent, but on the steam release it was crapped bombed by the dbd playerbase, which was the killing blow.
1 -
I used to try and be optimistic about this game, but I just can't any more. It's abundantly clear to me that they barely care anymore. I mean this company has over 600 employees.
And yes, I know that not all of them are devoted to DbD, but there are so many other games with so many less employees that put out ten times better content
Santa Monica Studios (God Of War): 200
Bluepoint Studios (Demon Souls' Remake): 90
From Software (Dark Souls and arguably one of the biggest developers right now): 316, nearly half as less than BHVR.
It astounds me that a small group can make a game like Hollow Knight or Shovel Knight but the massive amount of people at BHVR can't make a competent game. Again- I know not all of those 600 work on DbD, but clearly they need more on the team.
Hell, even just the comparison of Path of Exiles was downright embarrassing. Back when I played it, Hi-Rez tried harder with Paladins. Hi-Rez. For those that don't know, they suck.
I just want them to try or care again. Because it's clear they don't. The best thing in this patch is Clown's new music.
I'll see you next patch where they give Wraith a second bell that boosts everyone's action speed by 15%, including survivors. Said patch will also introduce 117 new bugs while fixing about 4.
16 -
I honestly believe sacrificing one chapter release for an overall game bug/ perk overhaul would be so beneficial to the games health and player base going forward.
8 -
Oh yes, I do miss events. They removed highly popular things about the events, and turn them into this mobile game techniques to get daily attraction. It was super fun to grind through outfits, not this if you have shards/cells buy them an move on type.
When I look back to events, they seem to had really short small fixes to make them work well. What killers disliked was not be able to find event hooks, them being too far apart or have too limited number.( not to mention sabo-ing event hooks). Those were fixed on Lantern Lunar event. Where every hook was special and you got extra points if you bring an offering. Also lanterns were great secondary objects unlike crowns we've seen 4th year event. Lanterns only need few adjustments like granting points for team, or more availability. Now these new events without anything special about them are not giving you anything unless everyone brings an offering. Forcing players to depend on others is so wrong. And they keep doing it.
5 -
this *
I mean, you see it when perk re-balance (not rework!!) need 6 months to get through the pipeline - it's unbelievable (as in: really, nobody believes it) that to test a change for the time to charge Pebble from 45 to 30 seconds BHVR needs 6 months.
Really, give me a gifted sub to otzdarva as payment, I'll rework every non-meta perk for you in 24 hours with some number change, so that you have some free time to finally get through the pipeline Decisive Strike.
11 -
I mean, you see it when perk re-balance (not rework!!) need 6 months to get through the pipeline - it's unbelievable (as in: really, nobody believes it) that to test a change for the time to charge Pebble from 45 to 30 seconds BHVR needs 6 months.
While the Stranger Things PTB was live people were saying that Fixated is weak and should work while injured. A developer commented saying that if it turns out that Fixated is too weak it will be buffed. The chapter released on 17 September 2019 according to Google. It took over a year to get it buffed.
There is a big problem with releases adding new content that is immediately (= as soon as it is released) in need of either a rework or buffs because it's unusable in its current state.
9 -
I never noticed this... what the hell they doing with all this time, if they did even half as much as the developers of this free game this game would greatly improve and yet they barely do anything compared to them.
I kinda want an explanation for this and saying "We have to be careful with the changes to ect" isn't an excuse they can release a ptb with a ton of changes and easily find what isn't working out and if it does go live they can change it.
5 -
I think the only reason DBD has lasted this long is there is no real competition. It's like when a new MMO comes out. There's usually an exodus of players moving to the newer game because they are bored of the old one.
4 -
Another post the Devs will ignore :) Least they comment on Fixated and "Legion is fine" related posts.
9 -
If you "love" something, sometimes you need to let it go...
2 -
Guess well have to wait for a new head of behavior and hope they see what this game can do assuming it's not dead when that happens
2 -
I would say it's not about the devs.A lot of them are really trying their best and love this game.
I would say it's more about the company BHVR itself and their higher ups that are responsible for the state dbd currently is in.
4 -
But of they have the monopoly who is the higher up?
0 -
He’s not wrong. But this will never change as long as people keep buying skins, chapters and rift passes and sinking thousands of hours into the game.
7 -
Yes and no if your agreeing with 1st then your maybe new or you haven't gotten to the point where entering a game feels boring
And you can't shame people for buying things
It does look like they are bring back old lunar events there was a leak for the offering related to that event and its description is the same as the old offerings but who knows 6 months to change a few perks mb it will take 2 weeks to change an offering
0 -
Mb I ment to cancel that post because it was a stupid thought but it's there
0 -
I agree with 100% of all his points in that video. I know there are many people that want a chapter dedicated to game health, I think that would be great, however, I doubt it would change much. I mean just look at the patch notes, they're not big at all! I mean even the patch notes of new chapters are not big either.
1 -
Finishes what? Because we all paid for a finished game and finished chapters thereafter. If McDonald's gave you half a Big Mac would you say, "It's okay, just give me the rest of it the next time I drop by!"
I sincerely do not understand why so many people find the state of the game acceptable. It's so WEIRD.
10 -
It's because it's the only game of it's genre and we're scared of losing it?
1 -
The devs are not the problem they are not lazy. Competition could help. I believe that the DBD is a victim of its success. top10-20 only on steam. As it is, the game works and makes a profit. There is no reason to touch the core of the game or some balances that would lower the number of players. The nerf of ruin and undying is proof of this. If we are hostages of this game with our complaints or criticisms
1 -
You're scared of losing a project that is steadily declining in quality so instead of asking for what you paid for you just smile and eat #########? So it can continue to devolve? Dude, get a clue.
3 -
I gave you too much room,you had take advantage.sit here in eat ######### MF I'm the reason people are saying anything.No one complaining about the hacking, lag switching, or the state of the game just ######### totem spawns GTFOH.If you look at my post complaints on what needs to change,but rather not talk to you ever again.