Please Help me pick a killer ๐

Long story short, I am stuck on what killer I should get. My options are The Twins, The Blight, Death slinger, The Oni, The Clown or the Legion. I'm a looking for a solid killer who has solid teachable perks, please suggest me which killer is the best.
Thank you ๐
The clown has two very good teachables, one meta, and one good one. but is considered a low tier killer.
Blight has a meta perk for one of his teachables. He is considered a good killer, but takes a TON of practice to get good with.
The legion has some very meh teachables. And are considered a lower tier killer.
The oni doesn't have terrible teachables, they're just not great either. But he is a very solid killer.
Deathslinger is considered a middle of the pack killer. But his teachables are godawful.
The twins have semi - decent perks. But are considered a lower middle tier killer.
My personal recommendation is clown, despite him being lower tier, his teachables are definitely worth it.
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Clown is getting a re work soon and he has 2 ok perks and an ok power but death slinger is better for the power blight is fun but a bit inconsistent oni is fun and I wouldn't bother with the others
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What a g, Thank you
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I would say the clown because of the 2 good teachable perks and he seems like he'll be a lot of fun after the rework.
2nd would be twins because they're really fun to play, shake up the meta gameplay style, and are a lot stronger than people give them credit for. Plus, coup de grace can give you some really clutch moments, especially if you save the tokens for end game
3rd choice would be blight, he's interesting to play (but really hard to master) and undying is still going to be useful after the nerf it, despite what players are saying
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The *ONI is a great killer, very strong but balanced.
However, Clown probably has the best perks out of these guys (not including blight's undying since that is getting nerfred). Pop goes the weasel is a 5/5 killer perk for sure, he also has bamboozle which is good on Myers, billy, and bubba.
But, since you are going for the best killer, I suggest Oni. He is also not difficult to play after you get a feel for his movements.
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Cheers, I'll consider this
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I meant that *Oni is very strong and balanced
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It really depends mainly on what you find fun. All of those killers are relatively close to each other, some better then others ofc but that usually doesn't make that much difference vs normal teams.
I'd say it goes like this:
Twins if you like strategical gameplay, splitting in two characters each at different parts of map while mainly relying on controling Victor, who's very fast (150% movement speed) and effective slugger.
Blight for possibly the best mobility in the game, adapting to map layout and properly bouncing off walls which can be rather tricky but when done well, very effective.
Deathslinger, if you enjoy beiing dominant force in chases and a lot of aiming while also not minding that you'll be rather slow mobility wise most of the time. Also rather tricky to play well but still very enjoyable and kind of straightforward, you care pretty much only about doing good fast chases.
Oni for one of the best snowballs in game, zooming around map and loops while you have your power beiing a power house while in it, out of it basic M1 killer with added blood orb tracking.
Clown is getting reworked but his identity stays the same. Pretty good chase killer with a little bit of aiming involved but mainly properly positioning your gas clouds to get fast hits in loops.
Legion for most basic M1 gameplay with bits of strategy involved and mainly a pretty good stall power that forces players to stay injured most of the time. Overall, not horrible but rather basic, you'll rely on your M1 all of the time as he doesn't have anything to help with normal looping.
Perk wise it goes probably like this (from best to worst) - Clown (best teachables), Blight, Legion, Twins, Oni, Deathslinger (worst teachables).
It's ofc my opinion on the matter. Hope this helps you decide.
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Thank you for the time to respond to my comment ๐ I'll consider what you have said.
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I like the sound of that
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Thank you
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I recommend Oni. Heโs who I started with
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they are fixing his fov to make it less nauseating soon, he's gonna be even more fun :D
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blight is ultra rewarding to learn and satisfying, nothing feels better than 180 flicks
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What is your playstyle and what do you like to do?
Sneak up on people, be aggressive and loud, punish survivors for theirs mistakes?
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If youโre on Xbox or PC Clown is currently free with Xbox game pass.
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depends on your playstyle really but between these choices i would go with
The Death Slinger, The Oni, or The legion
and i cant judge the twins
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Pick who you want
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If you can only pick one i would not recommend blight because it is very hard and his meta perk is getting nerfed hard.
Legion is not a strong killer but has good perks and is quite easy to play.
Oni has terrible perks but is strong and doesn't take much practice.
Clown has some useful perks and is getting a big buff so i would really consider it.
Deathslinger takes aiming skill and is really strong but his perks are garbage.
And the twins has opression wich is cool but i don't know how strong he is yet really.
I would choose between clown and legion if i was you, those are really good picks.
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Plagueโs mid tier, but very strong once you master her
sheโs easy to learn and she comes with Corrupt and Infectious, 2 meta perks youโll want to have in your arsenal
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If you're a fan of shooter games, I'd recommend cowboy gun man. If you're not, then I very much wouldn't.
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Dwight's the best killer, since it's an epic insult to get tbagged by a dwight that hid in a locker the whole game when he head ons and then pallet stuns you just before getting the hatch. That's my favorite killer in the game.
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1) What's your main Killer(s)? This information is required to find out which teachable Perks would be the most useful to get.
2) Do you plan on playing that Killer just for fun or to be successful and good with it?
3) Do you want a Killer with skillshot powers that require good aim, timing and prediction or do you want a passive power that require no skill at all? If you want a passive Killer with no/low skill requirements, get Legion, Twins or Oni. If you want a more challenging one, get Clown.
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If you prefer the perks then get clown. If you prefer an easy power then get legion. If you prefer a harder power that you have to put a lot of time and practice into then get blight.
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As my name implies, deathslinger is my favorite killer. He can shut down almost any loop, but has little map control. I know people rank him in B tier, but if you have ruin undying, then he can be A tier. This is coming from a Rank one deathslinger main though. Dont use his teachable though. Clown has great perks, god awful killer. Legion is ok, and discordance, one of his perks with ruin eliminates gen rushing. Oni has awful perks, but is good enough. Twins are great If you enjoy camping/slugging, and oppression is a good perk. Hope this helps
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if you are on pc, my suggestion, wait for a steam sale, and snag like 2-3 killer dlcs
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If you're on PC, Blight, Oni, and Deathslinger are imo the most fun and strong overall.