HEX UNDYING + DEVOUR HOPE - new slowdown?

Lyonic Member Posts: 224

Very curious to know what people think about running the above with the new mechanics and with 2 other perks (info or chase).

Is it viable to use this instead of hex ruin/corrupt? As they will not know its up, until it has 3 tokens.



  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Ruin Undying still is a good slowdown. I don't think you can call Devour a slowdown, it is simply a game changer as soon as it activates (as long as you play a killer that does mainly M1). The thing is, you need to get there and up to that point you have a 2 perk game with no gen slowdown. So it depends if you managed to be good enough or if you already lost 3 gens. If they stop doing gens for 1 or 2 hooks while they cleanse the totems and then need to go on again with 2 perks vs 4 survivors, you again have no slowdown. So you basically have to win the game before they finish the cleansing. I wouldn't call it slowdown

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Iunno. If survivors cleanse totems like they have been with Undying in it's current state, then it won't be any different. Because it's not like the change creates any extra totems, so they run around and cleanse everything, and then there's nowhere for Devour Hope to respawn.

    Although, I haven't been able to play the PTB. Other people on the PTB forums have claimed it's been decent.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    No, the act of cleansing totems is something that means survivors are not on generators. Instead of viewing slowdown as something having a direct impact on gen progress or blocking gen - try to view it as something being more important than repairing gens. An M1 killer with 3 tokens is essentially a t3 myers, forget make your choice - its take your pick. devour hope does not have to have 5 tokens to impact - it really just needs 3.

    Scenario: survivors are repairing gens and have no hex run/lullaby etc anything that is visible to the survivor. Then on the 3rd hook the killer now has insta down on all m1 attacks until they cleanse 2 totems. If they dont get it done before the next 2 hooks - its unlimited mori. Thats the power im talking about. Because the tokens get carried over, I think the impact of this offers more to slowing a game down than something like hex. You could even argue that if you wanted to - you could just start slugging at 3 tokens. Which is what I will be doing.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    Again, I think people do bones because hex ruin is visible as soon as they hit a gen. Devour hope is not. You dont know there is a bomb under you until it starts going "beep beep boom" - 3 tokens.

    I am genuinely so excited to play killer again. I think this is huge.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    You seem to know what im saying about totems being hard to find sometimes which is great - I would be interested to know if you feel devour hope only gives you value as a perk (2 perks) as insta down at 3 tokens; instead of your emphasis on 5 tokens.

    All have some degree of making a survivor exposed. My argument is that all of these are time based, devour hope lasts until cleansed twice. That's the difference.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The combo works on paper and only there.

    In a real match, both totems won´t last long.

  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 256

    I tried this on the PTB with Infectious + BBQ on Blight, my results are that it is semi reliable.

    From my experience the totem spawns on the disturbed ward are still mostly garbage, same with campbells chapel (I saw around 4 totems facing gens that are a few meters away on both of these maps). On the game its WAY more reliable with decent spawns (although I saw 2 questionable totems on that map too). Even with all those spawns I still managed to get it to trigger 9 out of 10 games, and the one game it didn't trigger still ended up being a win, since the Survivors sacrificed hook states to destroy the totems in time.

    The greatest strength of this combo IMO is the fact that once Survivors notice you have it, they panic and focus hard on the first lit totem that they find and even if they manage to break it, it usually happens once you already have 4-5 stacks, at which point the game is more or less over, unless they get lucky with both spawns being broken early.

    Of course all of this was on the PTB, so there was no matchmaking in place. Against more coordinated teams (or simply teams with more experience) most games could have ended without it ever triggering OR causing enough panic for the survivors to lose.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224


    you got it man - you know what im saying.

    That panic, once they realise that, although they have managed to bang out a few gens - they are now on the chopping block unless they find those totems. Again, most likely you will have gotten a 4th stack and if you do get a fifth and start taking anyone out the game - regardless. Just bliss!

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    Remember - Killer CAN defend totems you know. Trapper/hag/twins or even just proxy camping it.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    demopup is a beast at totem defence, his killer instinct portals on a totem means guaranteed surveillance

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Have you seen the totem spawns in the new reworked maps? They might aswell put and LED panel saying "CLEANSE RUIN HERE". Ruin is dead with the new undying nerf, pack it up guys.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    well - its a gamble sure but hex totems are a gamble.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh sure he can. But when he plays against SWF and several totems lit up at the same time, the defense melts. Also choosing between defending that 90% gen, that totem, and that injured survivor is kinda tough.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    It won't work often because by the time you get 3 tokens you would probably be on 1 gen or none due to minimal regression or pressure

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I was gonna try devour/undying along with pgtw + tinkerer. Even if you lose both hexes, you still have 2 solid perks to work with.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2021

    I like how some people are saying Hex Devour Hope isn't worth running because it can be cleansed away.

    Have we forgotten why Hex perks are designed in such a way?

    Powerful effects at the cost of being able to be cleansed and removed by destroying the totem.

    I feel like the same people who are upset over undying being nerfed are the ones who thought it was fair for Ruin Undying to (Potentially) stay up for 5 totems without any defending on their behalf.

    Yeah, Devour Hope is a mega snowball hex perk that you're gambling with when you use it but that's the point.

    If you want consistent Exposed statuses that won't be cleansed away there's plenty of other options but no need to trash Devour Hope which has been a well designed Hex since its inception.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I'd say if you bring a good map offering to factor out totem RNG as much as possible, then yes it's a viable strat. But unless you're bringing a map offering every match, Devour Hope is going to fail more than it succeeds.

    What I'm saying is if you're looking for a strategy to win consistently with Killer, then Devour Hope cannot be considered because it is anything but consistent (although it is pretty fun).

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I think ima try an all hex build. Undying, ruin, devour hope, and thrill of the hunt. Should be fun

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    No, ultimate waste of 2+ perk slots. :)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh yeah, only killer perks are so "powerful" that they deserve being completely removed by holding a button for a couple of seconds.

    Hex perks are high risk but only low reward.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    Lose half your perks in exchange for a couple instadowns once every 10 games


  • RatherUncreativeName
    RatherUncreativeName Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2021

    I wonder how many people will run Haunted Grounds. Devour + Undying makes two lit totems that don't give a notification until you have 3 tokens, and Haunted Grounds makes two lit totems that don't give you a notification at all until you cleanse them. People who've been conditioned to cleanse Devour Hope will trigger Haunted Grounds, and people conditioned to ignore totems until it affects you will get downed by Devour Hope until they cleanse a minimum of two totems.

    Worth two perk slots? Useful on every killer? Maybe not. I'm sure some god-like Nurse player could use the Exposed effect from Devour Hope to great effect, and use the dull totem aura reading to get free hits on people trying to do the normal method of cleansing all the dull totems to prevent Undying creating another lit totem.

    (Also, if you want to mess around with people on the PTB, Haunted Grounds on Clown seems funny. You know a lot of people are going to test the most obvious stack-related Hex with the new Undying, so people are most likely to assume it's Undying Devour Hope.)

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Ruin is low reward? Interesting

    Pop, Oppression and other amazing gen patrol perks and combinations exist. There's no reason Ruin Undying should have ever been as strong as it was and a killer can still run Ruin Undying if they so choose and they'll still get value out of it. Players are either forced to cleanse it away or try to play through it and the longer Ruin stays up the more value you're gaining from it.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yes, Ruin is low reward. A survivor holding m1 totally beats anything what ruin can do.

    A killer with Pop wastes more time going to the gen, than what he gets regression out of it. Especially since it has the hook requirement. Look what survivor perks with hook requirement can do. Which side has here the stronger perks?

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    it doesn't take too long for even a single person to find two bones, and there's two perk slots down the schiffer

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    Samantha hasnt gotten an exit gate escape on her in pubs since 2019 with toth devour

    How do people just now realize devour+another hex that can protect it is insane

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    edited January 2021

    As someone who currently uses Devour Hope with Haunted Grounds, it has a chance but, but not exactly a major one. Most games both of the totems are cleansed even in games where Devour goes down first, I think the same will happen here, both totems will get cleansed even if survivors don't know what it is.

    On the alternative, this tactic will work great against gen rushers, the times where I find Devour Hope most useful as neither hexes go down.

    There's hope for this working, but I'd stick to Haunted Grounds.