They removed the "esc thing"

So, many of you probably know that it was possible to press esc while doing a gen/totem etc and then you wouldn't need to hold M1 which was extremely convenient for me who has repetitive strain injury so it hurts a little to keep holding m1.
Well... now they decided they would remove it because... hm, why not? and if you press esc while doing a gen it simply kicks you out of the gen, my only question is: why?
Really, why go out of your way to """fix""" something that no one ever complained and even helped people with problems like mine? I just don't understand the priorities
They make keyboards with macro buttons.
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I didn't even know about this feature on console?
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Thank you for your extremely helpful input
I will now spend $40 on a gamer keyboard with macros because the devs go out of their way to cause me physical strain
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I have a razer keyboard and a Logitech mouse and I can`t even make a macro for that because I can`t make a macro to hold the key down, only to press it multiple times so it isn`t even a solution
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Well remember that DBD isn't a game, it wants you to feel what it's really like to survive, because soon you too will get sucked into that fog and start running for your life, with infinite stamina and exactly 4m/s.
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yeah, this game is so real, I remember when I got assaulted in real life so I dropped a pallet on the guy then flashlight blinded him and teabagged him afterwards, this game really is extremely immersive
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And how did you use to do for skillcheck ?
Anyways, you can bind another key for interactions in settings, unless you have your 10 fingers injured (disease like arthritis) and then, i don't think videogame is good for you.
You can also bind a key that you can stay pressed with thumb base or palm of the hand.
But i agree on the point that if it was intended to do, why removing it.
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There also programs that let you bind specific keystrokes to macros
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$40? That would be nice.
Look the OP stated they have repetitive strain injury. It would be a benefit to have the ability to use macros. Even for more than just this game.
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yup, I usually use my mouse with my middle and ring fingers (instead of index and middle) but it`s a little bit unconfortable and while yes, I can just hold m1 with my middle finger it`s not as confortable as I said, and like, this esc thing was in the game since the very beggining I think and it`s not like an advantage or anything, so I just want to understand why they went out of their way to remove something non prejudicial and actually helpful
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Which one would you recommend me for console? D:
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And console? :(
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Hard to say. Was the bug active on consoles?
Maybe rebind the button to a trigger and hold it down against your leg?
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Spend years developing methods to brainwash your cat into holding the button for u
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rip lazy gamer tech
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This still works for me, I think.. did it a day or two ago. Is this on PTB? or was there a small hotfix I missed?
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Since no one answered and dodge the question, i suppose this is a glitch to avoid skillcheck so glad it will disappear. For OP, there is many ways to get around it (i proposed 2 ez myself), for the other lazy afk players, im sad for you that you have to use this...if holding a key is too hard for you then learn to loop and take care of the killer while the other less lazy can hold M1 for you....
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What? It doesn't "avoid skill checks" in the slightest, it simply holds M1 for you. You still have to do the skill check part. Just you don't have to press your finger down for 80 seconds. Literally, the only skillful part of doing a gen is still there and required to be done, the stupid gimmick, on the other hand, is gone.
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The bug's only benefit is that you no longer need to hold m1 on interactions like gens, for 80 seconds. Which is inconvenient for many and frustrating and difficult for those with conditions such as Parkinson's. A simple toggle option would go a long way.
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At least someone that read and answer the question, if it doesn't avoid SC than fine with me, i couldn't care less if they change the way of holding M1 to just On/Off. I can understand its not an exciting part of gameplay.
And to answer fully to you, thats not the fact that SC was skillful or not that was worrying me, that was because many perks/power/add on rely on SC.
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because it is not intended. just because it hadn't been noticed before (as no one "COMPLAINED") it's possible they didn't know that EXPLOIT was there. it is not something that is easily seen and requires people to actively find the exploit. now you can't exploit your way through the game. use your keybinds if you don't like holding m1...
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now you can't exploit your way through the game
This bug wasn't anything gamebreaking but rather an accessibilty feature that we should already have
use your keybinds if you don't like holding m1
People always forget about console players :(
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OH NO, such a BAD EXPLOIT, dude's there HOLDING M1, this is HORRENDOUS, we REALLY need to fix this TERRIBLE EXPLOIT that has no impact at all in the gameplay and might help people with problems like parkinson, arthritis, RSI and stuff like that, the game is RUINED because of this horrible exploit
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because you do not like something does not mean that something that is found in the game is intended to be there. These things are called exploits, and using said exploits are bad, even if it helps you in general. the fact they removed it proves it was not intended, and not something to do anything about helping others. again change your key bindings in the game from m1 to what ever else you wish. be glad they aren't punishing those using the exploit.
oh and guess what? it is... while you don't have to do anything like hold m1, as killer i have to hold W to walk around the map to find you..... if I have to hold W to move around the map all the time to catch you, you have to hold m1 to take totems down, or do gens.
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Yup. From reading this thread most if this can't be done on console just PC stuff.
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it was not intended and is unfair to the killers as they don't have the same thing. so you are in favor of making it easier for just survivors then I disagree it WAS damaging because while you don't have to do crap, I can't do something to automatically WALK/RUN around the map as killer. oh and while you might hold m1 for about 1/4 or 1/3rd of the match, killers are holding W to move around the map even more than survivors are. so i'd say 4/5ths of the match... hope you enjoyed your exploit while you had it.
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You were cheating.
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I can tell you that it was even beneficial for the killer considering the amount of failed skill checks i got while trying to setup that """exploit"""
Also,pretty much every game that has long interaction also have a toggle feature to make it easier for people with disabilities.So i don't understand why you would have anything against it.
It's like saying colorblind mode is unfair because the killer would see survivors more easily
You're making it sound like that this was a huge exploit while instead it's a basic feature.
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See I could understand that. If it prevented skill checks from appearing, yeah, it should absolutely go, but it simply makes M1, a toggle instead of hold.
I realize I missed out on context and that made my response very aggressive, I apologize.
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I said that no matter what, an unintended thing that does exactly something that others can not have is called an EXPLOIT. if it is big or small it is still an exploit. doesn't matter if you think it should be a basic feature or not as you are not behind the development of the game. The fact you're twisting my words to make it sound bad and how i'm so against it makes you sound like a whiny child. If the devs implement it as a feature of the game then that is a feature, not an exploit. However when you find something that is not in the game as a feature, then use it, you are exploiting the system period end of statement. this is the same as cheating, do you want to argue semantics? I did not say it wouldn't be a good feature but it is not a feature. You also do not know what else it is doing and if it's giving your position away then why use it wow, I just don't understand CHEAT culture in games.. well actually I do but all it means to me is I think you're an exploiter, one like those that use the leave match functionality just because you don't like the map.
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I actually had to buy a pretty expensive keyboard and mouse; because I have a condition that makes this game a nightmare without some macros- but third party programs carry some risk so undetectable built in things are much better.
I would prefer it if the game just had better control options instead of people having to find ways to just....not hurt themselves; but it is what it is.
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The game currently is in need of killers.
The devs can decide to hand out bans for those and/or lazy anticheat can decide to ban you for their associated software or it's behavior and the devs have already said plenty of times they give no assistance in those situations. OP sounds screwed unless he is willing and able to swing killer or can learn to use his toes like some kid I saw in Nintendo Power as a wee lad.
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They give no assistance but they don't really do anything either. They've said before they don't really care. That's as impartial as they can be really.
They think huntress crosshairs are cheap, but they don't really care about wiggle macros or anything like that. They leave it to EAC and w/e it decides.
As for keyboards, if the macros and such are built in you are fine even EAC can't pick anything like that up; you would have to be using third party software; and even most of that doesn't cause problems with EAC.
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lmao, sure dude
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Devs won't ban macros unless you're using them to bot. Which hasn't been a thing for 3 or 4 years.
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yeah hardware macros are most likely safe with most games, once in a blue moon somebody blocks the specific type of mouse though I think rust was one of those games that did that ats ome point since I remember a few people being really PO about it. One way people would afk on consoles like say in eso was to use macro controllers and not mucht hat could be done about it unless somebody witnessed them standing there doing things for a while lol
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Open Control panel -> Mouse -> Buttons Tab -> Select "Turn on ClickLock"
click settings to adjust accordingly
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I am confused as to why they would fix this and not anything else.
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Yeah they are not going to bother with that in DBD though.
Also yeah, this is what I do with my mouse.
Skill checks and menus and UI and all was overhauled it was probably a byproduct of doing all that it got fixed. Since the code was probably re-done.
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It works on console.
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dude thank you very, very much
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its so hard to make a macro xd
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I don't mind them removing something that was unintended, but it should really be a built in accessibility option. Any microscopic "advantage" it might offer is so laughably small that it shouldn't even be an arguement honestly, hell while I have the same opinion on colourblind modes and that potential advantages from them should honestly be ignored for the benefit of colourblind people at least there's kinda an actual arguement to have there.
Until then, at least there's this great piece of advice here for PC players. No clue if an equivalent exists for consoles, if not that's only more of an arguement for adding it as an univeral accessibility feature.
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Dont need to apologize, you werent agressive at all^^ and you were the 1rst that actually answer the real question.
And for those who call it a cheat/exploit, you clearly dont understand what those things are...
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Imagine playing Survivor while being overwhelmed by pressing M1.
No offense but pressing M1 covers about 90% of their basic gameplay actions. If that's too much, I'd recommend not playing Survivor at all.