Do you think they will change Iri Head?

I mean they didn’t do anything to RedHead’s Pinky Finger. Not saying it’s OP but it’s pretty powerful (Not really that hard to aim either). It’s just as annoying as Iri Head.
They already talked about giving it a range requirement. So I believe they are going to change it.
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If I were to change Iri head I would make it so it trumps all addons so you can only run the iri head and nothing else so you get only 1 hatchet
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It's a strong killer add on. So I'm certain they will gut it eventually.
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Nah a little experience and 1 hatchet is enough, with iron maiden the addon is even more broken.
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idk what if you run my version of iri head on rotten fields and you miss you have to abandon the chase to get your 1 hatchet back and by the time you get it back you lost 3 gens
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Why abandon the chase, just get a hit in with your M1 and pressure gens or maybe even reload, you will eventually miss, it's almost inevitable.
Also rotten fields is just a horrible map in general for any killer, especially the corn. It's also just the fact when you DO hit iri head, you just ended a chase so fast, it's insane. In reality you only need 1 hatchet, it's just not everyone is THAT good at being huntress, but a few dozen hours on her, put the iri head and you're pretty much set, you do the iri head hit and half the lobby DCs.
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They've talked about a range requirement, but I have my doubts. Iridescent head huntresses are already very, very skillful huntresses, who are accustomed to sniping from mars. Of course, if survivors can adapt to learn line of sight, that'll balance it.
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So it will never be balanced.
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Skilled huntresses don't use Iri head what are you taking about
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The thing is the hatchet is one attack, one hit, one down.
The pinky finger is one attack, and on hit you did nothing all, but have to hit him again to get any benefit and the down. 2 attacks, and 2 hits.
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You have to be accurate with iri head to use it efficiently. Mediocre huntresses get one hit in 5 reloads.
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Wrong for two reasons
1) they always bring infantry belt giving them 3 hatchet
2) once they miss once they don't fire again until they're right in your butthole and a hit is guaranteed
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Yes. By itself it's fine (arguably weak), but the problem is when you add extra hatchets to heavily mitigate the downside.
Pinky Finger still requires you to get close within a small period of time to actually get the insta-down. Not really the same as an insta-down that can happen from a reasonable distance.
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1. having three hatchets doesn't mean a hit. Any decent survivor can juke out three shots from a meh huntress.
2. Only less competent huntresses get near you and then fire. The counter to this is to make distance under cover.
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Exactly my point. Incompetent huntresses use iridescent heads. Good huntresses don't need to.
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My idea for iri head was to let it go through walls instead on oneshotting
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Iri head doesn't need nerfed. Learn to dodge.
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iridescent head has no skill ceiling. Incompetent huntresses can't use iridescent heads effectively. Good huntresses can down 4 survivors at 5 gens with iri head.
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That's actually a really cool idea. Ethereal hatchets or something.
Might be too broken though? There would be no way to ever juke them around cover.. With I'm All Ears that would just be dirty lol
Imagine the jumo scares
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I would have said they’ll change Iri Head, but they didn’t change RHPF, which really surprised me. As a Clown main I was certain RHPF was going to be nerfed.
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Yeah, what on earth was up with that? That's, like, the one add-on on Clown that actually needed a nerf besides Solvent Jug.
Meanwhile we look at Billy and Twins who have about six good addons cumulatively. And yet Pinky Finger still exists?
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I think so. They'll probably make it range based or so it doesn't work with belt or loop addons.
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The only reason that add-on hasn't been reworked again is because the devs like Huntress. She's a popular killer in the community.
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Do you don't xD
You can use it to nuke someone at point blank instead of an M1 easily.
I am probably one of the worst huntress players on the planet but even I can 4K easily with iri heads they are so busted.
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I thought so as well, but that isn't as oppressive as iri heads honestly so I guess it's fine.
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they just need to hard cap hatchets for it and it will be fine i hope they dont gut it
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All they need to do is not let it stack with belt/loop. You can get more value out of 5 regular hatchets than 1 insta-down hatchet.
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You won't be saying that next midchapter when the Arm Tiredness mechanic gets implemented.
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I hope it does get changed, currently it's very unfun to play against and ruins matches against Huntresses in my opinion.
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id kind of be the same effect as pyramids ability, just a single point of hit and limited amount
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You either aren't half bad or you're playing against rank 20 blendettes. Half decent survivors will know how to juke and jerk to throw off huntresses, but thee best huntresses will preempt and predict those.
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Rank 1 against red rank players- but I haven't in a while I don't use iri heads for the reason that they are broken. God forbid someone be half decent with huntress AND have iri heads; then it's just over there is nothing you can do.
It's an absolutely ridiculous addon.
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Im not sure now after they are not change pinky finger.
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Pinky finger is nothing compared to iri head
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Actually they've been comparable ever since Clown got a tiny buff a while back which removed the slowdown he received after throwing a bottle. Because of this, Redhead's Pinky Finger became much stronger seeing as if you missed the bottle you were still close enough to throw another, and if you managed to hit the survivor with the bottle, they were given no distance to try and outlast the intoxication.
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inb4 survivor queue times lmao
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I doubt nerfing one rare, too strong addon, on one killer, that is not terribly common at like around 5% of killer picks, is going to cause queue time problems.... especially given I imagine most of her other addons are going to be improved not nerfed.
It's just iri heads and exhaustion hatchets people expected nerfed/removed, I am sure she will get mostly better things outside of that.
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Recently ran a 30 game iri headathon. Disclaimer I'm at best a solid huntress, not among the best that's for sure. After thirty games 4 games of which I lost and 26 which were stomps due to mass dcing and some just solid play. Somethings became very clear. This add on when it can be used generates unfair amounts of pressure. Most survivors can't come back from a good iri head start and its very easy to occur. That being said there are some major issues affecting modern huntress that I would like to bring up.
A lot of map changes have really messed up a lot of ranged killers. There significantly more debris and loops you could fire over no longer allowing it. A lot of indoor maps are nightmarishly bad for huntress e.g. Hawkins, Haddonfield and lery's. This can be seen in recent kill rates where both slinger and huntress are performing poorly. Now one could argue its a skill floor issue but what people don't account for is the huntress and slinger lack of map pressure in the maps discussed above some will falsely claim that a good huntress will somehow generate enough pressure despite the points of there power becoming narrower and narrower in range.
It has only worsened as time has gone on and in many ways huntress is particularly hurt by absolutely abysmal locker deadzones which alleviates significant pressure. I know the discussion is set on iri head and 100% think they need to nerf it but huntress needs some buffs or at the very least be in the devs mind when its comes to designing large distance locker deadzone maps. Most killers need this but especially range killers need some kind of map traversal increase. Not something that's maintained in chase but just a solid ms boost maybe post hook to try and get passed the inherent mobility and map pressure weakness which massively limits these killers.
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it's not the one thing, it's the series of things in the past few months combined. You're thinking small, probably since you main survivor (not intended as an insult, just speculation), and aren't thinking about the overall impact to the experience of people still playing killers through all of it. It's like constantly getting up just to get knocked down again. And at some point, people that play a killer too much won't even have potatoes to kill any more with fixed mmr on top of everything they've lost in the last half of last year and anything more they'll lose in coming patches.
It gets to people, they play a game to have fun, not sweat or perform an unpaid job as an entertainer to other players. Some have been leaving and wasting their money on undying just to have it nerfed into a waste of half their perk slots will only lead to a loss of some who hadn't yet left but would have if not for it or those it brought back even tot he game briefly. Spinning a narrative about how it isn't a big deal isn't going to convince anybody bothered by it compared tot heir actual experiences and loss of satisfaction in the game for those it will bother. I'm not saying everybody uses it or will even gaf about it, but for those who do use it and have hung on as killer thanks to it, it will. Others will just have no problem with spending ten minutes straight dodging suspect lobbies if it comes down to it as a result, who aren't yet ready to quit or are turned off from switching to survivor if the queue length is too long when and where they play.
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Iri head is fine and doesn't need changing. Bad Huntresses will miss 90% of the time and spend 3 gens trying to down one survivor, while good huntresses don't use it because they don't need it. It's already balanced out by the fact that you get one hatchet. Even Infantry Belt only brings the total up to 3, which brings us back to how bad huntresses will spend 3 gens trying to down one survivor.
If it were more common, then there might be reason to change it but as it is now, I see no reason to nerf it further.
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I agree that it's an outrageously powerful add-on. My original contention, and the point that somebody here took issue with, was that good players know how to use iridescent head to its fullest potential.
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Without question it's going to be NERFED too where it won't be used anymore. All strong addon will be done like this eventually. Look at Billy, Nurse, Legion, etc. No good add-on
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It's rare because killers mostly want to play normal game. With iri heads survivors give up at 5 gens. It's fun first couple of games, but then it quickly become boring.
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Plus with iri heads you almost never get more than brutal killer, and bloodpoints rarely surpass 15k at the end.
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Iri head is completely broken, frustrating and boring to both killer and survivors.
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I mean, they know it is a problem. They know it has been a problem for years. They still haven't changed it, despite it being frequently cited as one of the worst cases of add-on imbalance. I'll give them a soft time limit of 2 years. That's about when I expect them to deal with Iri Head.
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You mean like... Billy?
Yeah, we all know how THAT turned out.
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It's rare because there's the good huntresses that don't need to rely on it and will use hatchet to down you after basic attack, then there's the bad ones who can't hit you with a hatchet except for guaranteed hits like mid-vault or right up on your ass. Yellow ranks might give up early, but purple and red ranks? Unless you're really good at Huntress, you're going to be spending more time reloading than getting those insta-downs.
It's like Tombstone Myers. Gives him an insta-kill, but it's worthless if the survivors know how to loop.
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Whatever they do, I hope it's not as useless as billy's add-ons.