The totem bug is so game breaking.

The totem that spawn at coldwind is bugged. it spawns beside the wheel and can't cleanse it. If my memory is right that totem is supposed to be spawning at the top part of the tractor. This bug is game breaking that the hex perk cant be cleansed. its been in the game for quite a while now. and today i got the same bug 6 times already, 6 Times!
i encountered 1 lullaby 3 ruin 2 devour today.
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its like everytime i get coldwind i encounter that bug. last year im experiencing it for like once every month but man since december i encounter it more frequently, and today im so pissed that i got the same bug 6 times
Post edited by variantgameplays on0 -
I feel like lately every patch has introduced a new unbreakable totem. I don't know if the one on Coldwind got fixed yet, but there was one on the Coldwind tractor. Which is also funny, because before that there was an unbreakable totem in a different spot on the tractor too.
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i was like queued with potatoes and when i looked on to the totem at the tractor like meh not again! *reee*
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I had 2 uncleansable totems in one match because there were 2 hay throwers/harvesters on Coldwind map, one totem was dull and the other was Devour Hope. They really need to triple check totem spawns before releasing patches because it feels like each time there is a totem bug that can be on any map, not just ones they reworked, and it takes way too long to get fixed.
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Calling it game breaking may be a bit much. Unfair? Yes, but it doesn't break the game.
The fact that so many totem spots like that made it through is quite embarressing for BHVR. Given that they've been attempting to fix all the bugs from the last chapter release.
Which I made a list for, and the total amount of bugs it came out to was roughly 150 if I remember correctly.
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you're right. imagine 2 uncleanable totem with hex perk, the game is already over
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150 known bugs is too much. dude is not game breaking? come on the mechanics of the game is already spoiled.
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If a hex totem spawns in a spot where it can't be broken, I would say that's game breaking.
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hopefully my next games tonight wont have a coldwind map
Post edited by variantgameplays on0 -
I was lucky that the killer we got ended up being nice farming killer when he saw we couldn't cleanse totems by the wheels. He could've destroyed us with the uncleansable Devour Hope.
Edit: typo
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got that devour hope 2 times today but i was not lucky enough to get a killer like that
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Game breaking is not being able to work on the main objective of the match. If you can still progress the match and have the possibility of escaping, then the game isn't broken.
Say for instance, a bug occured where everytime a skill check occurred, the gen would explode, setting the progress back during a mandatory moment. That is game breaking because it prevents progress from being made in the match by the survivors.
With the unbreakable totems, there is always the possibility of the killer not bringing hex perks. Or the fact that the hex is not guaranteed to spawn in that spot. Even if the hex perk spawns there, you don't know what it is, it could be something like the third seal. Even if they bring devour, there is still the vague chance of escape.
So, I stand by my statement of not calling unbreakable totems game breaking. They are definitely unfair, but again, NOT game breaking.
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Same experience here. I've been seeing bug totems on Coldwind farm tractors and whenever I saw them it's always a hex totem. Probably the most OP totem spot in all of the maps.
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so you think that bug doesnt break the game? geez man whatever.
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Fair enough assessment.
still bs this and swamp have not been hotfixed though....devs sure do move slowly.
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It can be game-breaking if you brought Ruin and a high mobility killer. If you apply pressure no gens are going to get done or maybe it's Devour Hope then say goodbye to losing as long as you can do basic killer stuff.
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devour hope alone can be game breaking in that spot. even a potato killer will get a 4k
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Even with ruin you can all be on separate gens. The killer can only pressure to one person at a time, even with high mobility.
That means that the killer will be actively losing gens if he doesn't end those chases in less than 10 seconds. Which likely means they would be a good killer, which also happens to mean you probably would lose that game anyway.
You also have to be smart about which gens you do, unless you really want to three gen yourself.
Devour is definitely the primary offender of the unbreakable totems. But even then, there is still the chance of your team outplaying the killer while you do gens, or you have the chance of getting the hatch. Progress is not obstructed, you can still escape.
In short, you can still make progress, meaning that ruin and devour with an unbreakable totem is not game breaking. Like I keep having to say, it is definitely unfair. But you can still win.
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try to win with that unbreakable totem with an Iri head military belt. geez..
i always check ruin at the start of the game assuming taht the killer have ruin undying perks then i look for totems when that unbreakable totem is on that spot we're screwed. you can only that strategy you're sayin with a 4 man swf, but if you're solo then its a losing game for you.
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To be fair you'd probably lose that match to the iri head, rather than to the unbreakable totem.
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that is why i asked you to win it. even a rank 20 10hrs ingame can have a 4k no sweat
i always check ruin at the start of the game assuming taht the killer have ruin undying perks then i look for totems when that unbreakable totem is on that spot we're screwed. you can only that strategy you're sayin with a 4 man swf, but if you're solo then its a losing game for you.
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Iridescent head is an obviously overpowered addon that has somehow not been changed since it released. It can carry low - tier huntress players to victory. Which is to say that winning THAT match in particular is nigh impossible, even without the unbreakable totem.
So what you're trying to tell me is, that strategies that are counters to ruin and devour, are only applicable through a 4 - man SWF?
You are telling me that the common sense counter to ruin, which is to do gens separately so only one person can be pressured is only usable by a 4 man? You are also trying to tell me the common sense method of doing specific gens to avoid a favorable gen placement for killer, is only doable by a 4 man?
Granted devour is harder to counter, making you go for dangerous unhooks to avoid the killer gaining stacks. But even then, you are telling me it is only applicable by a 4 man.
Any individual survivor worth their salt knows the counters to hex perks. Which is either by direct removal ( which in this scenario is impossible ) or by mitigation of the park's effects.
You are only telling me that you don't care to perform common sense counters to perks, and instead choose to complain about the perks being unbreakable without considering any potential outplays. I even state that unbreakable totems are outright unfair for survivors, but you refuse to listen!
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with the current unbreakable totem devour hope on that tractor wheel even a 4 man swf will be wrecked, what more of solo queued survivors? So you're telling me that every game is winnable then give me a proof that you can.
and what about that @bm33 game? where there are 2 unbreakable totems in the game? and for any chances that those will be ruin and devour? still can win it? and you say it's not game breaking? id like to see you say yes.
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No, you refuse to even consider what I am stating. So I refuse to keep this conversation going.
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i will still stand on what the issue is here. its been a long long long long time that bug totem exist, how long will they will be able to fix it. that bug even exist since last year. its already 2021 sir. that's the main complaint here. i encountered that very same bug yesterday 8 tyms on every coldwind today its 6 times, anything that alters the default game mechanic is game breaking period.
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Not being able to cleanse an hex totem is game breaking tho. You can give the argument that you can still win the game, sure. But you can still win the game without hooking people and just slugging all four, making not being able to hook also not game breaking. It is.
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are you sure the map you're talking about is MacMillain?
cause thats the mining company map - and i dont think there are any vehicles on these maps.
tractors would be on Coldwind Farm, which is the farm map with the corn fields - could it be you are referring to this one instead?
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yes...... my bad i already edited the post. thanks for correcting ive just had enough of the bug, that pisses me off.
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no worries ^^
i just got a little confused when i read about the tractor on MacMillain xD
btw, have you made a bugreport about this in the bugreport section already / checked whether its been reported already?
because in case it has not, the best thing to do would be to make a ticket there in order to draw the devs attention to it.
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That's still a thing?
This happened to me a few times on Badham a short time ago. That one in the bush next to the trash can. Super annoying.
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yes i will. im doin it already.. im just making surethat it will not be a dupe thread.
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which spot?
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I made a bug report on it and iirc it was fixed. There's a small U shaped bush with a black trash can that spawns on the roadside. Sometimes an additional bush could block it.
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annoying as it seems but coldwind totem is still bugged.
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It was Undying the last time I encountered it. Ruin was only cleansed twice only because 2 dull totems had been cleansed.
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Yeah this has been a thing for a while so this thread shocked me. Can't believe its still in.
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When Lery's was reworked during a mid-chapter patch it had a bugged totem that wasn't fixed until either the next chapter patch or mid-chapter patch. It was bugged for pretty long time. I'm hoping they fix the Coldwind totem bug this patch but I wouldn't be surprised if Coldwind rework is next chapter patch and it stays bugged until then.
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it's so annoying that im ree -ing to it whenever in in coldwind.
last year i only encountered it like once in a month but since december i encountered it more frequently, and this week i got it like 3 days in a row, today i got 6 games on the very same bugged coldwind totem.