Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

You are morally obliged to play killer at least one fifth of your games

SamRF Member Posts: 22

Survivor queues are disastrous and it's your fault. Stop being one dimensional simpleton and grow some honor.



  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,789

    Seriously. Or even just giving expected queue times on the main menu as a nudge for people who don't care that much to play the side with fewer players.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    Geez I have the exact opposite issue. Survivor times are a breeze for me. And killer times take me 10 minutes. Wish I had short killer times I find it funner to play killer.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,754

    I do my rank 14 Piggy part, but have you ever played killer on an Xbox1?

    Try it some time

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I was a killer main but I pretty much haven't played for 10 months. This game is going to have to do something really impressive to get me to come back. Until then, I won't be helping your que times.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    They could give more BP to people who play killer to see if that gets more people to play...IDK it would be nice to get more BP after a stressful SWF match.... 😓

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144
  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Maybe once the killer is playable

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Personally, I think that should apply to both sides. If everyone played both sides, maybe we could work out better balance solutions.

    I know this was about queue times, but still...

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    You can take one for the team and do my portion for me, comrade. I'm not touching killer much any more lol.

  • shiffpup2
    shiffpup2 Member Posts: 131

    You, @SamRF, are morally obliged to play as killer in four out of five of your matches. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    I play killer in Five Fifths of my games

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140
    edited January 2021

    I think a good portion of the playerbase gets their kicks out of tilting the other side into playing dirty, so I don't think it'd be as effective a tactic as one might expect. You said your brother quit because of long queue times, so it sounds like the best way to get survivors to quit playing the game is for killers to go on strike.

    I'm one of those people who always plays the role with the shorter queue time (which is usually but not always killer), and I've been taking a break for a while, now.

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    I remember when killers almost always had more BP than survivors, until the devs decided to fix the issue by adding a bunch of new score events

  • nikkim
    nikkim Member Posts: 68

    I would play killer but I’m not good at it. I hate first person view. If I knew how to play well I would!

  • SamRF
    SamRF Member Posts: 22

    Funnily enough it's already something like that, purely out of public service. I'd also rather wait it out as other survivors do but I don't because I'm not a morally bankrupt exploiter

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    Ok of you come a cross a p3 spirit with a mori. Its just for you

  • *plays spirit for 1/5th of games*

    "Wow, killer is SO easy I don't see what the problem is?"


  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    It's just more frustrating to play killer for a lot of players. I like to play both sides equally, and survivor tends to be the better experience with the occasional awesome killer matches.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Yeah, it's not enough that they win. They have to rub it in for the full extent of that minute and get any extra chase and heal points.

  • AceOfSpades1773
    AceOfSpades1773 Member Posts: 74

    I'm not going to do anything some random person on the internet told me I'm morally obligated to do, so are you gonna ######### make me big man? I'm waiting.