Dying under hook tech
Me as Trapper vs David, Dwight, Kate, Yui in Swamp.
Early game, I down and hook Yui, after I down Kate, Yui attempted to sabo hook but I down her too, I hook Kate, Yui lay right under Kate, so I just "casually" camp.
Honestly I was waiting for Yui to crawl out and hook her then continue on other 2. But Yui just layed there for pure 2 mins.
Dwight suicide after when both Kate & Yui dead. David escape through hatch and here is David chat.
If I see a survivor in dying state between the hooked survivor and the hook, I just facecamp them because some of them have unbreakable, not to mention someone will come to unhook anyway.
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Yeah I camp if they do that, once they come out from underneath the hook I'll stop camping.
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People actually pull that crap then use Unbreakable into soulguard for a safety hook. Obnoxious as hell really this tech existed for years now.
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Survivors sitting under hook is like one of the biggest throws in the game. You have literally no reason to leave unless you only have 1 gen left or something.
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Its up to you but you could kickstart your win by chasing and drowning someone else
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I just want to punish Yui for pulling that tech. I camp there to test how long Yui will stay under hook, and willing to take her hook. But not, she never move.
We as Killers could just leave 2 of them there, though as @Greatamygdala said, Unbreakable is a thing.
@Komodo16 I couldnt tell if Yui had Unbreakable that just laying there waiting for me to leave then pick up & unhook Kate. And it would be faster than I able to find the other 2 (not mention chase,injure,chase,down,hook time)
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Just fyi, if you fear DS or unbreakable you are gonna lose. By not letting them use it from fear they will use it later when it can ruin the match you worked hard to turn to your favor.
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Not if you just camp next to both of them while one of them is waiting under the hook. At that point, the odds are pretty decently in your favor. :P
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Of course XD but with your 8000 posts I'm damn sure you dont find fun in that unless they deserve it ;)
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*checks survivor's rule book for killers
You did not follow the rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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That tech should be removed, it's way to annoying and promotes camping. Explain to me why I should ever leave the hook in that situation? I literally have half their team there, so even if the rest of them start doing gens, it's literally impossible to complete as many to escape (assuming we're at 4-5 gens). And whoever does that tech, is a dick, let's not forget that. They're not only delaying the inevitable they're also pushing their teammate's death.
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I remember some streamers said "you as survivor NEVER loops killer near the hooked, or another survivor can not make safe unhook, or worse that you down near the hooked and killer can control both of you"
Survivor processes to crawl under the hooked and asking Killer to leave, where Killer deserve that hook
When I hook Kate, there was 3 Gen left. After Kate died, 2 Gen left. After 3-4min, 1 Gen left. I swear to myself I must killer Yui then double David & Dwight then let them leave.
I 2nd hook Dwight, then I walked really far so David could unhook him, but Dwight suicide instead.
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what is the point of this thread?
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Survivor asked Killer to leave a hooked survivor & a dying survivor under the hook.
So the dying one can Unbreakable and unhook the other, without taking a hook Killer deserve
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yeah ok, that is what happened in a game, but I still dont know what hte point of the thread is, just...informing us about how a match went?
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To inform this tech should be removed.
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because survivors will use it and then complain about it not working because the killer will just camp?
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I just realize whats the point to explain to u. People already said it above. Move on.
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Can we not call it a "tech".
A tech takes skill like the CJ tech and can be outplayed by the other side assuming they know it.
This is just abusing an exploit to not get picked up and the killer can do nothing especially if they have perks like soulbreakable.
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Seriously. Might as well call equipping wake up when it was bugged the "wake up tech"
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Thanks, now I know the difference
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said what exactly? I dont understand why you suddenly get all offended because im asking what should be a simple question.
survivors slide under a hooked person and cannot be picked up, the killer thus camps 2 people, the survivors get mad that they do.....but its in the survivors hands to sit under that hook or not so again, what is the problem?
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I'm anti-camp but you did nothing wrong. I got hate like this a while back when survivors could hide in the hook while healthy so I just camped the hooked one to death and instadowned meg when I got the chance. The salt from an exploiter getting outplayed was incredible.
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Seems like salty baby Survivors to me. Camping them is the right call, especially when they try n troll you with that cheesy exploit.
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If they pull that ######### on me i camp, and if they complain?
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
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I love how this is called "tech" and not an obvious exploit/bug they can't seem to fix. Same as the dehook animation bug that keeps killer from grabbing a survivor standing right in front of them.
In the words of survivors everywhere post match - git gud if you are doing this weak shiz
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Unless they have Unbreakable+BT+Soul Guard, hook tech is involuntary euthanizing your teammate.
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I had a Nancy do it to a Elodie last night. The Elodie was PS4 with me and the Nancy was a PC player. She tried to unhook in my face, failed then crawled under the Elodie. The Elodie clearly wasn't having any of it because she literally just suicided the hook. The Nancy was camped because screw players like that. The Elodie was fine with suiciding since they messaged me post-game and said there was no hard feelings. I just don't understand what these idiots think we're going to do when they do that? Just walk off and leave them? No thanks, hook crawler just gave me a free 2k right there.