This event was so poorly planned


Survivors can just milk their cankers and kill themselves while killers have to wait in terrible queue times and if the survivors put enough offerings, they can get a full vial.


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,431

    I mean why is it even triggered by offerings to begin with either? It costs me more points in my web to get them than I get out of them. Why can't they just have it spawned in all matches and let us enjoy? Some bad implementation choices for sure.

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,525
    Vortexas said:

    I just wish there was Vial overflow.

    Like when you get a full vial (As Killer or Survivor) you instantly start a new one.

    That and I agree not allowing Survivors capped to Harvest was a terrible idea. Just give them a phantom vial every game that gets deleted at the end.

    So with you! I'd have done killer twice over. Soooooo many times there are 3offerings, leaving me with 5 slots. Ironically, I only seem to get 6+ when there's only one slot to fill! Thanks a bunch!
  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    So , apparently (according to OP) it's the event fault that the queue times are crap xD

  • mortz
    mortz Member Posts: 8

    Have the devs even commented on this problem/issue????

  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    @Blueberry said:
    If they literally just allowed survivors to collect bloodpoints with vials after 30 this ENTIRE problem would be fixed. Being unable to go past 30 is the whole reason killer que's are ridiculous right now.

    Maybe they wanted you to play killer a bit.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    The event should just be a max of X vials period. Killer, survivor, doesn't matter.

    I disagree with any other changes though. The grind is acceptable for what you get as it is.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    Agree 100 %. As poorly thought out as map design, hitbox design and many other aspects regarding still occurring bugs and balance issues.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    With the killer queues as they are a statement form the devs would be nice about exactly what is happening, is it the event? is it still the lobby bug? whatever is happening be more transparent.

    If the event is causing it then they should change it to allow players to get all 60 vials by playing survivor or killer so people dont have to switch sides, I gave up on playing killer for now and will try again at the weekend, its just too much to wait in a lobby for such a long time when I just want to play a game.

    Having done the survivor vials and not being able to participate anymore has also put me off playing survivior for now, I can play an offering but I cant help anyone while in game like in the past events, half the games they want to farm which is fine for those still needing them but it means I end up doing do most of the gens alone without the fear of being caught.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    @greenzebra64 said:
    Survivors can just milk their cankers and kill themselves

    'Milk their cankers' made me chuckle.

    But don't let them out the game so easily. I keep getting ones coming up to me and beckoning me to hit them. I just down them now and leave them lying there. Sometimes I even bring knockout as well for this purpose.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    If you could pick flowers as a survivor past 30, the queues would stabilize. I am not saying that they get more vials, but just straight up telling survivors "no" to picking flowers when 30 vials.. eh..

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I just want it to be over already so I can spend my bp without wasting them on offerings

    WINTERS Member Posts: 127
    Why is it that people are forced to play the other side? I thought I could play either and get all vials. I really wish that were the case, so when I am exhausted of only playing one side I can switch to the other and not worry.
  • AnotherRandy
    AnotherRandy Member Posts: 274
    BigBubs said:

    So , apparently (according to OP) it's the event fault that the queue times are crap xD

    Yes ofc, what else? Or are you one of these who try to convince us that "this is a bug and has nothing to do with to many killer players compared to survivors"?
  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    @fcc2014 said:
    Imagine if this event was capped at the original 15 a piece!

    Things would probably be better since killers and survivors would both max out and go back to playing the game as normal.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    Survivors can just milk their cankers and kill themselves while killers have to wait in terrible queue times and if the survivors put enough offerings, they can get a full vial.

    I spent the past two days deranking myself from rank one, now my queue times are almost instant.
  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @BigBubs said:
    So , apparently (according to OP) it's the event fault that the queue times are crap xD

    That is absolutely true. If you stopped to think about it, it would make sense.

    1. Game relies on a balance of 1 killer for 4 survivors. Anything that throws that off creates wait times for one side or the other.
    2. Survivors fill their vials, and kill themselves on the hook because they are getting better bp than on Double BP weekend. So killers are gaining rank, survivors are losing rank.
    3. If you have killers all moving up in rank, and survivors moving down in rank, you have rank 1-9 killers sitting forever because there are not enough survivors (See #1)
    4. If it were a bug, there would be a barrier time to the issue. The times killers are waiting vary on rank, not across the board. Thus, not the bug.
    5. At rank 18, my wife waits 20-40 minutes depending on day/time. At rank 11 I waited about the same. At rank 15 (I let myself lose rank by not killing survivors and letting them farm vials) I get matches within 5 minutes every time. Not a bug.
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited October 2018

    Good news is that the devs are looking at the cons, so maybe we will get a fix soon! The event would probably have to be extended by at least 4-7 days in order to make up for the vials that Killers are losing from being stuck in long queues.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    Anybody else noticing nicer survivors though lately?

    As my q's have gotten longer, I am getting more and more survivors that let me hook on blighted hooks. The swf groups are still merciless but I have gotten almost NO insults/death threats or pleads to commit suicide in post game chat for the last 2-3 days.

    I am seeing less offerings (often mine is the only one), also maybe the survivors feel bad that I am still collecting vials lol.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @MisterCremaster said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    Imagine if this event was capped at the original 15 a piece!

    Things would probably be better since killers and survivors would both max out and go back to playing the game as normal.

    See i don't think so. People are not playing because they don't want to waste bp on offerings that they get nothing for. Not as many people would need to play killer but the player base still would be affected.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Good news is that the devs are looking at the cons, so maybe we will get a fix soon! The event would probably have to be extended by at least 4-7 days in order to make up for the vials that Killers are losing from being stuck in long queues.

    I saw @Patricia tweet saying they are looking into it. I do hope they have a solution. My que time wasn't as bad as some but rank 6 on killer i got 3 matches/2 full vials in 76 mins. I am purposely just getting my event hooks and nothing else just to try to keep from pipping and getting matches over as quick as possible.