I'm glad queue times are a disaster...

Seems the only way anything gets fixed in this game is if Survivors start suffering and complaining.
We shall see what happens with MMR but I have a feeling it will lower queue times initially, then drop back to this state again when rank 20 Killers start facing rank 1's.
I tried to queue up as survivor last night...i held out for 7 mins then went back to my instant killer queues
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These dry spells occur for both sides. The pendulum is just currently on the survivor side. A year ago, killer queues were the ones taking forever.
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my survivors queue times were fine until around the gf chapter...
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Guy, have you try playing solo against a red rank pay to win freddy with undying+ruin+tinkerer?
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Honestly I've already seen hell with him. The thing that pushed me into strictly killer only was constantly facing freddy with old ruin, pop, thana, dying light and double slowdown add ons.
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Just out of intrest..is freddy as well pay to win for the people who bought him when he was bad?
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Does it matter? They just throw killers of any rank at survivors if they have been waiting long enough
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When was the last time killer ques were slow? Last year at this time i promise you they were not slow at all
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I promise you there were for upper ranks. Could take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes depending how early in the season it was.
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I was red ranks in Jan-May and no the queues were not that long at all.
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Talking 2019. Pre- everyone stay home.
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A year ago as in January 2020
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Sorry I wasn't approximate with my generalities.
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There was some time where Killer Queues really took forever. My Survivor-Queues are a maximum of 3 minutes, at some point, I had Killer Queues of like 15 minutes. I played more Killer during that time, when I had an interesting book to read, lol.
(Also, there was some Bug a few months ago, where you had super-long queues as Killer while being at Rank 1, but if you are Rank 2, they were completely fine. Might not have been around for long, but I remember this, because it was so strange)
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Come to EU. Excellent queues for killers and survivors. Unless late at night. But that's when you should be sleeping anyway, you naughty.
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This was only a PC killer issue I'm pretty sure. Console, from what I heard, always has had long survivor queues. Especially for 4 man SWF. Before cross-play PC solo survivor queues were pretty quick, but killer was always longer.
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I agree, but there is something different about this round of "dry-spell". Maybe I am wrong but there is a large apathy with almost all Killer players I have spoken with. Not to mention a lot of Killer main content creators are really starting to feel the grind and dropping off.
I want the game to be the best it can be. If that means survivors need to suffer to spur action, so be it.
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I just said this on another post - last night when I was playing with my brother we were getting pretty much instant lobbies for most of our session. Only last few matches the wait was at most 2 minutes. We have crossplay off on ps4 and played from 5pm EST - 9pm EST. Helps that so many console killers turn off crossplay due to poor optimization.
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I have absolutely no problems with queue times. My survivor ones are pretty much instant and my killer ones are currently taking a minute or two.
Queue times seem to be very dependent on your rank/location/time of day so the majority of people are not having an issue with their queues.
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Okay, ill bite. What does "pay to win Freddy" mean?
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Time of day is definitely a factor and has been since before crossplay. I've always had fast survivor and slow killer during morning/day. Night once people are home from work/eaten dinner it slows down for survivor and speeds up for killer.
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My queues as survivor are pretty decent. As killer, if I'm not playing by the night, it's always 10+ minutes.
I guess nobody wants to solo queue here hahaha
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Glad to hear your queue times are fine Mandy.
I get you can only speak on your individual experience, but it is just disingenuous and frankly dismissive to say "people having queue issues are a minority" . They are introducing the new MMR system (which we still have no clue how its going to work) for a reason. There is obviously a problem.
Maybe not with you, sure, but there are a lot of people being affected.
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Currently my queues are instant on both sides so sucks to be you I guess
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That's nice. Let me know when you are Rank 1.
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considering i havent played since the reset and ive had like, 6 games today id say its not that shabby
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I never had a killer queue for more than 3 mins in past 2 and half years
As survivor, 5 - 10 mins are very common
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From my personal experience along with a handful of killer mains I watch. There was. Maybe its just a PC thing. Maybe its just a NA thing. But it was the case before.
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Last time I remember Killer queues being long was the first blighted halloween event, when the serum vials had an equal maximum for each side, and Killers had to do way more games, depending on how many people brought the event offerings
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Hmm interesting. I always have long survivor ques and I play solo but killer is instant except yesterday. I finnally had a day off during the work week so I was on during the day and between 11am - 2pm I had a patch where as killer it took so long to get a match my remote shutdown twice and my xbox started its screen saver. Ended up restarting the search and it loading me in about 10 seconds after that.
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Maybe. I’m on PC in SEA region, and that’s my experience.
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I would say you’re in a larger location if what you say is true. To say a majority of people do not have an issue with queue times is broad and bold considering everyone I know who plays has horrible survivor queue times while killer times are almost instant.
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Haha, you guys will never feel the experience of versing old forever Freddy. Happy for you.
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Funny you say that, that was around June 2019? I would have pinned it a little later but around August/September 2019, just before Demogorgon time yeah that's when survivor queues went to crap and they have never recovered.
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Any data? I'm assuming you'e in NA. In EU survivor queues are 5-10 minutes for a 2 man swf and have been since mid-late 2019. They were instant back in 2018 and the first half of 2019
Is the game just less popular in europe?
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Takes perhaps 3-5 minutes to get to lobby in my normal time that I play the most. It's worse than a few months ago were it took seconds to 1 minute so yes it's worse.
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If it is fine then why do we have so many complaints?
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Action - Reaction.
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Yes, i played against a red rank forever Freddy as solo on red ranks. He got a whooping 1 kill.
Uhh scary...
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The only time when killers had 30 minute queues, was during a event where survivors HAD to play killer in order to get all the event currency to unlock skins.
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That and also when ghostface came out
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Less people than needed play Killer for... unknown reasons.
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The queue times would be worst if u get rid of afk and farming killers.
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This. Survivor Q times for me is instant in the morning, and for killer takes longer. The opposite at night.
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Yea but killer wait times are never more than 5 mins at the peak. Survivor wait time can be 10-20 mins at night.
Also killer wait times are morning to the afternoon. Survivor wait times starts in the late afternoon all evening, and all night, into the early morning.
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Speak for yourself. My Killer Q times are more than 5 mins in the morning. And they used to be wayyyy longer months ago.
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After reading this post. I went to queue up as killer. Right now is 822am. Prime time for survivors and longest wait time for killers. I put a timer on, on my phone, and hit ready at the same time. I got into a game exactly at 4 mins 20 seconds.
So why don't YOU speak for urself.
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my killer is instant.
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I did, I didn't generalize, I said MY times.