I'm so glad you removed exhaustion from clown.

I'm so happy this is a thing. I REALLY hate going against clown with these addons. Its nonsense his gas already CUCKS you completely no need to add Exhaustion to it. Js I'm sure people will disagree with this post and I respect your opinion. But i cant STRESS how much i HATE those addons.
I mean, people used it a lot for a reason right? 95% of the time people will use this add-on with the main goal to negate dard hard, which with a single button allows you to outplay the Killer.
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I don’t think this change is going to hurt Clown that much. It’s a healthy change. Exhaustion perks aren’t going to help survivors much if a Clown does clever set ups where he speeds up at the moment he hinders survivors.
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I don't think exhaustion addons are good for the game but on the other hand Dead Hard needs to go die in a fire.
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I only used Solvent Jug so I didn't have to deal with DH. All other exhastion perks I aren't a problem.
And the fact that your making this kinda post, I hate to call you out but you might wanna stop using exhastion perks so you can truely see how good you are at looping
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I barely use exhaustion and i do just fine i enjoy using dh from time to time so i mean assuming i use them like that because of the post i made is a bit silly i am a killer main and i dont agree to play exhaustion addons.
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I play a ton of clown and I never use that addon. I would much rather have bleach, faster reload, extra bottles, or extra intoxicated duration.
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As opposed to pressing a single button near a pallet, window, shed or 99% sprint burst, ya?
Clown didn't need the add on and there was little use to it if you were landing your bottles properly. Hopefully it was replaced with something useful.
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If DH was used as intended instead of distance, than I would call exhastion add-ons broken.
I'm a Spirit main, so DH never bothered me because survivor's would either DH while I was phasing of they didn't get a chance at all to use it.
I stopped runnung second chance perks due to the fact that my gameplay wasn't improving. After I stopped using them I had finally hit red rank survivor
Post edited by MigrantTheGreat on0 -
I totally respect that. I try cheeky plays with it. I dont just use it for looping and stuff like that. I just enjoy the perk when i do play survivor. All i am sayind is exhaustion addons as broken and should be removed form the game. I think the devs are also on the same page as the only killer with exhaustion now is huntress. Well pig has it to but that is fair as she has to down you to use it. But all i am saying is i am happy with clown and the changes they made cause he is now so gross its awesome. :)
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Besides, if players find exhaustion perks a real problem, Blood Echo + Mindbreaker is actually a very reliable perk combo now.
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Dead hard isn't overpowered but it allows survivors to fix their mistakes too easily.
The solvent jug makes clown less infuriating to play because you know survivors don't have that bull[BAD WORD] second chance to fall back on without effort.
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New dead hard basically gives you a chance to even avoid a killer waiting out your dead hard...since they don't know what direction you might dead hard turn to.
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lol he lost exhaustion, has to keep track of two kinds of pots now, and one of those pots buffs survivors' speed lmao. clown nerf sounds fun
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Apparently it's a bug that allows them to do that. So thank god for that...
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lmao. that would be so funny
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In about 1% of cases maybe, and even then it's for a couple seconds at best. A missed attack isn't like a strike on a player, the downtime on a missed attack is negligent at best.
99% of the time Dead Head is used poorly, even in red ranks. Either timing is off, or you smash into a wall, or you thought you had enough time to use it but it goes off and you're on the floor, Dead Hard is hardly a "Push Button to Outplay Killer."
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I think you should stop using game regression perks and see how truly good you are at ending chases efficiently.
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I see, you're talking about people who run to dead zones and Dead Hard in front of the Killer? These kinda of player either don't know how to play or were zooned out by the Killer. Good survivors will always Dead Hard for distance to reach a pallet/window at the last time or to correct their mistake for extending another loop, this is how it's supposed to be used. Most people use this perk poorly in red ranks because pipping is easy and there's a lot of potatoes there, but good players know what they're doing.
That's not 1% of the cases, why do you think the most exhaustion perk used is Dead Hard? Every single game survivors will have this perk, which in some situations can cause you to lose a game.
Another thing, you said a missed attack isn't a problem for the Killer right? You're wrong there, EVERY SECOND counts for the Killer, the hit you could've got in 15 seconds of a chase, can extend to a 30 seconds or more of a chase because the survivor used the perk to reach a safe area, and in situations where you need pressure(a downed survivor) asap with, can make you lose the game completely.
Seriously, I would like to know how much times a survivor has avoided being DOWNED by the Killer because he used DH for distance? Devs can easy implement this algorithm to collect the data, if they somehow do it, you'll se how Dead Hard is "Push Button to Outplay Killer".
I'm a experienced Killer, I really don't care about Dead Hard because I can play around it. But for sure this perk is overused and gives you so much value, while in exchange you do nothing to earn it.
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feather addons become all the more useful for clever set ups
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The moment they revealed the new bottle my mind straight away went to thinking how the usefulness of feathers skyrocketed.
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Pretty sure they even kept the values of both, I tried both on the ptb (against zubatlel) and the recovery after throw felt like 0.2 seconds as it currently is on live with both addons, definitely makes more interesting plays
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Yeah I couldn’t imagine they’d have any reason to change the values.
Gonna guess they reduced cork down to 1 second though (2 second reload).
Cork reducing reloading to just 1 second would be absurd.
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This perk doesn't even work half the time so I don't understand the complaint here lol
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You can already get to a 2 second reload. But stock bottles are so mediocre it doesn't really matter how many you have.
You can throw like 6 bottles at a survivor to down them over 30 seconds or just run them straight over in 2 seconds with a killer like Bubba.
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You’re not meant to throw bottles AT the survivor. You’re meant to have them explode in front of them. This is probably why it feels like you can spam 6 bottles and still not get close enough.
A survivor is hindered the entire time they are within the gas AoE, and for a further 2 to 2.5 seconds once they’re out of the gas. You want gas clouds in front of survivors, in their path, at places they have no choice but to either run through all of it or suddenly turn left or right.
All it takes is survivors running through 1 fully expanded gas cloud and Clown catches up incredibly fast.
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Exactly; the Antidote speed-ups, plus the accuracy of a decent Clown player completely trumps DH and reduces Balanced and Sprint Burst’s chase extension almost to the point of rendering them completely ineffective, regardless of the exhaustion add-ons.
Clown’s going to be fine, I feel people will warm up to playing him more than before the buff once they get familiar with the strategies of his new playstyle.
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I think they’ve increased his skill cap significantly though.
Those that didn’t like him before are probably still not going to like him now.
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That’s true. I guess I’m just hopeful more people will learn him or pick him back up again. It’s kinda sad imo, if he’s still underrated after these good changes😔
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This is the entitlement they cater towards. "I'm entitled to have my second chance and the killer shouldn't be allowed any way to counter it", they'll nerf Pyramid head's cages for this reason too.
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Umm, I’m a die hard Clown main, and even I don’t see a problem with a change to Solvent Jug.
If the antidote did something DIFFERENT to speed boosts, then yes I might be pissed that Solvent Jug was changed.
But seeing as that’s not the case, Survivors aren’t going to get much advantage using exhaustion perks against Clown anyway.
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Dude dead hard is the ONLY exhaustion perk that effects looping. If you use lithe or sb or balanced to loop you are not a good survivor. You should RUN AWAY. When I dropped dead hard and switched to sb my looping got better because I couldn't use it in loops because I had to run places.
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I mained Clown for a longtime too. There will be situations where survivors can use DH for distance to reach a pallet or window, these will be the kind of areas where you cant get a clear bottle throw, especially not with the correct distance and time since you need to throw his antidote almost full whack ahead in order to get the timing for the effect.
Survivors can counter killer perks easily but god forbid you counter one of their second chances. I’ve literally seen survivors disconnect as soon as they realize I have solvent jug. Thats the kind of entitlement we’re dealing with and the developers capitulate.
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They need to add more perks for Killer that inflict exhaustion, to many survivor perks don't have counters. I'm okay with add ons not countering perks but we should at least get the option to use perks to counter other perks.
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But what happens to his add on then? I haven't used it at all yet and I have 2 dozen of them
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Sort of like with DC penalties and the outcry of killers demanding their stacks. No PP head is entitled to my BBQ stack.
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Nurse, Spirit, James, Mikey, Gordon, and Trapper are the only killer's I have succeeded this with. Wanna throw another challenge my way?
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If you're getting hit while using Dead Hard you're not using it properly. I'm sorry, I know its frustrating to get dedicated hit and dead hard doesn't activate, but you should be using it to get distance to a pallet or window, using it like that is unstoppable by most killers.
So many times the killer gets a successful mind game and you press E to undo your mistake. Its incredibly frustrating. It can mean the difference between a 10 second chase and a 1 minute chase that loses you the entire match. Compared to other exhaustion perks its so much more powerful its not even comparable.
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In all fairness those add ons are a holdover from old Exhaustion.
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i mean how is it just a button to outplay the killer. It literally dodges a hit adding 2 seconds minimum to chase, But.... if the survivor is good it could add ALOT of time to the chase, Not just based of a button though, Its on you to wait it out or counterplay it and i get sometimes you cant wait it out as it allows the survivor to get to a pallet I would not waste anymore time on that survivor in that case. Break the pallet and go back to the gens. I see peoples gripe with DH but i dont think DH is as bad as people make it out to be.
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Well yeah its called "E to outplay" for a reason. I think once the new programmed version for dedicated servers is out and it actually works more than 50% of the time it might open the devs eyes to how insanely strong a reusable health state/speed boost is.
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I'm sick of people calling survivors entitled when they bring up things they don't like about this game. This is not entitlement. These are legitimate complaints. Killers are so worried that survivors are going to get another thing to help them that they just scream "entitled survivors" without looking at it from a survivor perspective. Its this idea that every freaking survivor has to play on a sweaty rank 1 level prestige level or you're just bad at the game and want an easy way out. People are just trying to have fun in this game. Not everyone plays on a competitive level and just want to enjoy the game.
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I agree as a player who is adept at both sides imo that is. I have a lot of time played for both sides so i totally understand gripes on each side. But the exhaustion addons are not needed on 2 of the 3 killers that have them. To be honest i dont mind pig having them as she actually has to down you to get the effect. But clown and huntress? hmmm i think thats a bit much. Yes they are a holdover form old exhaustion but they should have atleast tweeked them in the meantime. I dont see this as entitled at all. I am just happy its gone.
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and by enjoy the game you mean little to no effort required and easy escape, because that's what survivor is right now. People just want to have balance, is that so much to ask?
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It is absolutely NOT easy to escape especially in higher ranks and a LOT of effort is required to do so in most situations at least in my experience. It is not fun to be downed quick in a match. It is not fun to be found the killer in the first few seconds of the match. It is not fun to be tunneled. It is not fun to be camped. It is not fun to be slugged. It is not fun to have a match end quickly for any reason.