Freddy’s High Kill Rate

I had a daily with Freddy to kill by your own hand one survivor. I knew this would go badly. I love playing as him but I don’t due to how games go.

Down one survivor. Hook them. They give up about the time the crows start on the second. I already knew this was coming. Go to the crows and a survivor is idle by a hook. Hook them. The last two play as normal. Not doing another game like this so I get to Mori the third. Was going to let the last one go but they kept struggling even though I kept shaking trying to let them know hatch was coming. I just hooked them. Felt bad.

So anyway that’s why his kill rates are high. It’s always like that. Please stop giving me his daily’s.


  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    In order to struggle, survivors have to try first. I hate playing against Freddy but I don’t suicide or give up.

  • Ah okay now I get what you are trying to say.

    Yeah; I can understand it though sometimes but I mean I always try. There are a lot of bad freddy's out there after all.

  • freddy is overrated

  • GloryHunter
    GloryHunter Member Posts: 33

    It isn't fun playing against Freddy

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,076
    edited January 2021

    His Killrate is high because he is way too easy to play for the power level he has. The more simple Killers (like Wraith or Trapper) are usually those who are not the strongest. The more complex Killers (Blight, Nurse for example) are stronger.

    But Freddy is up there with the strongest Killers and probably the easiest Killer to play. Sure, a bunch of Survivors give up immediatly (I also lose my will to live if I see Swing Chains and Paint Brush once loading in, I know that this will be a waste of time, but whatever) but this is not the sole reason why his Killrate is so high.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I agree with you except your stance on Trapper. His skill celing is among the highest, especially when versing top Survivors. (I admit though that his skill ceiling is on the decline due to ever shrinking number of possible trapping spots and power creep).

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,076

    Skill Ceiling, yes. But his Skill Cap is pretty low. You dont need to know much to play him, thats what I mean. You run around and set Traps, hit Survivors with your M1. Thats about it. This does not mean that the Traps are effective, for that, you indeed have to play quite a lot of games as Trapper to be good with him.

    But the base is simple.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    This is correct. Survivors refuse to adapt to a G-tier killer instead of using simple counterplay like not falling asleep, not getting hit, not letting him bring paint brush or not loading into a freddy game in the first place. Please devs, come to your senses and give freddy the buff he needs and deserves.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Kill rate increases also when survivors are crybabies and DC.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    His high kill rate is honestly because a lot of survivors give up vs him because they think he is OP. When in reality, Freddy is just a Clown with better map pressure for the most part. Freddy only excels vs survivors that struggle vs most of the killers. A competent survivor player can deal with Freddy without a problem on a personal level. When 4 competent players group up, Freddy is a joke.

  • MajesticOtter
    MajesticOtter Member Posts: 3

    As someone who originally wanted to be a Freddy main (cause I like his movies as corny as they were) I stopped playing him for his perception of power.

    I agree that a halfway decent group can trivialize Freddy but my experience playing against him has ruined my want to play as him.

    First of all the amount of cheaters and/or suspected cheaters that I have played against have almost exclusively been from someone playing Freddy. Some are obvious like the one who was going through the floor to bypass everything to get to us or phasing through walls somehow. Then there are those that (i forget the term for it) but it has something to do with purposefully causing the game to lag for others to give you an advantage .. someone can correct me if that's a thing, my friend has claimed that one a few times.

    Second, and this might be part of the first it feels like the dudes got like a 15 foot reach on his attacks, most Freddy s seem to hit me from like twice the distance of every other killer with just his basic swing and this really throws me off.

    I'm sure there is a third or more but the big sum for me is that too many Freddy s I have played against have given off a 'something seems fishy about this killer' vibes that playing as Freddy now makes me feel dirty.