Stop bully innocent Claudettes

Hello. I know the reputation of Claudettes. But not all of us are as bad as you think. There are also those who do not hide the whole game in the bush and really repair the generators and help their teammates. I don't deserve to be insulted in the lobby and told me to get out of there because I'm Claudette. We also have feelings. I think that's all, thank you.
I literally just had a match where a Claud sat next to me while I was on hook, and refused to pull me off whenever the Killer looked in our direction from half way across the map.
I died, she meandered and got the gate open after someone else 99ed it. She then stood there and teabagged for the entire EGC.
Clauds deserve everything they get.
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It ain't too bad. As a decent survivor, and a Claudette main, I like when people are surprised I'm not useless.
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Reminds me of these, “If you play this character you’re a bad person” threads I’ve been seeing lately.
Those people are just messy.
Sorry this happened to you.
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"Kill them all, let god sort them out."
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Nah, you are lying! Claudettes don't have feelings, their blood is cold as bush, their progenitor.
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No mercy for blendettes, claudette with somewhat decent skin? I don't mind
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I just want squeeze all the claudies
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If I ever play as Claudette I have her bright green t shirt and bright pink pants just so everyone knows I'm not a Blendette.
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I’m all for Claudettes, I only suspect the p3 blendettes. Otherwise a lot of my best teammates have been Claudettes and she had some great cosmetics. Currently have the hipster skin on mine now.
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Sergeant RL-3 that you?
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"Old war-bots never die; we just rust away."
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I will bully ANYONE that selfcares 10 meters of me while I'm on hook, claudettes are just most of the time that kind of person, but I appreciate any claudette that actually does gens!
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Eh, if i notice a claudette crouching wround trying to abuse camouflage or self-caring all the time, I tunnel her ;)
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Thats terrible that happened to you but not every claudette is like that. I was a claudette main at first but I never was toxic to the killer and them and it terrible to think this way.
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The last bit was intended more for humor than anything else, but it was frustrating to see a Claud playing out the stereotype in a match where everyone else was easily outperforming the Killer.
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Those are the Claudettes I hate most!
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P3 Claudette outfit is just way too dark. I had a Claudette lose me in chase three times in one game just by crouching in a corner somewhere. After the first time I caught on but it didn't matter, on some maps you're basically invisible.
So I'm sorry but if you're playing P3 Claudette I will go full bully mode.
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I have only ever come across three types of claudettes before.
- The baby default Claudette - This innocent creature has no concept of looping and struggles with even simple tasks such as hitting skill checks which if she misses she must run and hide immediately just like when she hears a faint heartbeat in the distance.
- The more common Blendette - These ninja like beings are equipped with a full load out of perks to best suit her powers of invisibility as well as her trusty key to help her when all else fails. She crouches from bush to bush around the map and her only interest is gens. If she does get caught by the killer once you save her from the hook she quickly retreats to the nearest corner to self care for an hour or so before finding the hatch and letting you die on the hook while you curse her name.
- The worst of all claudettes the dreaded Claudarinas - These savage beasts only interest is to cause suffering to all killers and survivors in their efforts to emulate their master the dreaded ochido. No killers retinas are safe around her and survivors should avoid her at all costs as she is equipped with her beloved bond and ooo perks making sure where she goes the killer follows and she is on her way to your gen to cause havoc. She should never be followed when the killer is around due to her ability to body block at any given time. Also she can never give up an opportunity to play her favourite game FarmVille as she will run at you on the hook while the killer is around and get you straight off of there with no concept of anything such as BT so unless you have DS prepare for death as it is imminent. Once the match is over they are usually found either at an exit gate or over an open hatch repeatedly butt dancing until the killer approaches as she must say goodbye and also assert her dominance over the poor soul she has tortured throughout the match.
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I'd take Claudettes overs Nancys and Cheryls any day. Those two are the true vermin.
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You are not lying Nancy is somehow the greatest pallet slammer in DBD, when she wants to hit you, she's gonna hit you.
But then there's default Nancy Idg her ,she runs in a straight line all game, take hits and usually the first person trying to the hook save or no save ,but the end this monster transforms into a Phoenix and there's no getting the last hook she becomes God like if you didn't get her early.
Cheryl is an inconvenience ,she hides all game, but she's doing the gens. If the gens or getting done it's Cheryl, Everytime you go to the gen, Cheryl's at the gen and she knows the perfect time to leave ,when you do arrive she'sout in the open but heading to the safest loop.
I always picture throwing the deuces at me ✌
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You have my word I shall show more kindness to innocent Claudettes.
Now.... where do I FIND one?
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Look, if a Claudette is wearing dark clothes, I'm not gonna be playing super nice. Sorry, but you brought it on yourselves, Blendettes, because if I leave you alone I might never find you again thanks to perfect game design.
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Targeting make believe characters, based on make believe trends. People literally project their own ######### on to different shades of the same model, and create nonsensical rules and beliefs. Astounding really
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Claudettes can relax, Megheads are still the worst players out there
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I am a Claudette main and I don't care what people think about me! You want to hate me, fine, but I'm going to make your eyes bleed looking for me! MUAHAHAHAHAHA The Bush will consume all!
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People make a lot of assumptions in this game xD
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Claudette is one of my favourite survivors. I’m not bothered about people’s assumptions. I play her the same way I play every survivor. I think she’s really cute. 🥰
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Sorry but my friend and I had a game the other day where the two bledetttes we had did nothing but crouch around the entire time, and one even sand bagged me at one point. I cleansed every totem since ruin + undying was in play and my friend and I did all the gens while the claudettes were being useless.
I was the only one that died which was annoying heck on my 2nd hook one of the claudettes was near me and there was a door. So when blight ran to the other door thought she would get me but instead went to the other door while her and the other claudette (I think they were together) teabbagged and left
Worst part is they had WGLF and deliverance but didn't feel like helping so sorry, but claudette players deserve the guillotine when all they do is sandbag and crouch everywhere being essentially useless :)
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It's kind of depressing when a survivor is tagged in a certain way. I love to play as Claudette because I have her Gold dress skin which I love on her, and there is no way in hell I'm hiding anywhere on a map when you could shine a light on me and create a beacon, but killers still class me as a Blendette. I mean, sure, maybe if you put me in a Gold mine I'd blend.
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You understand that has nothing to do with a human being selecting 1 of 20+ characters, right? Also, how did you two do everything if you know they were just being “blendettes” (hint: please don’t reply to this type of question)
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98% of the Claudette's I get matched with are either Blendettes who hide the whole match or are toxic and completely useless. I can agree, There are some Claudette's who are very altruistic and actually help, but those 98% has caused me to never trust a Claudette again.
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there is an extremely rare variant of blendettes who slam gens, only use stealth when the killer is approaching, capable of healing you extremely fast, and will slam gens instead of look for hatch in a 1v1. Ive only seen 2, not counting myself.