The Clowns New Add-Ons (from the patch notes)

- Party Bottle: Thrown bottles emit confetti when shattering (was Ether 5 Vol%)
- Fingerless Parade Gloves: Bottles are thrown with a different arc that doesn't go as high but goes further
- Smelly Inner Soles: Greater move speed bonus when reloading (was Common, now Rare)
- Solvent Jug: Moderately increases the Invigorated effect duration
- Thick Cork Stopper: Smaller reload time reduction
- Spirit of Hartshorn: Moderately expands The Antidote cloud area (was Ether 10 Vol%)
- VHS Porn: Swaps yellow and purple color of Antidote and Tonic effects (was Rare, now is Common)
- Cigar Box: When any player becomes Invigorated, they see all other players' auras within a 16m radius
- Garish Makeup Kit: Considerably increases Invigorated Effect duration
- Tattoo's Middle Finger: Auras of Intoxicated or Invigorated survivors are revealed to you for 6 seconds
Nothing on Redhead's Pinky Finger
VHS Porn is going to be interesting. These add-ons make me hopeful for future add-on passes.
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Cigar Box: Helps survivors even more. Am I missing something here?
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The killer can see the auras too.
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Well, I would say that it isn't really that useful for a Survivor, much more useful for a Killer tho!
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I know, but now both Clown's power and one of his addons assist survivors.
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I do actually really like how mindgame-y it is. I have no idea if it will be good, but it's neat
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That's probably my favourite add-on tbh, in this new patch.
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@TheClownIsKing I remember you asking for this
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Oh, also @TheClownIsKing
Here ya go.
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Idk, I just copied the notes. I'm just gonna wait and see what happens on the PTB. I can see some potential. I still think a survivor will never run towards a yellow bottle, but I'll wait and see.
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Also putting up the full list, just so people can see it for themselves in the context of the in-game descriptions.
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So they get rid of Ether 10% but leave garbage blindness effects?
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If you ever help survivors with the antidote gas it's because you misplaced the gas.
Seeing how you choose when and where the gas comes it will never aid survivors in the hands of a good clown player
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Clown can't Exhaust survivors anymore with his Solvent Jug, and instead can boost their movement speed for a longer duration... this is a MAJOR downgrade to him.
EDIT: I mean SERIOUSLY? They looked through All of the add-ons Clown has, and of them selected one of his BEST add-ons (solvent Jug, +exhaustion) to change for the new Afterpiece antidote effect, and left in his absolute WORST (Kerosene Can, +blindness)?
I'm normally fine with most of the devs decisions and reasons for changes, but this time they REALLY screwed the pooch!
Post edited by TWiXT on3 -
So Pinky Finger, Flask of Bleach and Ether 15% are still there? If this is the case Clown is deffo better now with the faster reload speed. And Cork stopper makes reload time 2 seconds instead of 3?
I like the new VHS porn and Cigar box 😀
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So Clown no longer has a means to apply Exhausted?
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They completely removed it! @TheClownIsKing is gonna be pissed about this.
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Any players that get hit see other auras. It a double edge sword in my opinion. It work for you if you can get it going.
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No it was solvent jug that applied exhaustion. The only killers that does it would be huntress,demo and the pig now.
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I guess we can't be depriving Survivor Mains of their precious meta perks, can we?
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I thought the clown has no cooldown between throws.. Or i dont understand this addons..
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As long as we can still do ether 15% and flask of bleach, I'm okay. That's his best combo imo.
But seriously, why did they leave the blindness addons? Unless they're planning on updating blindness to not be 100% useless in the near future, I don't understand it.
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IMO, Solvent Jug is legit as hell.
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He has no slowdown between throws. But he definitely has a cooldown, both from a throw into another or from a throw into a swing.
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Ahhh.. Makes sense to me. i don't thinks its necessary..but thx.
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Honestly, when you play clown with the exhaustion addon, you come to realize how much people rely on dead hard.
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Disappointed but not surprised about the loss of his Exhaustion add-ons. Gotta keep those bad Survivors happy! Surprised that Redhead's Pinky Finger stayed, I was expecting that one to go.
The new VHS Porn sounds interesting.
The meme add-on (Party Bottle) actually doesn't sound that bad because it's not weakening the Clown's power. Other Killers like Freddy have their power nerfed in exchange for more BP but not Clown. He's getting the confetti effect in addition to his normal gas effects.
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Sulfuric Acid Vial from Mangled for 120 seconds to just Mangled. That is a nice buff also.
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They are doing this to all killers. Huntress is next with her addon pass.
The $$ doesn't like it when you deny a free escape.
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A good Clown player is never going to let you touch the yellow gas unless you intentionally take a hit to run into him.
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Thanks to everyone that tagged me.
Some very interesting things here. The most striking is that they didn’t change RHPF. I’m quite shocked by that. I really don’t think Clown needs it.
I’m....okay....with the removal of exhausted seeing as there are add ons that increase Invigorated, as a cleverly placed tonic and antidote should still mitigate many exhaustion perks anyway. Not to the extent of directly applying exhaustion, but this should still work well.
I love love LOVE the idea with VHS porn. What a screwey add on.
Parade Gloves is a fascinating one. Will need to see it in action.
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Oh, and Sulphuric Acid Vial no longer has a timer? If that isn’t a misprint, then that’s a great buff that makes Sloppy irrelevant on Clown. Sulphuric Vial + Coulrophobia is going to be GREAT.
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I was surprised to not see RHPF go too, I was really hoping for a change. Also, while I didn't know if they were changing his other iridescent, I still hoped to see that one changed as well. I thought it might be cool to have one iridescent affect solely his purple gas, and the other solely his yellow.
I'm a bit sad to see the Garish Make-up Kit changed, I like to combine it with Bottle of Chloroform but I guess its not a big loss.
Is the Parade Gloves the one that changes his throwing arc? If so, yeah I was intrigued myself, and it was the first thing I used. I think I like it better than his current arc, but I missed so many throws due to the change.
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I just thought...
Cigar Box with Kerosene Can will be pretty good together.
If a survivor successfully runs through an Antidote, just quickly blind them. Now Clown can track them, but they can’t track Clown.
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So they removed his best addons? Ether X Vol% used to be the most powerful ones...