Survivors are more powerful than killers right now

I may be beating a dead horse here but after playing on console as survivor for so long, I've decided to switch to killer due to how unchallenging and easy it is to play survivor. I immediately noticed how much pressure is on the killer to stop gens. I've also noticed how every second is absolutely vital to me if I am to secure at least a 3k. Of course each different killers power can help determine your success in doing that e.g ending chased map pressure etc. Even when you play with top tier killers like Billy or spirit, you have little way of exerting pressure regardless of your build or optimal decisions. You'll find yourself already thinking of endgame once the first 2 gens pop! Hoping they make mistakes and 3 gen themselves. With only 4 perks to choose from you really have little means to slow the game down. Sure you can capitalize on perks that will help guard gens but then you would have difficulty in other important endeavors like chase's etc. with no perks to help there. So you have a hard time deciding what's best for each respective killer to have control of the generators. Because of how fast gens are repaired and the strong loops available (including loops at strong structures, buildings, god windows etc.) You feel slowly but surely losing grip over your potential success in winning the game as killer as the game flys by you. All things considered then, I've come to the conclusion that, as of this moment (with Meta perks considered for survivor and killer alike), survivors undoubtedly hold the power role over the killer. I find myself feeling overwhelmed at the rate at which gens get finished, even when I'm playing 100% optimally. It is even more lopsided at times when I verse "elite" swf teams. I speak of course about my experience at rank 1. If I 4k it is more often than not due to mistakes the survivor makes as we play. There has to be a change to this as it it isn't fun feeling powerless playing as a scary killer 😅


  • NuovaS_17
    NuovaS_17 Member Posts: 13

    Absolutely, I agree

  • NuovaS_17
    NuovaS_17 Member Posts: 13

    Yes that is very true, the map that I choose can greatly complement certain killer powers. But I'm looking at the bigger picture, and I feel I shouldn't have to depend on anything to make it work for me. Like you said a map rework is greatly needed to bring balance including a rework of the games core.

  • NuovaS_17
    NuovaS_17 Member Posts: 13

    Yes of course just like getting out alive should. Problem is, it is easier to escape than it is to kill by a landslide.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    Survivors have always been stronger since the day the game was released, and since the game was released both the developers and survivor mains have claimed that there is no issue.

    This is what DBD was originally like, and both the devs and survivor mains said this was a fair game.

  • NuovaS_17
    NuovaS_17 Member Posts: 13
    edited January 2020

    I dunno man.. at times I've consistently faced optimal players who aren't even swf and have been steamrolled. If you have at the very least 2 swf with the other two being casual they can be carried. Even if there are bad survivors, I don't think I should be winning solely by their mistakes and that is where the core game is at right now. Not necessarily the killers efforts. You're trying to keep up with the survivor right now instead of terrifying the survivor, as it should be. Smh.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Been saying that ever since I redownloaded dbd. Its a 4v1, BHVR's logic doesn't make sense. 4 survivor's gotta work together to stay alive vs 1 muderous (Minus Wraith, Nurse, Spirit, and Plague) being. The Survivor's aren't suppose to 1v1 the killer, killer is suppose to struggle when all the survivors work together

  • NuovaS_17
    NuovaS_17 Member Posts: 13

    You're missing the point buddy. It is easier to survive than it is to kill.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    Of course playing as a survivor is easier because you have four team mates with each one of you doing 25% of your job. Whereas, a killer you are forced to play by yourself taking up 100% responsibility of your action.

    I feel like most of the time when reading these forums it comes up as you guys sounding like you always want a 4K game because if you are really struggling, then why are you playing at such high rank games? It doesn’t make sense to why you said you are a rank 1 player, knowing that you are going to be up against experienced players who may be better than you. You shouldn’t feel like two gens pop and think you are losing unless you know that you made a bad decision. Otherwise, you would feel more accepting and know that you in a winning position from the number of hooks you got compared to gens done.

    Another thing that I see is people complaining about gen speeds, but are forgetting that there are games in which killers can win faster than gens being done. So if you can overlook survivor losing faster than gens being done, what’s different to you speaking of gens being done quickly when you as a killer are capable of finishing games quickly.

    In 2019, the devs came out with two graph in which shows killers being in the stronger position than survivors. So clearly it has nothing to do with survivors being the stronger role, but rather how the killer uses there role to fight back against them.

    Almost every game such as Morden warfare would have two teams, just because one team is losing doesn’t mean the game is unbalanced, you are just getting outplayed.

    I play killer as Myers, a killer no one puts above A tier, but yet still manage to beat red rank teams more times than they have. So I think the rank you are in, isn’t suitable for you if you are finding it too difficult.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    I think they want a game that survivors only win

  • NuovaS_17
    NuovaS_17 Member Posts: 13

    As I've stated before the core game for survivor currently supersedes the killer's ability to maintain consistent relative control over the course of the game in his or her favor. Granted it isn't guaranteed or my right to have that control, but when optimal consistent plays by the killer can still be passed over through gen progression, something is wrong. You sound biast to be honest, and there is no way you 4k at the rate you claim with Michael of all killers with out it being chalked up mostly due to the survivors mistakes. This is the consensus guy, survivors are just more powerful than killers, how is this even a debate right now?

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    I don't want to play killer lately because of how the devs have been treating them, and survivor is so easy that it's boring.

  • NuovaS_17
    NuovaS_17 Member Posts: 13

    But there are more people at red,purple,green rank than yellow/brown rank so what are you cringing at? I'm sure even you're red rank and main survivor. What I cringe at is how survivor mains/devs downplay this fact just like true talent says in his video.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm red ranks on both sides and have about 70% of my time in the game as killer.

    Stop quoting true look for a credible source

  • NuovaS_17
    NuovaS_17 Member Posts: 13

    What does your time spent as killer (which no offense but I doubt since you're actually debating this) have to do with the stated fact that gen progression supersedes any strat, optimal plays?

  • NuovaS_17
    NuovaS_17 Member Posts: 13

    Generator progression is too fast.

    This is the observation that I'd like for the community to take away from reading this thread Survivor/Killer/Devs alike.

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243


    Gen progress is DEFINITELY TOO FAST! Anyone who says otherwise is out of their mind. Just over 1 minute into the match we had ruin gone and 2 gens done by the time the killer got their first hook. Only 11 more hooks to go, good luck killer! smh

  • bburr10085
    bburr10085 Member Posts: 12

    One problem is on console I have noticed a lot is survior mains think it's harder to play survivor than killer. Met multiple swf who tried to bash me for being a killer main as "survivor is so much harder and killer is easy". It's because of people like them who complain to the devs non stop killers won't be powerful with most of the survivors tht have said killer is easy I looked at there profile and they only had around 100-200 kills in total which is barely anything. I feel like devs should listen to killers some more and to not baby survivors as much like they did with ruin. It's not as bad as it use to but it can't be fixed if survivors keep getting there way and if a killer can get a 4k it's nerf or nothing.

    NEVELEVEN11 Member Posts: 141

    Being killer is just as easy as playing survivor. At first, you suck. What i see as the main problem is that gamer(in general) think reworks are done by a majority vote. When a game is dictated by the players, things get fked up.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    Tunelling has become less efective due to ds, but you are right.

    You could also bring an ebony and call it a day.

    Camping, tunelling, moris, noed... killers are already saying they are going to adapt doing those things after they nerf ruin. Maybe killers are indeed the power role, but somehow a lot of killers got convinced to play nice and by the survivor rules.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    I honestly don’t mind taking a screen shot of every game starting now, where the whole survivor team are rank 5 to below players.

    if the optimal killer’s skill is being overlooked by gen progression, can’t you say that the survivors were also optimal if they were capable of beating the optimal killer? Also, I don’t get it, because the killer was playing optimal it means the survivor team should stand no chance of winning?

    Another thing is that if you speak about gen progression at what speed are you speaking of it? This is because if a survivor complete the objective too fast, they would just end up getting depip. The same goes for if the killer slugs at the start of the game and destroys a survivor team.

    You say that survivors “currently supersedes the killer's ability to maintain consistent relative control over the course of the game in his or her favor.” If this truly was the case then why is there killer’s that are rank 1 or 2? Surely they shouldn’t be standing a chance if survivors always have the win in their favour? This obviously shows that killers are not in any means less superior to survivors if they are capable of claiming high in the ranks. Tru3 shown killers such as the wraith being viable in red ranks by winning lots of games consistently. This obviously shows that killer ranked low stands a chance of winning depending on the killer user.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    It's been survivor side for 3 years. The amazing thing is even though everyone knows this you'll still get the occasional person trying their hardest to convince people that what they see so obviously is not true.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    What is with these posts where you have survivor mains who have never touched killer, play like one or two game of killer and then say it’s so hard. Of course it’s gonna feel hard at first if you’ve never played that role before. People should honestly try playing both sides consistently at red ranks before making opinions on balance. Also I 4K more often than I escape so that’s I’ll I will say on balance.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    No it showed the best red rank killers has around the same killer rate as rank one survivors not that they are vastly stronger most people tend to forget the survivor escape graph but high ranks weren't far off of killers

  • MisterGein213
    MisterGein213 Member Posts: 31

    I think one of the biggest issues with balancing gen speed is that folks are looking too much through the lens of their respective teams when discussing how to balance things properly (whether intentionally or not.) The disconnect between Killer and Survivor experiences are giving folks different views of how the game is, and which side is truly the more powerful one. When you're sitting in the same spot, holding down a button and occasionally looking over your shoulder, it feels like you've been there for a while. But when you're running around, chasing and hitting people, it doesn't feel as long. That time distortion is where, I believe, most problems arise from. That being said tho, I also think things like comms are what give Survivors that edge that tips the game into their favor (I say this as a Survivor main that solo queues.) Killers would have an easier time if they were able to scramble Survivors. Confuse and disorient them. But comms outright nullify a Killer's ability to do that. That organization is what will steamroll Killers. There's a reason why folks often dodge lobbies that they believe contain a SWF group.

  • rubberduck
    rubberduck Member Posts: 12

    This place truly is an echo chamber for killers. Not getting 4k? cry on dbd forum.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425
  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Explain the kill rates being so high and yet survivor is so easy. That just doesn't jive with reality. Killer is as east as it's ever been. That doesn't mean a 4k is guaranteed or that a killer can't get rekt, but more games than not are at least a 3k and many games there may be 0-1 gens completed.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I mean it can't be helped.

    One side will always be stronger then the other. True balance is a fantasy.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Everyone knows this.

  • jerm0007
    jerm0007 Member Posts: 5

    Yeah those facecamping killers I keep getting are so under powered with their ability to take the game hostage and ruin the entire experience for that survivor. You’re right! Let’s make them more powerful like the twins, so they can camp AND tunnel at the same time. Give me a break.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    They have always been.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    SWF is more powerful than killers right now

    ^ fixed it for you. Solo Q is still the worst experience.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    I agree. It did when the game first started but after they introduced the emblem system and changed conditions it doesn't anymore. an Adept Killer used to be a 4K with 3 base perks. now it has to be a double pip or you get nothing.

    I play both survivor and killer, and it may just be this weekend because of the blood point bonus but I've be facing killers that are acting really weird.

    appearing to have auto aim,

    moving much faster then they should

    getting hits that are nowhere close to connecting. I mean on the other side of a downed pallet and running away and I still get hit. or facing the total opposite direction and I still get hit.

    It's the game or the players but something has been up as of late.

    and playing against survivors, forget about it. every dirty trick in the book is being used. As someone who doesn't main the killer role I get why no one wants to play killer because it's not fun most of the time. I don't mind not killing everyone but when I can literally find no one because people disappear from right in front of me. It's not fun. And I don't mean they went around a corner and lost them I mean downed them right next to a hook and a wall they disappeared.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    I agree I don't run the easy to win killer powers perks, add ons, and strats because it's trivial gameplay but that doesn't mean it's not being run. You have to be completely unempathetic to win as killer in dbd and there are many who know this.

    Killer is fine. Just some perks and add ons on both sides are unnecessary.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    This game definitely leans towards survivors. Full team cooperation is not hard to achieve as a solo because there's only one objective, but we get complaints of survivor woes because that cooperation is also easily broken. We need balance for when survivors are all straight business, not for those who haven't figured out what teamwork is.