To all Survivors who wait in Exits

This is a hearfelt request from someone who's just trying to enjoy killer matches. For the love of the Entity, LEAVE! I seriously don't need to see you butt dancing at me for 4 minutes, and I'm pretty sure your queue times are already long enough, so please please PLEASE use those 4 minutes when it's clear I'm not coming to go wait in the lobby! Let us all move onto our next match for once!



  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    Yeah the end game collapse was supposed to at least help with that problem, but all it did was make the end game boring. Personally, I enjoyed fighting for hatch at the end. I wish they'd put it back the way it was.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    But if we leave, you won't hit us and you won't get additional brutality points.

  • criminal
    criminal Member Posts: 25

    If they drag the game in gate they should lose some bps.

    after the game opens - 30 sec = 5,000 bps

    30 - 1 min = 4,500 bps

    1-1.30 min= 4,000 bps

    1.30-2 min = 3,500 bps

    2-2.30 min = 3,000 bps

    If you go for unhook you should get more bps during end game otherwise just leave and stop farming

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    2 minutes.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I actually like when they hang out there. It gives me time to break any pallets I might have missed as well as being able to find and close the hatch for extra points.

    Plus it denies them their gloating. So I look at it as a win for me and them helping me get some last min points.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    I mean if a killer is nodding and facecamping and doing all that fun toxic stuff why not sit at the gate until last second? Tunneling and camping are fine by me but actually facecamping and bming on hook yeah you earned the wait.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,146
    edited January 2021

    I've had some fun moments from survivors who refuse to leave.

    I open an exit gate, then I go stand at the other one and guard it. It's my exit gate. You will be surprised the number of survivors who will come over and try to open it.

    Don't leave the gate. If you grab someone off, just drop them, don't let their friends use it as an opportunity to open it. I've had many survivors die to the EGC either slugged at the closed gate or as they try to run back to the other gate.

    You can also put on Bloodwarden for extra effect. Wait until the EGC timer is down to like 1/3 or 1/4, then hook someone. Let them make the rescue, don't slug or hook anyone else. Doesn't even matter if they open that second gate, they're not leaving through it. 😈

    I never do anything toxic, but survivors so often refuse to leave until the last second. I refuse to go to their gate, and if they come to mine then at least it's entertaining.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Sure, I'll give it to you that I could see where someone would (and I have before, and probably will do at some point in the future) that same behaviour of BM-ing at Exit Gates when the Killer was facecamping at 5 gens, intentionally tunneling, or repeatedly smacking someone on hook for a pallet stun.

    But in general, I will usually just leave, even when they have been like that. I don't think BM-ing back does any good, and I would like to at least try to stop the never-ending circle of toxicity by not feeding into it when I can. (Granted, that doesn't mean I won't still make the 'You're definitely fun at parties /s' comment as a small, jokey-jab in post game chat sometimes, to people on either side.)

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Look, I'm a killer main but I can recognize that there's usually a purpose to this. Leaving will remove you from the equation, so it essentially abandons other survivors who may not be at a gate. If they're all just waiting there, then they're just trying to assert dominance and there's nothing you can do. It's not always toxic either; sometimes, it can be like what soccer players do after a match. I get item donations if survivors feel I played well too.

    As for teabagging at the gates, that's half the reason I run NOED and blood warden.

  • I know right the audacity of the Killer players expecting to be treated like actual human beings instead of tools for the survivor’s enjoyment.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    I used to wait on the hatch sometimes if I didn't feel like going to a gate (due to being injured and/or too far and not wanting to chance running into the killer) so I could escape after the other survivors left but this exact thing is why I never do that anymore. I've actually died to the entity before just because people wouldn't leave until the absolute last second

  • Yeah that is a risk with hatch when not in a comms swf.

    Generally, most people know if they don't see one person to leave about 5 seconds before it finishes just in case.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Before anyone else can say it...


    >_> grow a thicker skin

    For you @Echorion and @DFP . Full card?

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    I never t-bag but I do wait a few seconds to give killers an opportunity to hit me out if they do want the extra points. If it seems like they don't want to, like they don't come to the gate or they just stand there and stare at me in the exit etc, then I just leave after a few seconds. I just wanna give an opportunity if they want a few extra BPs. :( I, as a survivor, get frustrated for you guys when my randoms just sit there until the last 15 seconds, especially after doing nothing all game. It's always the worst survivors that do that crap too lol.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    But I butt dance to piss off the killer. Hopefully it works. I even butt dance to the nicest killer, hopefully he will ragequit or be toxic to survivors the next game.

    It's fun to force the killer to come all the way to the other side of the map just so he can see my butt. It's very satisfying.

    Cuz the survivors are the good guys can do no wrong. Killers are the big bad boogie man who needs my butt.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Said like someone who knows nothing what they're talking about lol.

    I really do not to go back to hatch standoffs and waiting there for 10mins + until someone just lets the other win.

    Also the endgame collapse did help. I remember playing before and having survivors at the gate with crows already for minutes on end waiting for me. That doesn't happen anymore unless they want to die.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I wait at the exit gate behind the walls though, I need to make sure I don't abandon team mates and am able to go back for last minute rescues, or if I'm being healed in the middle of the final stretch to go back out!

    Not everyone is being toxic :(

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    I've seen plenty of posts asking survivors to leave. I've never seen a post asking survivors to stick around so the killer can "pwetty pwease get one more wittle bittie hit" (to be read in baby voice).

    Please leave, you aren't being altruistic by sticking around as a group. I'm all for blood point penalties as the timer ticks down.

  • WretchedElk
    WretchedElk Member Posts: 311

    I hung at one gate today. There was no killer around, and I was injured, so I was going to let someone heal me. No one turned up; don’t know what they were doing.

    In another match I opened the gates after I realised my team mates were intentionally toying with the killer. It was an easy-ish game, and after the last gen was done they all seemed to be looping him and made no attempt to leave. Having been on the other end of it I thought it was best to start the end game and put him out of his misery.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Look, butt dancing at the exit gate is a time honored tradition that shows the superiority of the survivor role.

    If you don't like it, git gud or grow a thicker skin.


  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    It's like a 1% chance that a survivor is trying to be nice at the exit gate I agree. I only wait at the exit gate if the person was being a jerk or if my teammates aren't there and haven't escaped. Reducing bloodpoints because of it would encourage just leaving people that are hooked at the EGC which would suck. I mean a way they could possibly work around that is the reduced bloodpoints are paused when a survivor is hooked or in a chase but even then if a survivor forgot where an exit gate was they're getting screwed. They could have it where it's reduced when you are only in the exit gate area but it really doesn't change much you'd just have them right outside it'd be slightly better but not fix it.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    It is much better to play against Baby Survivors, they are very friendly and non-toxic, they don't wait at the starting gate, they just leave.

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    Two solutions:

    1: Force them to leave. As a killer, you can do that because you have a weapon. Hit them and their gone, PLUS you get more bloodpoints per hit. Assert your dominance and profit? Win/win. Send em crawling out the gate like the terrified worms they are!

    2: Go sit in the basement. Turn their little victory dance around and against them. They wanna waste all that time trying to get a taunt that never comes? Show them just how dumb they are by TAKING their victory dance away from them.

    You can't lose mate.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Of course people are going to post those, a lot of them are actually valid reasons for not exiting right away.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    I just go chill in my killer basement and do some light reading while I wait for them to leave, its honestly quite relaxing. And if they want to waste time just sitting there, works for me.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Just force the survivors out... Why is that so difficult for killers to do? I don't get it. Queue times are pretty much instant for me during the day and only take about 3-5 minutes at night.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Yes, I still love demo boy but I've been putting hundreds of hours into trapper as of late. I still plan to play both ^^

  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2021

    I mean, not really. If they're there to BM they'll usually just wait until the meter's a hair away, or in my case, since I just ignore BM and play FGO while I wait, they'll come to jump around you 360ing and teabagging.

    Frankly that last bit is fun for me - it's a reminder the only time they're wasting is theirs, as well as being the nonverbal equivalent of "Come on! Pay attention to me! ...Please?"

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Yeah, I know that some are being toxic, but most are just trying to farm points. I am not really a fan of either, and I don't like being forced to participate (as killer). If I am already near the gate I will humor them, but I will not run across the map to do it. I tried it a few times as survivor, and wasn't a fan. I'd rather just jump into the next queue. I don't want points that I didn't earn.

    On a funny note, I once saw a survivor so intent on getting the killer to come and hit them that they forgot about the timer and got skewered at the gate.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    It's not a question of difficulty, more of a pride thing. 9 times out of 10 people will be hanging at the exit gate to showboat, and will do so as long as possible, pulling away at the last second to deny you points for the hit (and I assume to get themselves another won chase). You should not have to take part in that, if they want to hang around and extend the game for no reason, it's on them.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2021

    Ignore this my phone is garbage and made my comment invisible making me think it was deleted

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2021

    Ignore this my phone is garbage and made my comment invisible making me think it was deleted

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • Laffle
    Laffle Member Posts: 82

    I always make the killer force me out with a hit, It buys a little extra time for my teammates. If they just ignore me then there's a chance I can rescue someone, or even snag an item or totem. If everyone is safe though, I just leave.

  • Yeah, this isn't completely true. The first and only time I ever played killer, all of my matches (besides 2 as I 4kd one and 3kd the other) ended with me waiting until the EGC timer was almost up because the Baby Survivors I was up against as a Baby Killer would not leave the exit gate as they wanted to gloat and spam noise notifications. It doesn't matter what rank, people love to be toxic and flat that they won and you lost! Mostly survivors as there are more of them.

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    Just leave. Nobody cares about what makes you feel special.