Are the devs planning to make this game more scary and horror-based?

While doing the survey, I started thinking in my head "wow there are a lot of questions about horror and how you feel about if this game is scary or not". I was starting to think that they maybe are planning to make this game more horror-based and scarier.
What do you think? Do you think I might be right about this? If they ARE planning to make this game scarier, that'll be awesome!
I hope they don't resort to jump scares, they're extremely cheap.
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Horror is out of the window once Multiplayer is added into a game, so no.
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Agreed. If there is any horror element that I don't want them to implement, it's jump scares.
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Their update path doesn't reflect a more horror element, quite the contrary. They are constantly putting more strength into survivors. This game is quite plainly whack-A-mole with a horror themed skin on it.
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Did you even look at the title? I said planning, with that being said the horror element isn't here right now, but they might add that in the future.
Post edited by AggressiveFTW on5 -
What Survey can you link it for me?
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Saw the title, they're stringing you along with false hopes of new game modes and an actual horror feel. They cannot even balance their singular game mode correctly. From my understanding they are currently working on a competitive mode to the game but I wouldn't hold my breath on that being very fun. There needs to be some serious improvements to the game that are not cosmetic and every indication of every patch points directly away from that.
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They can't really make the game scarier because in order for that to happen, the survivors would have to actually be afraid of the killers.
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No it can't happen
After you play/watch something so many times it's not scary anymore.
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I think they could just use some more indoor maps. The close quarters and uncertainty of the killers location usually keeps things pretty tense for me. An underground tomb, a haunted mansion, etc.
And they need to make the maps less safe because maps like dead dawg / midwhich are just so good aesthetically but so bad gameplay wise. How are you ever supposed to be scared working on a gen where’s there’s only 1 entrance to it and you get a massive heads up the killer is coming anyways.
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they ask a lot in surveys but nothing ever comes of it. Expect more merchandise though.
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How do you know the results of those surveys?
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Another point I'd like to add to this topic is that many survivor mains and apparently the developers do not understand that having the killer's being 'OP' is what makes the game scary. Ever notice that so many players return to the game every time a new killer is added? Why is that? It's because the initial unpredictability of what the killer does actually adds excitement to the game. This emotion could be repeated more frequently if the developers would continually go back and give killers more tools to work with. They won't do that though because it's seen as 'cost ineffective'. But in reality it's not because their playerbase would play far more frequently (and buying more DLC) than they already are.
To their credit it is incredibly difficult to make a game both competitive and scary. At some point you need to decide to lean in one direction or the other. When they do decide to revisit a killer they seem to do it with kid gloves, afraid they are making the killer too powerful and you end up with a dud like the clown rework.
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If they plan to make the game more scary, not how the classical forum user wants to have it. Usually the "Make DBD scarier"-Threads are just "Nerf Survivor-"Threads.
I guess, if they want to make it more scary, they are talking about graphics, sounds and ambience.
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I mean they did nail it with Pyramid Head and Blight.
Like I can’t say I’m ever scared when I’m chased by say spirit, it’s usually just more like ugh why does this killer even exist.
Pyramid Head has the huge loud buildup to the chase, is threatening enough to make me want to avoid him, but isn’t so overbearing I feel it’s cheap.
Blight chases are usually pretty fun, especially if they start with him coming out of undetectable and all you hear is him injecting himself on the other side of a wall nearby your gen.
Billy/Bubba have awesome chases, some of my favorite chases in the game started with a tinkerer Billy/Bubba smashing through the breakable wall next to my generator. It’s such an “oh #########” moment but in a good way.
A bad one is “the Oni with blood fury saw me; so I just go down”
Overall I think the game is moving in a good direction, and is more scary than it has ever been since release.
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I think they already did something on internal test builds and the inquiry is just to gauge how well/bad is going to be received and do small tweaks on it, I feel they did the same with the Battlepass inquire before adding the rift.
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Well when they released the battlepass related inquiry the rift was announced shorter after it so I guess they already had it planned and made in an internal test build and used the responses to gauge how well was going to be received, Im inclined to believe this may be the same.
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What are you talking about? I have no idea what you're talking about.
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It doesn't really matter. Once we as players get used to it the game loses basically all its ability to scare us. Every horror game is like this.
Jump scares aren't even really horror. They cause your fight-or-flight response to "activate" and then "deactivate" immediately. After a jumpscare basically no one actually feels any fear.
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Well, at least they consider new game modes.
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Im just expressing an idea, they did the same with the battlepass and they could be doing the same now with this survey.
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Don't you worry.
Once the new animations go live the game will be scary again
Well,for killer though
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I wouldn't mind more jumpscares. I like them. What we certainly need, are more scary killers. Ghostface was supposed to be scary but you can turn him into an m1 killer just by looking at him lol. Stealth killers need more "jumpscare" sounds for when they are revealed (their terror radius activates).
The scariest thing this game has at the moment is a Wraith with 3 tokens of Devour hope lol.
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spin a roulette wheel and pray it lands on what you want cause thats just about how they operate, its completely ######### random what they decide to change it almost seems like they don't know what they're doing.
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This game is not scary after you've played it a few times, and anything they do in an attempt to change this is going to wear off after repeat play. That's not a criticism, it's just what is.
Look at any other horror game designed for multiplayer or other repeat play. Phasmophobia is a great example -- when you first start playing it, you get freaked out by the ghost making creepy noises or suddenly appearing, etc. Once you've played it a few times, you start getting pretty immune to that stuff, because it becomes a set of predictable game mechanics.
(Now, I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I still get jump-scared by a Myers or Ghostface surprising me our of nowhere, but that's down to a very narrow situation and not really the game design at-large).
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In its beginnings in June 2016 it was undoubtedly terrifying, but as time passed it became Competitive. But to make it scarier would be to OP the Killer, but I'll stick with the graphic change.
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It doesn't have to be jump scares or scary things like that. Even if you're not scared, it can create an atmosphere that was never there before.
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Then why are they asking all of those questions if they have no plans to change something? They gotta be up for it to ask questions like that.
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It's obvious that they are already trying to make the game scarier. I mean, have you SEEN some of the latest updates? Horrifying.
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I wonder if they are planning a different type of mode involving AI for the killer. To ensure jumps scares and more of a horror element, you need to guarantee that the killer will be adept at performing said scares.
Unless there's a new mode/storyline where its exploring the world of the Entity and its killers. I wonder if it could be akin to Luigis Mansion 3 where each floor is a killer whose world we need to explore and escape/defeat.
Or could we see something competitive like infinite gens with each round increasing difficulty in both finding, completing and avoiding the AI killer who increases in skills each round.
BHVR knows the most used, and efficient, builds and they can mirror the skillset ceiling on top players.
As a killer, I wonder if the hook count on the new UI for this type of purpose or mode. Hooking goals and whatnot.
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You can't be afraid of punching bags so no.
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I mean if they are that would be great. The problem is a lot of the new maps are too bright and honestly not as scary and creepy as the old maps. They may have cleaner graphics but the actual art style is not as good in my opinion.
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Making the environment more interactive would make it more scary.
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The changes they make have been and will always be minimal, I don’t expect much to change.
It took years just to let us reset traps on the ground, bhvr doesn’t exactly do grand scale changes of any kind.
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the survey was just so they can get more money
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I think what is scary about this game is hitboxes and map rng
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True enough. I think they have made some inroads toward what you are describing, with some of the map redesigns and updated visuals.
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Decrease the TR for the killers - its more fun when you dont have such a big heads up. Thats why I like playing against Michael und Deathslinger
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Any ideas on how to make it the environment more interactive?
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Ide rather jumpscares than be bored by a m1 ghost face
In fact the biggest scare I had was a hag trap
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I hope so a few jump scares here and there are ok I just dont want it to only be jump scares like fnaf