Should the x1.5 bloodpoints be permanent for killers?

I feel like if would encourage more people to play killer. We all know the shortage of killers and the long survivor queues. Thoughts?
almost every killer plays BBQ & Chilly pretty much
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No amount of Blood Points will encourage players to play killer more on a consistent basis. Most have BBQ to farm points and there is a limit to how much harassment one can take. Maybe if they gave out shards, but even then, cosmetics that can be purchased with shards are rather bland except for the holiday stuff.
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Killers already get way more BP for that reason though. I dont think making it x1.5 would improve it too much
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I would rather the bloodweb be scrapped for a system where I can choose the add ons and offerings I want instead of wasting 200k for 1-2 things I'm going to use.
it's asinine
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Considering how many points you get by playing killer, particularly in comparison to playing survivor, I doubt getting more points will make more people play killer. An actual incentive would need to be something much better- like longer matches or better map design or a wider range of strong killers because playing Nurse and Pyramid Head for 3 weeks straight gets very stale and I just want to go back to Wraith BHVR please-
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This. I prefer killer over survivor, but even if you offered me a 10X BP bonus I wouldn't play as much anyway. Killer becomes like a job after a few matches. Boring, stressful and not worth the effort at times. Survivor's not that much better since I solo, but it feels far more relaxed than killer does.
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Yea, I can only play 3 matches in one night then get discouraged and not play for a week or more.
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The BP gain has made survivor queue times faster and killer be still somewhat longer but sub a minute now at least. It's great.
More people are playing killer atm because it gives more BP than survivor.
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No. We don't need to get more bp per game that we already do.
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Uhhhh yes please? Does everyone have bbq? Lmao, why do people have to rely on paid killer's perks and hundreds of thousands of BP to get a teachable perk by chance in order to get more BP?
More BP please
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Killers get more BP already.
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killers need more BP because we burn through addons quicker than the bloodweb provides them. survivors have items they can run with or without addons.. plus 75% of the killer addons are absolute trash so you're burning millions of BP to get a handful of what you want.. it's a garbage system
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lol it ain't enough any more, not event he 1.5 is enoughf or some people either probably. The next patch it won't be anyways. Just see if they can port the bots from mobile, they don't need to make em for survivors, only for killers and to replace the killers that dc too maybe. That's a lot less work thatw ay, and they would only have to focus the AI on one role and they could fine tune it to the survivor rulebook even for great justice/
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Nope, 1.5x BP is not enough.
Hmmm, I wonder if they'll ever implement bots. It'd be easier for them to at least try bribery first, but they really want to keep a stranglehold on their Bloodpoint economy. And they really don't seem to like giving out shards.
I've seen one of the mods say their killer queues are longer than their survivor queues and therefore the long survivor queues are an isolated issue and not a most-players issue. I'm sure queue times are affected by region and time, but I'm curious to know how it is in the major regions (especially at peak times).
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When I'd loaded it up sometimes for the past few weeks to month or so, it was usually in the evenings in the USA central time around chicago and i usually closed the game after around 9 or 10 minutes by the clock since I'd remember going into queue as survivor. I figure i could have gotten a match any moment from there, or sat another 5 or 10 minutes but justt o play one match not as long as that just to call it a night or sit in the same queue right after wasn't worth it for me. Especially knowing how screwed up the matchmaking had been for me the last times I'd played.
Killer could take a couple or a few minutes sometimes, at night, but testing it usually it was within a half a minute to minute and a half range and a few times it was within about ten seconds. Either way not too bad. So lobby dodging was pretty viable. I don't like playing killer any more though even though it was the reason I bought the original steam version of the game in 2016. It's just rarely been fun for me, it wasn't then, it isn't now, but it was for a while when I came around when pyramidhead came out but these past couple or few months they made it less fun again. I hadn't played for almost 4 years until ph and the vault spam bamboozle I'd heard of, and I could almost go another 4 years without touching the game between seeing they haven't changed how they treat killers and survivor queues being too long compared to match lengths for me to tolerate while they're not doing anything to make killers enjoy the game enough to shorten the survivor queues for me.
Mods aren't devs btw, they're just players with mod powers. So the experience of most, at least if they don't spend time at the studio and more than once or twice in a blue moon, is no different from anybody else's int heir region. Maybe the region of some is splendid for survivor queues, but for me it often isn't when I play. But anything from a mod is just an opinion in my opinion, they aren't a dev. If I get banned or 'jailed' for that it'll just prove my point lol. But if that happens it'll actually be for some of my other posts probably, it was more of a joke if not for that.
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Don't think most of us want more bp.
We'd play more if people were kinder.
Or ya know, they could disable chat and replace online Id's with character names. That'd do the work and be more welcome than the bile we see at this point.
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I should start using my steam account again so I can change the alias to such classics as: KillerOPPlzNerf and KYSPlzGGEZSAUCE or xGGMoriThisKeyGGx. One I actually used was Tunnel Vision just to see if I'd get tunneled.
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Yea they would need to give shards or cells out to players who prio killers if they want to offer a real incentive. BP is nothing.
But then again, this company is too greedy to do that. $$$ is the only important thing to them, otherwise they wouldn't lock everything behind paywalls. SoS is one exception but that only speaks to perks and they're on a 7 day rotation (which is far too long IMO).
I wouldn't be surprised if que times increase, after all, killers deal with a lot more toxicity (coming from someone who mains survivor) so what reason do they have to keep playing and deal with it? There is no incentive.
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Can't really blame anyone else at that point, it's what it says on the tin. :]
If you're really looking at getting that chase I'd definitely go with a key based name, Tunnel Vision was probably far too subtle and would work better on a killer. :)
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I would raise the bloodpoint gain for survivors and killers from the current gain.
I would raise survivor bloodpoints gain by 2 X the current gain, and I would raise the killer bloodpoint gain by 2.25 X the current gain.
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Yeah I was thinkingt hat. One I used on a killer when I was just camping while watching tv was Ernest Goes to Camp the Hook and I had an ernest pic lol
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@SocialDistomancy Haha, that's a good one. :)
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There should be an incentive for more people to play killer BUT extra BP is already an incentive. Killers get much much much more bp per match.
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I don't understand what you're saying. Is the added BP bonus killers gain with that perk not enough anymore to entice people to play killer?
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While I do agree with you. Survivor add-ons are just as bad. 100% bp bonus for hitting a great skill check... wow :/
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I always felt that Ebony Moris should have been reworked to be an anti-bully tool. No longer an offering, but something Killers keep in their inventory. Killer can opt to burn 1 Ebony Mori per game to make someone instantly killable (even after 0 hooks) after a 5 second taunting animation (like Trapper running the back of his machete over his throat). The number of which you need to burn goes up depending on how often that particular Survivor gets flagged for Mori - it also triggers a cooldown.
Someone who hardly ever gets flagged for Mori would consume up to 5 depending on the ratio. Also Killer can't burn another Ebony Mori for 1 hour per charge consumed. This would mean just rage-Moring would be extremely costly and not something you could do often.
Someone who gets flagged for Mori much more often than the average survivor would consume as little as 1 without any cooldown.
Killer doesn't know ahead of time how much Moris would cost to prevent abuse.
If this mechanic were to go in place, I think you'd see *a lot* less bullying/toxic gameplay, as I know I would only use Moris on clickers/teabaggers... and I think the vast majority of killers like me who were sitting on dozens of Ebony Moris, never really feeling the want/need to run them, would probably do the same.
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Take Pig for example. Mine's P3 level 50. I want Amanda's Letter (iri addon). I haven't gotten ONE to show up in at least 10 bloodwebs. I'm wasting hundreds of thousands just to get 1 addon to allow me to play a style of game I want. Does that sound like an addon issue or a garbage bloodweb issue?
I should be able to get Amanda's Letter at a guaranteed rate if that's what I choose to spend BP on.
If they increased BP cost, for like 10k for Iri addons, but I knew I could get them whenever I wanted.. I would say trash the bloodweb today
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For me it is time depending. Morning is survivor time, evening is killer time. Play the other role and eat the q times. In the evening I sometimes have lobbies in like 10 seconds as killer
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I use Windstorm all the time but I mean- I could use fun creative builds but no Swiftstorm seems to be there all the time BHVR please
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I honestly don't think its a BP issue. The starting loadouts you can run as Killer are, in a word, terrible.
Trapper and Wraith need add ons. Billy is somewhat difficult and got nerfed. Huntress is also somewhat difficult. Nurse is CRAZY difficult. Distressing, Insidious, Iron Grasp, Monstrous Shrine, and Unrelenting are all garbage. Even further... Unnerving Presence, Predator, Bloodhound, Beast of Prey, Territorial Imperative, Huntress Lullaby, and sort of Stridor are also bad.
I think more people would play Killer if Legion was free and they buffed/reworked slightly those 5 basic perks first. Then those 7 teachables.
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In general, Killer's earn BP much quicker than survivors. If anything, 1.5x BP should be permanent for survivors.
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For what? You get all perks fast on all killers and then you soon have like 200 of every addon so make it more shards instead so maybe.
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It will never happen. Bullying is what many survivors play this game for. The love the feeling of control that they get from knowing the game and know that it is designed to give them every advantage in the match. Lots of people would deny it here on the forums, but the after game chat death threats and insults are evidence enough for me that toxicity sells, hence why they animators were careful to not do away with t-bagging.
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To me, you seems to be saying you need to go out of your way to do various different things throughout the course of the match in order to get a good amount of BP as survivor.. I already get a very good amount of BP just from playing the game normally as killer, even without BBQ. As Killer I dont need to make a mental note to do various specific things, I just play the game and everything I need to do for BP just happens naturally.
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And I'm saying my experience has been the exact opposite.
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How about instead I ask what rank you have in each role?
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The reason that rank matters in this equation is skill. If you're good at a role, two things will happen in tandem: your rank will go up, and with it the average points you earn each match. I'm red ranks with both, but I have a higher rank killer, and thusly I tend to gain more BP playing killer. I was telling you my experience, and you were saying my experience was wrong. How exactly my experience can be wrong, I don't know.
And if we're talking potential bloodpoint gain on both sides, they are exactly the same. You can get up to 8K BP in each category, for a combined total of 32K BP for any given match. This applies to both Killer and Survivor. So if you want to talk theoreticals instead of personal experience, there is literally no difference between the two roles.
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This. The problem isn't the amount of bloodpoints. It's that playing killer isn't fun most of the time. Unless the Devs find a way to fix that, the amount of killer players will stay where it is.
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One big issue with getting BP with survivor is that survival category. The only good ways to get large amounts of BP in that category are opening the exit gates and escaping alive. Even if you do super well in every other category, if you get sacrificed, that is 5 thousand BP you are immediately disqualified from getting. Killer BP gain is a lot more evenly spread out. The largest score events that any given Killer can get, meaning not events unique to one killer's power, is killing a survivor, which killers get 1K BP for. So even if you did well with hooks but all the survivors escaped, thats 4 thousand BP you didnt get, which on its own is less than the BP loss of a survivor for being sacrificed. And hook events still net you 500 BP. So if you hook everyone twice and they still escape, that's still 4K BP you get. This is one of the main reasons that if anyone needs help getting BP, its survivors. And my intention with the rank question was not meant to be an insult, I'm sorry if it came off like one. I wanted to see if your experience was just the inverse of mine, where you had a higher survivor rank than killer rank and that was the reason you think survivors get more BP.
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You would not even need that much of BP after you got all perks in one killer, but because most of the time, there are only 2-4 addons that are worth using and you have to put constantly bp in the bloodweb, increasing the amount of useless addons and offerings.
But can you exchange that somehow? No, of course not. Because that would be too convinient.
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one side shouldn’t be treated better than the other. That’s unfair, bloodpoints also would do nothing if the gameplay is unbalanced and unfair and unfun for killer which it is.
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Make it permanent for everyone, the grind is too much
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I think Overwatch did good with shortening Queue times, if there is shortage of one role, you get lootbox to open if you decide to play that role.
We could use a system which tells you Estimated Queue Time, and if the queue for Survivors are long then Killers gets 2x BPs if they decide to play Killer, If Killers' Queue Time is long then give Survivors 2x BPs in their matches. Simple as that.
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Nah. I'd prefer a 2x bp system which incentivizes you to play on either side when queue times are suffering.
And Survivor Bloodwebs have more to get through with useless nodes than killers so honestly survivors should get something.