Is mindbreaker meant to do this?

Forgive me as i havent read the perk since the change. But if someone is on an exhaustion timer of 40 seconds say after sprintbursting. If you get on a gen it pauses the timer??? Thats gross if thats how it is supposed to be.
I believe so. And I don't think it's that bad, considering that they just have to get the gen up to half and the perk vanishes, basically
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That's what it's supposed to do, yes. It came out after the exhaustion changes so it's intentional.
It's also still considered a fairly weak perk so "gross" isn't quite how I would describe it; it was even buffed a bit.
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Yep, that's how the perk is supposed to work. Honestly it's not that gross, it only affects people who rely on SB too much to get out of danger whilst they're working on a gen
Mindbreaker got buffed to have an effect for the entire duration of the gen in the 4.3.0 update
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oh my bad
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It is actually decent now against exhaustion perks that is
I wouldnt say its weak considering you would have to stay off gens to get your exhaustion back.
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Mindbreaker got buffed, it always makes you exhausted. Not like it matters, there's better perks to use that don't deactivate when you're exhausted.
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Correct. Either the exhausted survivor needs to wait till they recover before touching a gen, or they need to accept the risk that if the killer comes to the gen you’re working on you can’t use your exhaustion perk.
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Given that is all it does; you are aware it is active; it becomes useless outside of that situation.... It's pretty weak.
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it's a great perk on stealthy ambush killers like wraith,ghost and pig
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yea and it’s not bad, barely anyone uses sprint burst
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Let's be honest.Mindbreaker will only be ok against sprint burst maybe lithe and balanced landing too
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It might also work against dead hard, when the surv repairs being injured, which happens often.
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Seriously, survivors reliant on their dead hard wait out the exhaustion timer before touching gens again.
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5 seconds is too low though.
You should easily be able to get rid of it most of the time
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You normally don't leave survivors that used their dead hard like you would with sprint burst users for example.
And waiting out 5 seconds really isn't hard
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which would be great for the killer?
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All the people without exhaustion perks are also like "Wow he sure wasted that perk slot"
The perk is overly niche, so you often find yourself not getting any real use out of it.
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Yep that's how it's meant to be.
It's genuinely such a good perk imho
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Mindbreaker is a perk you don't see yourself getting value from. You won't see that they're exhausted so you won't see that they couldn't use sprint burst or dead hard or balanced landing and so won't see that the perk did something. Unlike, you know, Ruin or Pop or Enduring where the value of the perk is clear, Mindbreaker is a lot more like a perk that chills in the background and helps you out.
Also, with the amount of survivors I see with an Exhaustion perk (I faced a full head on squad and they really weren't happy at the Mindbreaker, for example) it's definitely worth the perk slot on some killers like Wraith.
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I am well aware of it's possible subtle value; but we'll still have to disagree about it being a good perk. It's situationally good; which is not something you ideally want.
Before the buff it was absolutely worthless; and just an awful idea to even equip it under any circumstance, easily one of the worst in the entire game. Now it's just...situationally a bit useful.
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Yes. It can make Mindbreaker a gen stall perk.
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Absolutely, could use something like 15 secs.
Personally, I find SB slightly more annoying, bc it allows a surv to run away from a gen and make great distance, when I often do not have the time to invest in a chase. Dead hard is annoying as well, esp. when they misplay and then "press e to outplay". But at least they are not on the other side of the map then.
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I actually feel the opposite way.
Sprint burst can be super annoying but at least i can decide whether to take the chase or drop it,forcing their sprint burst and come back later when it's still on cooldown.
Dead hard however is so damn frustrating to deal with because survivors can erase great plays by you with a simple push of a button.It's easily my most hated perk ever
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Gotta agree that in general, DH is more annoying. But in the situation where you are struggling hard just to protect the last gen from getting finished, a survivor constantly running away from a gen with SB tops that in terms of annoyance for me. Like a fly on a pile of s**t.