What is your favorite map and least favorite?

I'm curious about the rest and why
My favorite map is hands down MacMillan Estate, Coal Tower to be exact. It's my favorite map because it was my first victory as a Killer and as a Ghostface when I was in Rank 20 on the fourth anniversary. I remember which were my first victims, without a doubt they were 2 Bills, 1 Ash and 1 Dwight. Never use power at all times.
And the one I hate the most of all is undoubtedly Coldwind Farm, all its variations, I hate it and it bothers me because of all the corn, because of the lighting of the map, the brown tone, etc. I hope that when it is reworked it will be a map to my liking along with Haddonfield, since now the maps that I once hated like Springwood and Ormond, have become my favorites.
My favorite is probably father campbells chapel. Very balanced map with reasonable loops and a good size.
Least favorite? Fractured cowshed, or Springwood. Both are ridiculously safe for survivors. Honorable mention to Thompson house and Crotus Penn Asylum.
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Favorite: Midwich. I really like the atmosphere, don't care about balance.
Least: Purgation temple. Really think they missed a great opportunity here by moving the temple into the black forest. So much potential for an open desert with a temple carved in solid rock.
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Honestly, my least favorite is Auto Haven. And that’s only because I end up there so often.
Cant really say which one’s my favorite.
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Favorite is hawkins, i like the layout
Least favorite is red forest in general. Too large and inconsistent
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Yes, Purgation temple can also be said that it is the 2nd worst that I hate just like Cottage Owner, the lighting and the large map size that is above all Cotagge Owner is without a doubt the new Ormond.
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Favorite: Midwich. Despite the bad gameplay, I really like the creepy vibe it gives off.
Least Favorite: Hawkins. There's pallets around every corner, It's easy to get lost, and it just looks boring visually.
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I don't think I have a favorite map -- I've always liked playing the MacMillan and Autohaven maps, both as killer and survivor. They've always felt most fair from either side of the spectrum.
I like corn maps as a survivor for the same reason I hate them as a killer -- corn blindness, lol. I've lost count the number of times I've lost a killer simply by standing still in the corn. It's exceeded only by the number of times I've lost someone I'm chasing the same way.
But the map I hate above all others is Lery's, both as killer and survivor. Too many windows and doors as killer, too easy to get twisted around in there. As a survivor, other than he middle gen, it's hard to find generators half the time, and totem spawns can be downright nasty there at times. If I never saw a Lery's map again, I'd be thrilled.
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As a killer I love Lery, since I handle it very well as much as Myers and Ghostface, but as a survivor I do not like closed maps, since it gives me the feeling that the killer may be undetectable and I may be the first to be hung , certain insecurity to be in those maps.
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Fav: Lery's. I just always seem to do okay there.
Hate: the Game. I never seem to win on that map.
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My favorite has gotta be Badham Preschool. It's an overall balanced map with safe areas that aren't ridiculous for the killer to handle. Midwich Elementary School would probably be my favorite if the gameplay wasn't so disorienting. It is the creepiest map in the game imo, and I absolutely love that. Other maps I like are Coal Tower, Ironworks of Misery, Father Campbell's Chapel, Dead Dawg Saloon, Lery's, Torment Creek, and Temple of Purgation.
I have a lot of maps I completely despise including: Haddonfield, Hawkins, Disturbed Ward, Rotten Fields, Shelter Woods, Grim Pantry, and Disturbed Ward.
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Favorite - Dead Dawg Saloon. Super excited any time I see it.
Least favorite - The Game as survivor and Mother's Dwelling or Haddonfield as killer.
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There are several maps i dont like, mainly the indoor ones, such as Lery's; cut the upper half of it and it is decent.
Honestly any of them could be fine, just keep midwich and lab away from me.
Every time i get those, my fingers are getting itchy on the "leave match" button.
A map banning system would be awesome, but i would ask too much, i guess. Offerings that could deny one specific map would be also cool, instead of the four blueprint offerings...those ones are...more situational than practical.
Sacrificial ward is a nice start, but even with hunting map offerings on the bloodweb, it is impossible to completely avoid the unwanted realms.
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Favorite: Midwich, i love the atmosphere of the map.
Least favorite: the swamp, that map is too ugly.
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Ok, this is gonna sound strange, but Midwich.
Yup, for both questions: Midwich. I love it. I hate it. It’s fun. it’s frustrating. It’s Midwich!
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Favorite: Midwich Elementary School. It has a "creepy vibe" that other maps do not have.
Least Favorite: Grim Pantry. I don't even need to explain.
Edit: Forgot to mention Yamaoka. Family Residence and Sanctum of Wrath are terrible for me.
Post edited by GeneralV on1 -
favorite: Gideon, Ormond
worst: swamp, macmillian, autohaven
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I like the indoor maps and autohaven ones.
Dislike the preschools and the swamps.
Mostly the swamps though. They look awful, and there's still spots killers can't walk through. T_T
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For some reason I really really hate red forest as killer and survivor. As killer it's way too massive and has a lot of hiding spots and as survivor it feels so barren and empty
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Favorite: Lerys, looks great, 3 gen locks are rewarding for killers but there's enough pallets and windows to give survivors a possibility of winning
Least Favourite: All of the Corn Maps: Rotten Fields is boring and is just a "look through the bushes and pray" simulator, Fractured Cowshed is still absolutely way too safe, Rancid Abettor is the only one of the three i would consider liking and that's because i don't get it very often, it's a shame they aren't getting updated yet but god i hope it's soon
Edit: Forgot Thompson House, well, it's also boring, the middle is just a massive corn field with no loops, you go there as a survivor you will be hit
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My favorite map is definitely Lery's Memorial. The atmosphere is the best thing about it, but the layout of the map itself is second to none. I also love Haddonfield and Midwich.
As for least favorite, I am sick and tired of ending up in Autohaven. It's ugly and bland. It was one of the earliest maps and believe me, it shows.
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I honestly just do not like the indoor maps regardless of which side I'm playing.
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Favorite - Midwich for the atmosphere and it's over all design. It looks like what it's supposed to be - part of a school. Dead Dawg comes in a close second for the same reason. It looks like a town and there's not just random pieces of a buildings and an odd ball window sitting out in the middle of no where for no reason.
Least favorite - The Game. I get lost way too easy on that map and can never find the damn generators.
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With Purgation temple, there's that whole lower level of the temple with pallets etc and I've not once ever had a game centered around the lower level. On rare occasion you catch a survivor on the lower level gen he's running right back up the stairs and outside. Then when the basement is off that lower level it's largely inaccessible.
I feel some map designer felt the lower level of the temple would get some play but it's largely dead space.
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I despise all indoor maps, but hate hate hate Lery's with a passion, in either role. I love how it looks, but yeah it really needs to crawl into a bush and die please. Can't find anything anywhere, and the frames are always the drizzlin shytz...
For some dang reason I really like the swamp maps and do well on them in both roles. I sorta miss when they were twice the size they are now even.
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My favorite. Haddiesfield but only if I am playing Trapper. If I block the roof tops those traps cannot be disarmed without stepping in them.
My least favorite. Lerys. I have a hard time finding gens or totems on that map. It's also a play ground for stealth killers.
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The best because is a fun map but difficult Gideon, the worst because is very plane and boring New autoheven
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I hate the indoor maps, they look cool but you get lost too easy on them without aura perks.