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Actually nerf BBQ

I have seen soooo many posts about BBQ being too strong.

It isnt.

But thats not the point of this post.

The point is this:

If you actually nerf BBQ to a point it isnt played that much, survivors will go crazy.


because it will be replaced with a good perk, a better one. There are plenty of perks that are better then BBQ

+ It actually encourages a non camping playstyle.

So what happens if BBQ falls out of killers most played perks?

You will get camped more often.

You will die more often

So please nerf it. It will backfire :)

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  • Member Posts: 3,171

    I was just talking to my partner the other day about how I can't wait to finish my Killers so I can replace that perk with something stronger it actually weakens my builds.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    When I play survivor I have no issues with bbq. Besides there are multiple counters like hiding behind a gen, lockers and even just getting within 40m of the hook. You even have perks to hide your aura so I doubt it will be nerfed with all this to deal with going against it.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    The only issue I have with BBQ is how whoever I am grouped with never use the counters against it. It just makes me hate survivors more than it does killers.

    If the developers do lose their minds and nerf it, I really think killers would either quit out of spite or choose to just camp the first hook much more often out of spite.

  • Member Posts: 205

    People think BBQ needs nerfing? I've just been using it for the bloodpoints...

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    I haven't seen any posts about BBQ needing nerfing other than that one thread that was dumb and died... because it was dumb.

    I've seen 4 threads of people adamantly defending how fair BBQ is for some odd reason however.

  • Member Posts: 444

    I only use its aura when its 2 people left, even then I usually forget about it and just place traps,break gens etc during those 4 seconds anyway..... there's so many better perks people could use the reason its used is cause of its 100% more bloodpoints same reason WGLF for survivors, I've only managed to use it for its healing abilites was maybe 7games out of 100, 200% healing speed after unhooking that was an epic game let me pick up 3 people but not worth it tbh

  • Member Posts: 74

    Why is it such a killer crutch? Just take it away for a patch cycle. See what happens. Sure there will be grief campers who will get gen down. Sorry but seems like a very viable perk. Hook one, know where others are. The bonus points claim is flimsy. It’s discussed a lot and it sure as heck shows up a LOT....

  • Member Posts: 887

    Nah, I still want my BP. :-p

    Admittedly, the calls for nerfs to BBQ are ridiculous. Clearly made by people that are new to the game that don't know any better.

  • Member Posts: 638

    People are wanting bbq nerfed? Like, truly?

    Just remove Killers at this point. Throw the whole game away.

  • Member Posts: 868

    I have 4.000 hours and I saw b&c in almost 90% of matches. It’s with undying, ruin and tinkerer the meta perk. The other one is pgtw. Yes, I know killers say they only use it for the bps, but I use kindred and I can tell you perhaps in 1/50 matches the killer didn’t see anyone. And as I said so many times, it shouldn’t show the aura of survs in dying state.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    I swear you are absolutely oblivious to the grind which is why killers even ones that can't use it efficiently like Trapper or Plague run BBQ for the Blood points. You haven't responded to my evidence showing BBQ isn't OP. Must've realized you're wrong. And sorry you aren't good enough to somehow do the 4 counters to BBQ. By your logic we need to take away Decisive Strike because it's used so much.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    I said in another thread but here we go again. BBQ is not OP, it is overused due to how grindy the game is. If the extra BP tokens were tied to Monstrous Shrine killers would use it instead, just like survivors used WGLF when it had no extra benefits besides BP.

    Until this issue is fixed, BBQ will continue being used by 80% of the killers. IMHO, allow players to sell items back to the entity at 50% rate.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Did you read the discussion? The OP is saying that it isn't overpowered and it encourages anti-camping.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    Yep, and I agree with him. BBQ tracking provides a healthy playstyle for both sides and by no means its effects are OP in match. What I am saying is that if BBQ had no extra BP tokens attached, it would not enjoy its current usage.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Every Killer running BBQ should immediately swap to NOED. :P

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    edit should learn to read posts before I respond, assumed it was another demand to nerf something lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    lol if that happened I would load up on wraith for rift xp and take every swf lobby I suspected, maybe even look for some, hoping for at least one party streamer just to dc right as soon as the map fully loaded just to waste their streamer lmfao. I would rotate back and forth between steam and psn while watching tv to work around the dc timers until they got long enough to call it a day and try again in 24 hours until it came time to skip a day and let it reset early. they're killing their own game with their entitlements.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107
    edited January 2021

    Half the reason survivors get a lot of progress early game is because the killer uses bbq to find someone worth chasing or will chase the unhooker with a unsafe unhook because the stack from their hook is worth more than rehooking the survivor who got unhooked

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503
    edited January 2021

    I would never condone this. Also, you'd have to give it a minute or so before disconnecting, because if you do it too quickly I think it counts as "match canceled" and will give them back their offering. I've had the game "match canceled" me after cleansing a totem and going on to start a gen.

    Here's the thread:

    It's not the first time this has been suggested, just the most recent.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    yeah that's usually because somebody lost connection or force dropped during loading, most likely during the offerings and it just took a while for it to catch up on the server. One match I killed a seemingly afk claudette, walked her to a hook, and as soon as she was hooked it caught up and cancelled the game lol. It doesn't seem to happen to me often though, but it's usually when somebody already got dropped during the loading. Since I play survivor now I usually seem to have it happen and show a dc icon next tot he killer's names. Probably didn't like something they saw in the lobby, like 3 pc players or something, or their spidey-sense was tingling all of a sudden. Or their pet tripped over their cords or ate them who knows. internet. internet. internet.

    About the other thing, I was mostly joking as that would be a total waste of the time I could spend on a different game. But for those that would actually do it at least it would be providing a killer or a lobby rather than having them sitting in queue all night waiting for one which is what would eventually happen if enough killers got the memo off that sort of biased change in offerings and finally cut the cord with the game.

    Usually even when I killed people when I saw a lot of bp stuff, I'd try to long chase and hit a lot and tried to let everybody get points btw when I was killer on my steam account. I did that a lot with the cakes thing earlier in the year especially. Even when people died they got at least 15k iirc. As long as they weren't lugging toolboxes and trying to get out asap or trying to troll me anyways. the teams that were deliberately trying to annoy me and give me a rough time got slugged and the last couple or few guys camped or slug camped since those behaviors some groups do are annoying as hell and don't deserve to be rewarded.

  • Member Posts: 229

    bbq helps a lot where to go after a hook and not waste time searching survivors but you can make a mistake following a survivor who is not doing anything while hiding the one who is about to finish an engine

  • Member Posts: 74

    Dude, it’s obvious when someone has it the first time they use it. Get into a locker when they pickup the survivor and it does nothing. At any rank above 8 it’s good for 1 or 2 uses then everyone that isn’t braindead clues in.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Newsflash, Kindred counters BBQ if you are so worried about it, along with lockers and other things that don't take up perk slots but you know NERRRRFFFFF rofl. I swear people who cry out over BBQ play the game like 30 min a week.

  • Member Posts: 156

    The people in general who cry out to the nerfing of a perfectly healthy game promoting perk. Not you as I noticed you had a very well stated and presented messaged.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    We all know that Object is "fine", right? Because those stats tell the Devs it is.Those same stats which include the Object DCing or dying on their first hook because they got found first or couldn't bully the killer....

  • Member Posts: 69

    The last thing we need is for more "good" killer perks to be nerfed, they need to think of the other side as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    it isn't OP because the view of auras are for 4 seconds and after that you don't know what is going on only a general area. the blood points are why most killers run bbq. I use it for the points and if i remember to look I might get an idea to go some where or stay where I am, the only possible op aspect is to know where three others are but if they are close by and i see nothing I have to decide did they all get into a locker or are they close by for the save? have to take a chance..... so no it isn't really op because it doesn't tell me where the survivors are, it gives a bit of info if i actually look. op? yea right. Object is so much more OP than bbq.... why? you can get 100% visual of where the killer is even when the killer isn't looking at you!

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    How does Kindred counter BBQ?

    BTW, if Distortion was buffed to unlimited then I would think BBQ would have a fair counter for aura reads and I would be totally OK for BBQ. As it stands, the aura reads are simply too helpful and tells Killers where to go instead of actually doing the job of hunting. It is called Effort. This perk is unfair on Freddy with slowgen perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    It can be helpful but I generally only use BBQ for bloodpoints (if I have it), but it's not a necessity.

  • Member Posts: 640

    Anyone who complains about BBQ are probably newer players.

  • Member Posts: 100

    I'll give you a reason WHY its a GOOD perk and WHY its a bad perk. Let's start with the bad. Idc if you a survivor is sitting in the corner of the map. Cool do you. Its pointless because I already know where survivors are. They are either near or at gens. I slug for the 4k so I dont need it to find them at the end. Now for why its a good perk. Blood points baby. Blood points are literally the only reason I use it. I actually do better without bbq in my load out because I replace it with a good perk but I like bloodpoints so I keep it on.

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